Residential greenness and pollen exposure across gestational trimesters in relation to preschool wheezing : results for the PIPO birth cohort
Environmental research - ISSN 0013-9351-267 (2025) p. 1-9
Air pollution and bronchiolitis : a case-control study in Antwerp, Belgium
European journal of pediatrics - ISSN 1432-1076-183 (2024) p. 2431-2442
The impact of ambient temperature and air pollution on SARS-CoV2 infection and Post COVID-19 condition in Belgium (2021–2022)
Environmental research - ISSN 0013-9351-246 (2024) p. 1-9
The effect of the Flemish breast cancer screening program on breast cancer-specific mortality : a case-referent study
Cancer epidemiology - ISSN 1877-7821-82 (2023) p. 1-7
Higher proportion of agricultural land use around the residence is associated with higher urinary concentrations of AMPA, a glyphosate metabolite
International journal of hygiene and environmental health - ISSN 1438-4639-246 (2022) p. 1-8