Involving service users in social work education, research and policy : a comparative European analysis
Bristol, Policy Press, 2023,247 p.
Inbedding van ervaringskennis in sociaal-agogische en zorgopleidingen : kansen en uitdagingen
Journal of social intervention : theory and practice - ISSN 1876-8830-32:4 (2023) p. 102-117
Development of a toolkit to improve interprofessional collaboration and integration in primary care using qualitative interviews and co-design workshops
Frontiers in Public Health - ISSN 2296-2565-11 (2023) p. 1-21
Werken met mensen die (langdurig) in armoede leven
De brede basis van het sociaal werk : grondslagen, methoden en praktijken / Spierts, M. [edit.]; et al.-p. 157-170
Service users as tandem partners in social work education
Involving service users in social work education, research and policy : a comparative European analysis / Driessens, K. [edit.]; Lyssens-Danneboom, V. [edit.]-p. 35-48