'To teach or not to teach?' : an exploration of the career choices of educational professionals
Teachers and teaching: theory and practice - ISSN 1354-0602-29:7-8 (2023) p. 788-820
'To teach or not to teach' : een exploratie van de loopbaankeuzes van onderwijsprofessionals
Verschillen in onderwijs : streven naar excellentie en gelijke onderwijskansen / Devos, G. [edit.]; Tuytens, M. [edit.]-p. 209-234
Sorting pupils into their next educational track : how strongly do teachers rely on data-based or intuitive processes when they make the transition decision?
Studies in educational evaluation - ISSN 0191-491X-69 (2021) p.
Lerende netwerken leiden : theoretisch kader en perspectieven van schoolleiders doorheen Europa
Brno, Masaryk University, 2020,100 p.
Leading learning networks in education : theoretical framework and school leaders' perspectives across Europe
Brno, Masaryk University Press, 2020,99 p.