To rule or not to rule? An experimental study of the electoral ramifications of claims to (not) rule with radical right populist parties
Party politics - ISSN 1354-0688- (2024) p.
Favoring ingroups, derogating from outgroups : how populist parties in Belgium polarize on social media
Acta politica : international journal of political science - ISSN 0001-6810- (2024) p.
The angry voter? The role of emotions in voting for the radical left and right at the 2019 Belgian elections
International political science review - ISSN 0192-5121- (2024) p.
How do mainstream parties justify their (un)willingness to rule with populist parties? Evidence from Twitter data
Government and opposition: a quarterly international journal of comparative politics - ISSN 0017-257X-59:1 (2024) p. 47-72
Who's afraid of terror news? The interplay between news consumption patterns, personal experiences and fear of terrorism
Mass communication & society - ISSN 1520-5436-26:3 (2023) p. 486-508