Research team
Translating the news: an ethnographically supported linguistic pragmatic study of the role and nature of translation in the Flemish newsroom.
Journalists often say that they do not 'translate' foreign news; they produce new(s) stories. Research has shown that they actually do translate sometimes, rather than simply base their own writing on sources in other languages. By analyzing the correspondences and differences between a set of news articles (newspapers, news websites) and a set of (foreign language) press releases and news wires on which these articles are based, by conducting interviews with journalists and by means of participant observation in Flemish newsrooms, we want to shed light on the role and the nature of translation within the newsroom.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Verschueren Jef
- Co-principal investigator: Van Vaerenbergh Leona
- Co-promoter: Van Vaerenbergh Leona
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
From press release to news report: what's translating got to do with it?
What's translation got to do with it? Journalists often say that they do not 'translate' foreign news; they produce new(s) stories. Prior research has shown that journalists actually do have to translate sometimes, even though they are not always trained to do so. By looking at the differences between a set of news articles (news papers, news websites) and a set of foreign language press releases on which these articles are based, we want to shed light upon the role and the nature of translation within the newsroom.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Verschueren Jef
- Co-principal investigator: Van Vaerenbergh Leona
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
A Safer Internet: (Semi)automatically Recognizing Internet Paedophilia in Multilingual Online Social Networks.
In this project we on the one hand propose a methodology to (semi)automate the manual control of peer-to-peer networks and on the other hand a methodology for the automatic extraction and analysis of stylistic characteristics (associated to personality, age group and deceptive language usage) which we want to apply to both individual internet paedophiles and groups of paedophiles in chat rooms.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Daelemans Walter
- Co-promoter: Van Vaerenbergh Leona
- Fellow: Peersman Claudia
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project