Research team


- in vitro expression of hemo-proteins in E. coli - protein purification and characterisation - protein sequencing - molecular biological techniques (PCR, cloning, hybridisation, celculture etc).

Ion mobility high resolution mass spectrometer: a strong tool for fragile structures. 22/07/2010 - 21/07/2015


This project has two general objectives: (1) Increase the research potential of the UA by introduction of new state of the art techniques for the analysis of fragile molecular structures by using the novel ion mobility capabilities that have recently been integrated with high-mass high-resolution Q-TOF mass spetrometry ("Synapt", waters). (2) Maintain the current capacity to obtain Q-TOF data by replacing an existing system.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    A structural and functional study of new microbial and nematode globins. 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012


    This is a fundamental research project financed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). The project was subsidized after selection by the FWO-expert panel.


    Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      High performance LC-tandem mass spectrometry as necessary equipment for strategic research elucidation of chemical biomolecules and quantitative determination of medicines, metabolites and biomolecules in biological matrices. 19/12/2008 - 18/12/2013


      This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.


      Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      Development of a vaccine against Ascaris suum in pigs. 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2011


      The main objective of this proposed project is the development of an Ascaris vaccine that induces a pre-hepatic barrier. Therefore, a new screening method will be developed using intestinal ASCs from the Peyers' patch region from naturally immunised animals to identify larval antigens important in the development of an intestinal immunity.


      Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Study of the structure and function of new members of the globin superfamily. 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2009



        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Oxygen sensing and the origin of the globin superfamily. 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009


          O2-sensing is an essential function for all living organisms. One mechanism of O2- sensing is the use of globin-coupled sensors. Potential O2-sensors originating from bacteria, Caenorhabditis elegans and vertebrates (neuro- and cytoglobin) will be studied. The kinetics of ligand binding, the conformational changes and the 3D structure, as well as potential binding partners of these sensors will be studied.


          • Promoter: Moens Luc
          • Co-promoter: Dewilde Sylvia

          Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Structure analysis of proteins by means of spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy. 01/10/2005 - 30/09/2009


            This project focusses on the structure and structure-function determination of (i) cardial hERG PAS domain, (ii) the KChip subunits that influence ion channels and (iii) globin-coupled sensors that have been related to oxygen-sensing. The analyses will be done using advanced electron paramagnetic resonance techniques.


            Research team(s)

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              Support maintenance scientific equipment (PPES). 01/01/2005 - 31/12/2023



              Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                An integrated Fourier- Transform mass spectrometer (FTMS). 01/12/2004 - 30/11/2007



                • Promoter: Esmans Edgard
                • Co-promoter: Moens Luc
                • Co-promoter: Van Onckelen Harry

                Research team(s)

                  Project type(s)

                  • Research Project

                  Organisation congres :"New frontiers in Heme and Heme-Protein Research". 01/04/2004 - 31/12/2004



                  Research team(s)

                    Project type(s)

                    • Research Project

                    Transgenesis of neuroglobin, a potential neuroprotective protein, potential neuroprotective proteins. 01/02/2004 - 30/09/2004


                    Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a newly discovered member of the globin superfamily of the vertebrates which is primary expressed in neurons. Preliminary studies indicate an upregulation of Ngb under hypoxic circumstances and suggest role for Ngb in celsurvival under hypoxia. To identify and study the function of Ngb we will modify the Ngb expressionlevel in vitro in a neuronal cell line and in vivo in a mouse model. This will be done by a combination of celbiological and transgenetic technique. Overexpression in the neuronal cell line will be done by transfection with a Ngb containing pcDNA3.1 plasmid and reduction of Ngb expression will be done with transfection with Ngb antisense mRNA. The modulation of the expression level will be confirmed with Western blot and real time PCR. A transgenic mouse model will be made with the ES technology. Both the in vivo and in vitro models will be brought under hypoxia and the effect on celsurvival and the functional neurological outcome will be studied.


                    Research team(s)

                      Project type(s)

                      • Research Project

                      Hypoxia and the role of nerve-globins. 01/01/2004 - 31/12/2007



                      • Promoter: Moens Luc
                      • Co-promoter: Dewilde Sylvia

                      Research team(s)

                        Project type(s)

                        • Research Project

                        Nerveglobins and the survival of the neuron upon hypoxia. 01/10/2003 - 30/09/2006



                        Research team(s)

                          Project type(s)

                          • Research Project

                          Brain hypoxia : a proteomic anlysis approach. 01/10/2003 - 30/09/2004


                          Although hypoxia-related disorders (stroke, heart attack, ') count for a substantial amount of the mortality rate in western society, the underlying pathophysiology is still obscure. Until now there are only a few hypoxia-inducible proteins characterized that help to counteract the adverse effects of hypoxic/ ischemic injury and determine the fate of cells. Identifying proteins that are differentially expressed in hypoxic and non-hypoxic brain could help illuminate pathophysiology and provide novel therapeutic targets in cerebral ischemia. To that end the response of in vitro and in vivo neuronal models to oxygen depletion will be studied at protein and RNA level, by use of two-dimensional electrophoresis and microarray analysis. The results of both techniques will be compared in order to get a complete and correct list of proteins/ genes that are involved in the cellular adaptation to cerebral hypoxia.


                          Research team(s)

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            A multidisciplinary study of oxygen-related stress phenomena, using advanced proteome analyses. 01/01/2003 - 31/12/2006



                            • Promoter: Esmans Edgard
                            • Co-promoter: De Broe Marc
                            • Co-promoter: De Coen Wim
                            • Co-promoter: Moens Luc
                            • Co-promoter: Van Onckelen Harry

                            Research team(s)

                              Project type(s)

                              • Research Project

                              Neuroglobin and the survival of the neuron (NEUROGLOBIN). 01/10/2002 - 30/09/2005



                              Research team(s)

                                Project type(s)

                                • Research Project

                                Study of the structure and function of neuro- and cytoglobins, new members of the globin superfamily. 01/01/2002 - 31/12/2005


                                Neuro- and cytoglobins are new members of the globin superfamily in vertebrates. Their 3D structure, kinetics, expression, subcellular localisation, ontogeny and function will be studied by a combination of molecular biology and protein chemical techniques.


                                • Promoter: Moens Luc
                                • Co-promoter: Dewilde Sylvia

                                Research team(s)

                                  Project type(s)

                                  • Research Project

                                  A structural and functional study of mice and men neuroglobin. 01/10/2001 - 30/09/2002



                                  Research team(s)

                                    Project type(s)

                                    • Research Project

                                    01/01/2001 - 31/12/2001



                                    Research team(s)

                                      Project type(s)

                                      • Research Project

                                      The potential role of histone deacetylases in carcinogenesis. 01/10/2000 - 31/12/2004



                                      Research team(s)

                                        Project type(s)

                                        • Research Project

                                        01/03/2000 - 28/02/2002



                                        Research team(s)

                                          Project type(s)

                                          • Research Project

                                          01/03/2000 - 28/02/2002



                                          Research team(s)

                                            Project type(s)

                                            • Research Project

                                            A structural and functional study of non-vertebrate hemoglobine. 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2003


                                            Objectives of the project are : (1) to elucidate the role of non-vertebrate Hbs in the metabolism of NO (2) to elucidate the role of tyrosine at positions B10 and E7 of the Hb molecule on the kinetics of ligand binding (3) to elucidate the structural characteristics of a naturally occuring minimal hemoglobin.


                                            Research team(s)

                                              Project type(s)

                                              • Research Project

                                              20/12/1999 - 21/12/2002



                                              Research team(s)

                                                Project type(s)

                                                • Research Project

                                                A structural and functional study of non-vertebrate hemoglobine. 01/10/1999 - 30/09/2003


                                                Objectives of the project are : (1) to elucidate the role of non-vertebrate Hbs in the metabolism of NO (2) to elucidate the role of tyrosine at positions B10 and E7 of the Hb molecule on the kinetics of ligand binding (3) to elucidate the structural characteristics of a naturally occuring minimal hemoglobin.


                                                Research team(s)

                                                  Project type(s)

                                                  • Research Project

                                                  Study of structure, function and evolution of non-vertebrate globines and their encoding genes. Exchange with France (Prof. Marden) in the framework of Tournesol 1999. 01/03/1999 - 31/12/2000


                                                  Globines will be purified, and their resp. structure and the structure of the encoding gene will be defined, as well as their affinity tot oxygen. The functional characteristics will be correlated to the structure and evolution.


                                                  Research team(s)

                                                    Project type(s)

                                                    • Research Project

                                                    Analysis by two dimensional electrophoresis of brain tissue of transgenic mice, possible models for Alzheimer disease. 01/01/1998 - 31/12/2003


                                                    Brain tissue of mice, transgenic for proteins, potentialy involved in Alzheimer disease, will be studied by quantitative and qualitative two dimensional electrophoresis.


                                                    Research team(s)

                                                      Project type(s)

                                                      • Research Project

                                                      Molecular phylogeny of invertebrates. 01/01/1998 - 31/12/1999


                                                      The aim of the proposal is to coordinate and to promote research in the area of molecular evolution and phylogenetics. The applicant research teams will pursue own objectives, but they will also share specific expertise. As the same molecular objects will be studied by collaborating teams in separate taxa, data will be obtained from several locations.


                                                      • Promoter: Moens Luc
                                                      • Co-promoter: De Wachter Rupert

                                                      Research team(s)

                                                        Project type(s)

                                                        • Research Project

                                                        Analysis by two dimensional electrophoresis of brain tissue of transgenic mice, possible models for Alzheimer disease. 01/01/1998 - 31/12/1999


                                                        Brain tissue of mice, transgenic for proteins, potentialy involved in Alzheimer disease, will be studied by quantitative and qualitative two dimensional electrophoresis.


                                                        Research team(s)

                                                          Project type(s)

                                                          • Research Project

                                                          Structure and dynamics of proteins. 01/01/1998 - 31/12/1998


                                                          The structure of the globins and globin genes of several organisms living in the hydrothermal vent ecosystems will be studied.


                                                          Research team(s)

                                                            Project type(s)

                                                            • Research Project

                                                            Study of globins and globin genes of nonvertebrates. 01/11/1997 - 30/10/1999


                                                            Nonvertebrate globines will be purified and their primary structure as well as their physiological properties determined. The relationship between structure and function will be made. The exon/intron pattern of the globin genes will be determined and based on this the evolution of the globin gene family reconstructed.


                                                            Research team(s)

                                                              Project type(s)

                                                              • Research Project

                                                              Signal transduction pathways of integrins. 01/10/1997 - 30/09/2001


                                                              My project is focused on understanding the signal transduction pathways used by integrins. The integrins are a family of receptors that localise on the surface of the cell in the membrane. Integrins link cytoskeleton structures in the cell with the extracellular matrix outside the cell. This makes communication possible between the cell and its environment. In contrast to receptor tyrosine kinases, integrins have no intrinsic catalytical activity but integrins can recrute signaling molecules like Focal Adhesion Kinase that are enzymatically active. FAK is a non- receptor tyrosine kinase that is functionally and spatially coupled to integrins. FAK possesses a central catalytical domain and a amino- and carboxy-terminal domain. FAK is upregulated in metastatic cells compared to cells in non-invasive tumors. FAK also interacts with other signaling molecules including Src, paxillin, Cas and Grb2. Fak regulates the formation and the degradation of focal adhesions. Focal adhesions are cytoskeletal structures which are important in the process of cell spreading and adhesion to extracellular matrix. In addition FAK functions in signal transduction cascades regulating gene expression, growth, proliferation and FAK also plays a role in regulating apoptosis. The carboxyterminal domain of FAK is also expressed as a separate protein, named Fak- Related Non-Kinase ('FRNK'). FRNK works as an inhibitor of FAK when it is overexpressed : by temporary blocking the formation of focal adhesions; by delaying cellspreading; by reducing phosphorylation of Paxillin and FAK. The inhibitory effect of FRNK is rescued by overexpression of FAK. This suggest that FAK and FRNK compete for a common bindingprotein(s) which is necessary for signaling through FAK. The goal of my project is to identify this putative binding protein.


                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                • Research Project

                                                                Rationalisation of stage determination in sleeping sichness. 01/01/1997 - 31/12/1998


                                                                Parameters will be determined for the rationalisation of sleeping sichness.


                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                  Study of bacteriological behaviour of gelatin during the production proces of Capsugel's hard gelatin capsules. 01/01/1997 - 31/08/1998


                                                                  During gelatin capsule production bacterial growth can occur. The reason why this growth can occur and a method, intrensic to the gelatine, to avoid it will be studied.


                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                    Mass spectrometric structure determination of biomolecules. Analytical developments and bio-analytical applications. 01/01/1997 - 31/12/1997


                                                                    Mass spectral methodology will be developed for the structural analysis of nucleotides, oligonucleotides, peptides and proteins. The methodology involves the combined use of ionization by electrospray or fast atom bombardment, collisionally induced dissociation and tandem mass spectrometry.


                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                      Globins and globin genes of nonvertebrates. 01/10/1996 - 30/09/1997


                                                                      The primary structure of globins will be determined at the protein and cDNA level. By a comparative approach, the structure/function relationship of this molecules will be studied. The intron insertion position of this globin genes will be studied in view of the "intron early" and "intron late" debate.


                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                        Mass spectrometric structure determination of biomolecules. Analytical developments and bio-analytical applications. 01/01/1996 - 31/12/1996


                                                                        Mass spectral methodology will be developed for the structural analysis of nucleotides, oligonucleotides, peptides and proteins. The methodology involves the combined use of ionization by electrospray or fast atom bombardment, collisionally induced dissociation and tandem mass spectrometry.


                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                          • Research Project

                                                                          Evaluation and characterization of an experimenteel system in AD. 01/12/1995 - 30/11/1997


                                                                          By hyperstimulation apoptosis can be induced into a neuronal celline. During this proces Alzheimer specific epitopes are expressed. By two dimentional electrophoresis the protein pattern of control and stimulated cells is studied. Using the same approach the comparison of the protein pattern of cerebro spinal fluid of control and Alzheimer patients will be studied. Both systems will be compared.


                                                                          Research team(s)

                                                                            Project type(s)

                                                                            • Research Project

                                                                            Globin gene structure: a model for intron evolution. 01/10/1995 - 30/09/1996


                                                                            The structure of the globins and globin genes of primitive eukaryotes, especially trematodes, will be determined. The intron insertion positions will be compared with this in other globin genes in order to reconstruct the intron evolution.


                                                                            Research team(s)

                                                                              Project type(s)

                                                                              • Research Project

                                                                              Structure and dynamics of proteins. 01/01/1995 - 31/12/1999


                                                                              Folding and structure/function relationship in proteins will be studied by different approaches as deteYmination of the primary and tertiary structure and ab initio prediction and modelling.


                                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                                • Research Project

                                                                                Regulation of cel functions by reversible phosphorylation of proteins. 01/01/1995 - 31/12/1999


                                                                                Major cellfunctions as signal transduction are regulated by reversihle phosphorylation of proteins involved. Different examples of the process on itself as well as the kinases and phosphatases involved will be studied.


                                                                                • Promoter: Moens Luc
                                                                                • Co-promoter: Slegers Herman

                                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                                  Automatic protein sequencing at the picomole level. 01/01/1995 - 31/12/1996


                                                                                  Automatic protein sequencing at the picomole level is organised as a core facility. Major applications are the identification of unknown proteins based on partial sequence data and the generation of sequence info for oligonucleotide construction.


                                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                                    Characterization of astrocyt growth - and differentiation factors and their receptors. "In vitro" cell cultures as model system. 01/01/1995 - 31/12/1995


                                                                                    Rat C6 glioma is used as a model for the study of proliferation and differentiation factors secreted by astrocytes. The factors are isolated from conditioned media produced with and without dcbAMP induced differentiation. Proliferation factors for fibroblasts, endothelial cells and astrocytes as well as differentiation factors for astrocytes will be characterized. The receptors of these factors will be identified.


                                                                                    • Promoter: Slegers Herman
                                                                                    • Co-promoter: Clauwaert Julius
                                                                                    • Co-promoter: Moens Luc

                                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                                      Molecular phylogeny of invertebrates. 01/01/1994 - 31/12/1997


                                                                                      The aim of the proposal is to coordinate and to promote research in the area of molecular evolution and phylogenetics. The applicant research teams will pursue own objectives, but they will also share specific expertise. As the same molecular objects will be studied by collaborating teams in separate taxa, data will be obtained from several locations.


                                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                                        Molecular dynamics of accumulation elimination of heavy metals of marine organisms of the North Sea. 01/01/1993 - 31/03/1997


                                                                                        Two dimensional electrophoreses will be used to separate proteins of organisms experimentally loaded with radio active heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Hg). Metal binding proteins will be detected by autoradiography and identified by microsequencing and database search.


                                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                                          • Research Project

                                                                                          Molecular cellbiology of neurons in distress. 01/05/1992 - 31/08/1999


                                                                                          Primary cultures or immortalized cellines of mass neurons, astrocytes and microglia are used as modelsystems. Agression are used by elevated potassium, oxidative uncouplers or anoxia. The cellular response is studied at the level of kinase activation, heat shock proteins and paired helical filament expression and toxicity.


                                                                                          Research team(s)

                                                                                            Project type(s)

                                                                                            • Research Project

                                                                                            01/10/1991 - 30/09/1992



                                                                                            Research team(s)

                                                                                              Project type(s)

                                                                                              • Research Project

                                                                                              Characterization of astrocyt growth - and differentiation factors ì and their receptors. "In vitro" cell cultures as model system.ì 01/01/1991 - 31/12/1994


                                                                                              Rat C6 glioma is used as a model for the study of proliferation and differentiation factors secreted by astrocytes. The factors are isolated from conditioned media produced with and without dcbAMP induced differentiation. Proliferation factors for fibroblasts, endothelial cells and astrocytes as well as differentiation factors for astrocytes will be characterized. The receptors of these factors will be identified.


                                                                                              • Promoter: Slegers Herman
                                                                                              • Co-promoter: Clauwaert Julius
                                                                                              • Co-promoter: Moens Luc

                                                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                                                • Research Project

                                                                                                Amino acid mirosequencing. 01/01/1991 - 31/12/1994


                                                                                                Automated amino acid micro sequencing is an essential tool in modern biochemistry. This technology is used in a variety of projects for : i) determination of total primary structures (globines, lipases) 2) generation of partial sequence data to be used for DNA probe synthesis, peptide synthesis or the identification of the protein concerned.


                                                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                                                  01/10/1989 - 30/09/1990



                                                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                                                    01/10/1989 - 30/09/1990



                                                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                                                      • Research Project