Moiré magnonics. 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2026


With conventional electronics almost reaching its physical limits, the search for beyond-silicon information technology has recently led to rapid advancements in magnonics - exploiting the use of magnetic spin-waves (magnons) to transmit, store and process information. Within the general quest for smaller and faster devices, current challenges in magnonics include scaling down to atomic limits and reaching switching speeds in the THz regime. In both respects, two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials offer opportune research directions. The recent experimental observation of spin-waves with THz frequencies in atomically-thin magnetic materials, combined with their increased sensitivity to external stimuli compared to bulk counterparts, make 2D materials a nearly ideal platform for magnonics by design. Regarding the latter, moiré stacking of 2D materials (with moiré pattern stemming from lattice mismatch or twist between them) is the latest explored avenue for tailoring the emergent functionalities. Imprinting the moiré pattern of interactions into the materials' magnetic behavior is expected to lead to a plethora of novel magnonic features, such as the spatial control of magnonic propagation, formation of magnonic crystals and filters, and highly nontrivial magnonic dispersions – that can be further tuned by external magnetic field, gating, and strain – all being the subject of this fundamental exploratory project and all relevant to further development of magnonic circuitry.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project