Auditory brainstem response thresholds and functional hearing : implications for cochlear implant candidacy
The international journal of audiology - ISSN 1499-2027- (2024) p. 1-10
IGF-1 mediated neuroprotective effects of olfactory-derived mesenchymal stem cells on auditory hair cells
Journal of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery - ISSN 1916-0216-53 (2024) p. 1-11
Sensorineural hearing loss negatively impacts cognition in older subjects with normal lateral semi-circular canal function
Audiology and neuro-otology - ISSN 1420-3030- (2024) p.
Cognitive changes up to 4 years after cochlear implantation in older adults : a prospective longitudinal study using the RBANS-H
Ear and hearing - ISSN 1538-4667- (2024) p. 1-10
Intracochlear auditory nerve monitoring and cochlear implantation after total resection of a vestibular schwannoma : case report
B-ENT - ISSN 2684-4907-20:1 (2024) p. 61-68