Exploring the role of green brand extensions and greenwashing in the fashion industry
Journal of global fashion marketing - ISSN 2093-2685-16:1 (2025) p. 32-46
Does a chatbot's location influence consumer attitude and intentions?
International journal of internet marketing and advertising - ISSN 1477-5212-20:3/4 (2024) p. 292-310
Subtitles in English-only TV commercials : are they still necessary or have they become superfluous?
Dutch journal of applied linguistics - ISSN 2211-7253-12 (2023) p. 1-18
Is it worth investing in an online fashion pop-up store?
Journal of global fashion marketing - ISSN 2093-2685-14:3 (2023) p. 279-293
The influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on guests' evaluations of hotel services
Current issues in tourism - ISSN 1368-3500-26:23 (2023) p. 3751-3756