Transforming a Conventional Tunnel into a Self-Cleaning and Air-Purifying Infrastructure : A Case Study
Concrete under Severe Conditions - Environment & Loading : proceedings of 10th International Conference (CONSEC24), Chennai, India, September 25-27, 2024- () p. 212-216
Low-carbon embodied, self-cleaning, and air-purifying building envelope components using TiO₂ photocatalysis, 3D printing, and recycling
Coatings - ISSN 2079-6412-14:9 (2024) p. 1-15
Conceptualizing structural permanencies
Conceptual design of Structures : connecting engineering and architecture / D'Acunto, P. [edit.]; et al.-p. 204-212
The simple, elegant flow of forces – on the collaboration of architects and engineers
Conceptual design of Structures : connecting engineering and architecture / D'Acunto, P. [edit.]; et al.-p. 54-61
Die Textur der Zeit. Neue Aarebrücke in Aarau
Werk, Bauen und Wohnen - ISSN 0257-9332-3 (2024) p. 55-59