Walter Hilton’s Confessions in 'De imagine peccati and Epistola de utilitate et prerogativis religionis'
Manuscript Culture and Medieval Devotional Traditions: Essays in Honour of Michael G. Sargent / Brown, Jennifer N. [edit.]; et al.-p. 200-221
Late medieval devotional compilations in England
Turnhout, Brepols, 2020,464 p.
Compilers’ Voices in Cambridge, University Library, Ii.6.40
Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England / Cré, Marleen [edit.]; et al.-p. 193-212
A Pystille Made to a Cristene Frende: a translation of Walter Hilton’s Epistola ad Quemdam Seculo Renunciare Volentem in a Northern Anthology (London, British Library, MS Additional 33971)
Revisiting the medieval North of England: interdisciplinary approaches / Auer, Anita [edit.]; et al.
Johannes de Reputissa de Fine Mundi: a translation into Middle English of the short Epitome of John of Rupescissa’s Vade mecum in tribulatione, an edition with commentary
The Vernacular Translations of John of Ripescissa’s Vade mecum in tribulatione / Lerner, Robert E. [edit.]; et al.