Research team


Mathea Simons is member of the research group Didactica. She has two main lines in her research agenda. On the one hand, she conducts research on (foreign) language education focusing on reading and fluency, especially for French and Spanish as a foreign language. On the other hand, she conducts research on teacher education and teacher professionalisation. A specific focus within this line is research on team teaching.

Language launch 01/12/2024 - 30/11/2026


Since the school year 2021-2022 school, all 5-year-old preschoolers in mainstream primary schools have to be screened annually to evaluate their academic listening skills in Dutch by means of the KOALA screening instrument. The screening helps school teams to identify preschoolers who need extra language support in order to safeguard their chances of being successful at school during the first years of primary education. The aim of this governmental policy measure is for schools to actively follow up the results of the screening with a sustainable, effective language integration program. There is little empirical evidence on how school teams carry out and follow up the screening. In this project, we aim to fill this gap through a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods, more specifically through a combination of (a) a case-oriented in-depth analysis in a purposive selection of schools that are known to experts as successful providers of language integration programmes, (b) survey research in a representative sample of Flemish primary schools, and (c) broad exploratory observation research in schools that are identified through latent class analysis based on this survey research. The survey study will be linked to the Flemish component of the IELS survey of 2025. The survey research investigates (1) the way schools organise and experience the KOALA screening, (2) the way in which the results of the KOALA screening result in joint deliberation and the design of concrete language trajectories, (3) the extent to which school team members feel competent to actively contribute to the implementation of the language trajectories, and (4) the needs for support they experience in this respect. The data collected are described in a report in which we also distinguish school types based on latent class analysis. These results are further explored through two waves of case-based in-depth analysis. The first wave of data collection runs for 14 months and allows us to conduct in-depth analysis not only of the actual approaches to language pathways in successful schools, but also of their impact on selected focus pupils. In a second wave, which is based on the survey results, we select schools that complement the analyses of wave 1. We distinguish two subgroups: on the one hand, schools that also seem to excel but that implement other practices or show a different profile (e.g. in terms of pupil composition) than schools from wave 1, and on the other hand, schools that report that in implementing the KOALA and/or shaping the language integration trajectories, they face many doubts or fail to be successful. For the latter group, we will identify which obstacles hinder the design and implementation of language integration trajectories and which support can help them overcome these obstacles. This study will lead to far-reaching insights into how primary schools in Flanders actually react to the governmental policy measure regarding the KOALA screening, and will provide schools and education support staff with concrete recommendations to design language integration trajectories more effectively.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Effective CLIL education in Flanders. Profiles of schools and students, perceived effects and preconditions. 01/01/2024 - 28/02/2025


What does an effective methodology for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) look like? To what extent does CLIL in Flemish secondary education meet these characteristics? And what can stakeholders do to support effective CLIL education? This study aspires to provide answers to these questions based on a mixed-methods approach and does so in three lines of inquiry: (1) a literature review (umbrella review) that identifies the characteristics of effective CLIL education; (2) a quantitative study in which a Flanders-wide survey on the one hand identifies profiles of schools that offer CLIL and students following CLIL (latent profile analysis), and on the other hand identifies perceived effects and determinant variables (structural equation modeling); and (3) an in-depth qualitative study that uses a delphi study to identify those characteristics of effective CLIL education as well as the preconditions for successful implementation in Flanders among a selection of schools (on the one hand schools that offer 'effective' CLIL education; on the other hand schools that have recently stopped offering CLIL). This study can provide valuable input to the actors involved in CLIL in Flanders. First, they gain an evidence-informed insight into the core elements that influence the effectiveness of CLIL education. Secondly, the results clarify to what extent Flemish CLIL education meets these characteristics of effectiveness, how these effects are experienced at different levels (pupils, teachers and school teams), and in this way policy makers can make data-based decisions. Thirdly, schools starting CLIL education can be supported by identifying essential prerequisites for successful implementation.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Exploring, STudying And Fostering Effects of Team Teaching on students and teachers. Moving beyond perception (ESTAFETT). 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


This research project aims to advance insight in the impact of team teaching, a collaborative teaching model in which two or more teachers collaborate to a certain extent in the planning, teaching and/or evaluation of a course. Despite its overall attractiveness, both in research and practice, there is scant empirical evidence with convincing data on team teaching's effectiveness to date. Considering the lacunae in the state-of-the-art and the clear call for evidence formulated by the field, the overall research objective of this project is to map the effects of team teaching on both students and teachers. To accomplish this objective, four research lines (RL) are proposed: (1) a large-scale cross- sectional survey study, (2) a video-based observation study, (3) a quasi- experimental study, and (4) an intervention study. These research lines will result in four evidence-based utilization products (UP): (1) a Flemish-wide professional learning community, (2) an online knowledge-based platform, (3) a professional development program, and (4) a white paper with policy recommendations on team teaching. On a methodological level, this project clearly distinguishes itself from the current state-of-the-art by conducting large-scale studies that move beyond perceptions, by including more direct measures and a quasi- experimental study. The current proposal will culminate in pioneering contributions to a more comprehensive theory on team teaching, and elevate empirical research on team teaching to the next level. The proposed utilization products tackle urgent needs formulated by the Flemish educational field in general, and a diverse and large group of already engaged stakeholders in particular. For this research project, a new and complementary expert consortium, consisting of two universities and two universities of applied sciences has been established.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Lessons in Reading. Effective Reading Instruction in Primary and Secondary Education in Flanders. 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2023


This project aims at a scientific analysis (vertical and horizontal) of the Reading at School projects. In a first step, we conduct a systematic meta-review of effective reading education, covering all phases of the process of learning to read as well as other important actors outside education (insofar as they have a direct link with education). At the same time, we describe in detail the projects related to reading at school. The extent to which these projects contain these insights is determined on the basis of the conclusions from the meta-review. Finally, we engage teachers who develop a practice-relevant inspiration guide through a professionalization process.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Research Language Integration Projects. 01/08/2020 - 30/06/2021


How can schools develop effective pathways for learners who have an insufficient command of the language of instruction? Schools need concrete tools and feasible practical examples that match the needs and context of primary and secondary education in Flanders. In this project, we develop a nuanced, systematic meta-review of the scientific literature, resulting in a scientific report on the one hand and a practice-oriented, paper and digitally accessible guide for the educational field on the other hand. For this practice guide, we work with a selection menu that meets the various contexts. Schools are urged to first fill in the process factors that are important for the effectiveness of the language pathways before determining structural choices. We also present a varied range of inspiring practical examples for nursery, primary and secondary education, each with sufficient detail to build on. We also visit and analyze a number of practical examples that meet the criteria resulting from the meta-review. To guarantee that the presented practical examples fit in well with the Flemish educational context, the preconditions are screened by means of a Delphi study together with actors from the professional field.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

It takes two to teach! The effects of team teaching models on experiences, learning patterns and learning outcomes in student teachers during field experiences. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2024


Within teacher education, field experiences are crucial in training future teachers. During these internships, student teachers are typically placed individually with a mentor. Since collaboration in schools gains importance (e.g. collegial visitation, co-teaching, learning communities), teacher education institutes show a growing interest in field experiences inspired by collaborative learning. Collaboration between student teachers has several benefits (e.g. enhanced communication skills). Therefore, a paired placement, during which two student teachers share a mentor, is suggested to be a good alternative for an individual placement. During paired placements, opportunities for team teaching, which refers to two or more teachers in some level of collaboration in the planning, delivery, and/or evaluation of a course, arise. Different team teaching models exist (e.g. assistant teaching, equal status model). However, research comparing these models is limited. Therefore, this project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effects of these models on student teachers' learning patterns and learning outcomes. In this way, the proposed research contributes to theory development on (dis)advantages of different team teaching models and to a comprehensive understanding of student teachers' learning in paired placements.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

The effect of multimedia hyperlinks in fiction on reading motivation and immersion in adolescent readers: An empirical study. 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2021


Adolescents' reading habits, particularly of literary texts, are the object of scientific and social concern. Due to the omnipresence of short, digital texts they would read fewer literary texts, be less motivated to do so, and consequently underperform. Especially young adolescents are characterized by a drop in reading motivation. However, reading promoters point out the new possibilities of digital literary texts, such as hypermedia fiction. Hypermedia fiction offers the possibility to read literary texts on tablet, enriched with hyperlinks to supportive or comprehensive information. Hypermedia fiction could address a specific reading audience, particularly young, reluctant readers. In view of its recent character, research on hypermedia fiction is rather scarce and consequently the scientific and societal question whether hypermedia fiction can enhance reading motivation and story world immersion has not yet been answered. This project aims to fill that void. The research will be based on two consecutive studies on 12 to 13-year-old pupils and their teachers of Dutch. Five novels from different literary genres will be used as study material. In study 1 pupils (N=30) and teachers (N=30) are invited to mark the instances where they would like to have hyperlinks. This study results in two different data sets: 60 annotated novels, and qualitative data based on focus groups. These data provide insight in the desirability of hyperlinks (a.o. type, frequency) in literary texts and their influence on reading motivation and story world immersion. The annotated novels serve as the basis for study 2, in which the five novels are first converted to hypermedia fiction, and consequently read by 200 pupils in five so-called tablet schools. Each class is divided in three subgroups. One group reads a novel as hypermedia fiction (= experimental group); the other two groups read it on tablet (without hyperlinks) and on paper (= control groups). The experiment is conducted three times, in which each subgroup adopts the role of experimental group once. Data collection will be carried out with preliminary, intermediate and post-measurements; by monitoring click behaviour in the experimental group and focus groups. The research project will be carried out in close interfacultary cooperation between FSW/ASoE and FLW.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Identification and analysis of practices of effective use and development of teachers' skills in the last years of primary education 01/10/2015 - 31/03/2017


This research project will record good practices of teacher deployment - both in and outside class in upper primary education - that aim at capitalizing on staff competencies, reinforcing differentiated instruction and safeguarding successful transition to secondary education. We will provide in-depth descriptions of selected practices, while at the same time shedding light on accompanying conditions and experiences from the viewpoint of school management, teachers as well as students. Data will be collected through case studies and Delphi methodology.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Newspapers in Education: an inquiry into the project "Kranten in de klas" 05/05/2015 - 04/07/2015


This projects evaluates the project 'Kranten in de Klas (KiK)' - Newspapers in the classroom. Schools that participate in the project receive different Flemish newspapers for two weeks. The target group corresponds mostly to high school students between 14 and 18 years of age. KiK contains ready-made and digital material for teachers to use with the newspapers. The research projects evaluates the material and the tools from an educational perspective by doing a critical inquiry into the effects of using them as teaching agents for reading. (This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the client. UA provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.)


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

From Would be to Be it. Research into new forms of training in teacher education. 01/01/2013 - 31/08/2015


This project investigates alternative and/or new formats for field experiences. The project started with an inventory of possible formats for field experiences in teacher education. Based on this inventory team teaching was explored in further detail and implemented thanks to pilot projects in two specific teacher training programmes. The project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators and learners in the classroom) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effect of the models on student teachers' learning patters and learning outcomes. (This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other ELAnt. UA shall contribute to the project under the conditions as stipulated in the present contract.)


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Read education and E-hype. 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2013


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract. This project aims at inventorying and analyzing new media for reading and at developing a tool which enables teacher trainers to use these media themselves, to present them to pre-service teachers and to implement them in their classes.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Development and evaluation of a common lio-traject for the Specific Teacher Training ELAnt. 01/09/2008 - 31/12/2011


In this research project the current in-service teacher training programs ('Lio') of the teacher training institutions in Antwerp (Expertisenetwerk Lerarenopleiding Antwerpen, Elant) are studied and evaluated in order to develop a common format for in- service training. The different in-service programs are studied in terms of guidance and assessment of the student-teacher. Preconditions for successful implementation of a similar format are identified.


Research team(s)

Project website

Project type(s)

  • Research Project