Advertising literacy in schools : evaluating free online educational resources for advertising literacy
Journal of media education - ISSN 1947-2366-5:2 (2014) p. 5-12
Children and advergames : the role of product involvement, brand attitude and persuasion knowledge in brand attitudes changes and purchase intention of children
Child and Teen Consumption Conference, the University of Edinburgh Business School, Ediburgh, Scotland, April 9-11, 2014
Children's attitudinal and behavioral response to advergaming : product involvement, brand attitude and persuasion knowledge
ICA 2014 Conference Commuciation and the Good Life, Seattle, USA, April 22-26, 2014
Mediawijs online : jongeren en sociale media
Leuven, LannooCampus, 2014,240 p.
Mediawijs onderwijs met media didactica : lerarenopleidingen activeren mediagebruik en kritische reflectie op media
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, IOIW, 2014,88 p.