Leveraging digital medication adherence technologies to enhance sustainability of European health systems : ENABLE’s key recommendations
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe - ISSN 2666-7762-48 (2025) p. 1-2
The prevalence of polypharmacy in older Europeans : a multi-national database study of general practitioner prescribing
British journal of clinical pharmacology - ISSN 0306-5251-90:9 (2024) p. 2124-2136
Data sources for drug utilization research in Latin American countries - a cross-national study : DASDUR-LATAM study
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety - ISSN 1053-8569-31:3 (2022) p. 343-352
Deprescribing clonazepam in primary care older patients : a feasibility study
International journal of clinical pharmacy - ISSN 2210-7703-44:2 (2022) p. 489-498
Efficacy, feasibility and acceptability of the OptiMEDs tool for multidisciplinary medication review in nursing homes
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics - ISSN 0167-4943-95 (2021) p.