Agrarian reform and decentralisation in South Africa : can donor brokerage break the mould? Explorations in the complex management of official development assistance
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, 2023,234 p.
Development cooperation policies and governance
Handbook on governance and development / Hout, W. [edit.]; Hutchinson, J. [edit.]-p. 323-339
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : inception report field studies
Leuven, KU Leuven, HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society, 2020,35 p.
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : case study: Uganda
Leuven, KU Leuven, HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society, 2020,58 p.
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : case study: Benin
Leuven, KU Leuven, HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society, 2020,52 p.