Fluid accumulation syndrome in sepsis and septic shock : pathophysiology, relevance and treatment-a comprehensive review
Annals of intensive care - ISSN 2110-5820-14:1 (2024) p. 1-12
Is the NICE Guideline for maintenance fluid therapy in adults in hospital appropriate?
Clinical nutrition ESPEN - ISSN 2405-4577-63 (2024) p. 113-120
Fluid accumulation in critically ill patients? Think beyond resuscitation fluids and cut the creep!
Intensive and critical care nursing - ISSN 0964-3397-82 (2024) p. 1-3
Choice of creep or maintenance fluid type and their impact on total daily ICU sodium burden in critically ill patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of critical care - ISSN 0883-9441-78 (2023) p. 1-9
Lung epithelial and myeloid innate immunity in influenzaassociated or COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: an observational study
The lancet respiratory medicine - ISSN 2213-2600-10:12 (2022) p. 1147-1159