Getting a grip on the writing process : (effective) approaches to write argumentative and narrative texts in L1 and L2
Journal of second language writing - ISSN 1060-3743-65 (2024) p. 1-16
Learning to write syntheses : the effect of process feedback and of observing models on performance and process behaviors
Reading and writing - ISSN 0922-4777-37 (2024) p. 1375-1405
Recursivity in source-based writing: a process analysis
Reading and writing - ISSN 0922-4777- (2023) p.
Process measures as input for and as outcome of writing intervention studies
Conceptualizing, designing, implementing, and evaluating writing interventions / De Smedt, F. [edit.]; Bouwer, R. [edit.]; Limpo, T. [edit.]; Graham, S. [edit.]-p. 224-250
How prior information from national assessments can be used when designing experimental studies without a control group
Journal of writing research - ISSN 2030-1006-14:3 (2023) p. 447-469