As you wish? Public preferences for models of representation and MPs' role orientations
European journal of political research - ISSN 0304-4130- (2024) p.
Educationally tracked democratic equalizers : how citizenship education moderates the effect of a political home environment on internal political efficacy across educational tracks
Political behavior - ISSN 0190-9320-46:4 (2024) p. 2541-2563
From representative to represented mini-publics : how mini-publics’ outputs are shaped by representation
Political studies review - ISSN 1478-9302-22:4 (2024) p. 914-929
United by history, divided by God? Religion among Dutch and Belgian members of the European Parliament
Religion state and society - ISSN 0963-7494-51:4-5 (2023) p. 365-383
Fairness and justice through automation in China's smart courts
Computer law and security report - ISSN 0267-3649-51 (2023) p. 1-13