Research team
The University of Antwerp is powering the electrification of chemical processes In addition to the well known research groups such as PLASMANT (Plasma Lab for Applications in Sustainability and Medicine - Antwerp), and ELCAT (Applied Electrochemistry & Catalysis), the University of Antwerp is now offering an additional engineering expertise to ensure the smooth deployment of energy efficient power-to-heat chemical processes. At ElectrifHy, we are offering an engineering expertise to ensure the smooth deployment of energy-efficient power-to-heat chemical processes. This unit, related to BlueApp, is dedicated to chemical reactor design (CFD and engineering models, from packed, [electrothermal] fluidized and simulated moving beds), prototyping and experimental characterization of heat & mass transfer of electrified processes (ohmic and induction heating, and the use of electrical field to enhance chemical conversion). It’s mission is to design and test electrified chemical reactors based on the power-to-heat concepts (e.g., induction, ohmic, shock-wave), provide guidelines for their scale-up, improve their energy efficiencies, elaborate temperature control strategies, as well as developing modular approaches to deal with the fluctuating nature of renewable electricity. In terms of applications, we cover both the production of value-added chemicals and hydrogen (e-cracking of green ammonia, biogas conversion, electrified steam methane reforming, methane pyrolysis, and [non-]oxidative coupling of methane), to its storage in Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC), solids (hydrates), and chemical carriers, focusing on the release of H2 and its purification.
Integrated Hydroformylation and Oxidative coupling of methane to C2 and C3 base chemicals (ATLANTIS).
The ATLANTIS project aims to couple the Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM), a highly exothermic process, with steam cracking, a highly endothermic process. This allows the production of olefins without the need for expensive renewable electricity or the combustion of fuel gas or natural gas. Furthermore, the ATLANTIS project aims to couple the OCM effluent to a hydroformylation (HF) reactor to exploit typical OCM compositions and obtain C3 molecules, such as propanol, derived from methane.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Electrified catalytic non-oxidative methane coupling for separated hydrogen and ethylene production (CAMELEON).
In CAMELEON, we will develop a disruptive technology for the catalytic non-oxidative coupling of methane (NOCM) consisting of two technologies: i) A shock wave reactor for the NOCM, combined with ii) a Pd-based supported membrane for H2 separation, yielding an electrothermal membrane fluidized bed.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Cracking of green ammonia to hydrogen using innovative catalyst and adsorbent assisted plasma technology (HYPACT).
Ammonia is a promising H2 carrier due to its high H2 density, but a missing link is an energy-efficient technology for ammonia cracking to produce ultrapure H2. The most explored option is thermocatalytic cracking, which is a high temperature energy-intensive process delivering H2 with undesired residual NH3. This project proposes a new ammonia cracking process based on integration of plasma technology with thermocatalysis and adsorptive purification, able to produce fuel cell grade H2 on large scale for handling large tonnages of ammonia for intercontinental import of H2.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining for engineering, materials, and catalysis research.
Through femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining a wide variety of materials such as ceramics (e.g. glass), hard metals (e.g. Hastelloy), and polymers can be processed with microscale resolution, offering innovation and beyond state-of-the-art research opportunities. To name a few, the planned research infrastructure would allow to tune the catalytic properties of surfaces, to enhance flow distribution, heat transfer and mass transfer in chemical reactors, to increase detection limit of photoelectrochemical sensors, to facilitate flow chemistry, to tailor-make EPR and TEM measurement cells, and to allow machine learning for hybrid additive manufacturing. Currently, the University of Antwerp lacks the necessary research infrastructure capable of processing such materials and surfaces with microscale precision. Access to femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining would yield enormous impact on ongoing and planned research both for the thirteen involved professors and ten research groups as for industry, essential to conduct research at the highest international level.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Bogaerts Annemie
- Co-promoter: Cool Pegie
- Co-promoter: De Wael Karolien
- Co-promoter: Maes Bert
- Co-promoter: Meynen Vera
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Co-promoter: Van Doorslaer Sabine
- Co-promoter: Vanlanduit Steve
- Co-promoter: Verbeeck Johan
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Sammy
- Co-promoter: Verwulgen Stijn
- Co-promoter: Watts Regan
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Belgian Hydrogen Fundamental Expertise (BEHYFE).
The main impediment to the commercial deployment of liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) is the significant heat requirements at high temperature for H2 release. In this project, we circumvent this issue by designing a low (H2 partial) pressure/low temperature sustainable LOHC dehydrogenation step using reactive distillation (RD) in full heat integration with industrial waste heat streams.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Super Bio-Accelerated Mineral weathering: a new climate risk hedging reactor technology (BAM)
Conventional climate change mitigation alone will not be able to stabilise atmospheric CO2 concentrations at a level compatible with the 2°C warming limit of the Paris Agreement. Safe and scalable negative emission technologies (NETs), which actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere and ensure long-term carbon (C) sequestration, will be needed. Fast progress in NET-development is needed, if NETs are to serve as a risk-hedging mechanism for unexpected geopolitical events and for the transgression of tipping points in the Earth system. Still, no NETs are even on the verge of achieving a substantial contribution to the climate crisis in a sustainable, energy-efficient and cost-effective manner. BAM! develops 'super bio-accelerated mineral weathering' (BAM) as a radical, innovative solution to the NET challenge. While enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) was put forward as a potential NET earlier, we argue that current research focus on either 1/ ex natura carbonation or 2/ slow in natura ecosystem-based ESW, hampers the potential of the technology to provide a substantial contribution to negative emissions within the next two decades. BAM! focuses on an unparalleled reactor effort to maximize biotic weathering stimulation at low resource inputs, and implementation of an automated, rapidlearning process that allows to fast-adopt and improve on critical weathering rate breakthroughs. The direct transformational impact of BAM! lies in its ambition to develop a NET that serves as a climate risk hedging tool on the short term (within 10-20 years). BAM! builds on the natural powers that have triggered dramatic changes in the Earth's weathering environment, embedding them into a novel, reactor-based technology. The ambitious end-result is the development of an indispensable environmental remediation solution, that transforms large industrial CO2 emitters into no-net CO2 emitters.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Vlaeminck Siegfried
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
InSusChem - Consortium for Integrated Sustainable Chemistry Antwerp.
This IOF consortium connects chemists, engineers, economic and environmental oriented researchers in an integrated team to maximize impact in key enabling sustainable chemical technologies, materials and reactors that are able to play a crucial role in a sustainable chemistry and economic transition to a circular, resource efficient and carbon neutral economy (part of the 2030 and 2050 goals in which Europe aims to lead). Innovative materials, renewable chemical feedstocks, new/alternative reactors, technologies and production methods are essential and central elements to achieve this goal. Due to their mutual interplay, a multidisciplinary, concerted effort is crucial to be successful. Furthermore, early on prediction and identification of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in life cycles, techno-economics and sustainability are key to allow sustainability by design and create effective knowledge-based decision-making and focus. The consortium focuses on sustainable chemical production through efficient and alternative energy use connected to circularity, new chemical pathways, technologies, reactors and materials, that allow the use of alternative feedstock and energy supply. These core technical aspects are supported by expertise in simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty identification to accelerate technological development via knowledge-based design and early stage identified key research, needed for accelerated growth and maximum impact on sustainability. To achieve these goals, the consortium members are grouped in 4 interconnected valorisation programs focusing on key performance elements that thrive the chemical industry and technology: 1) renewable building blocks; 2) sustainable materials and materials for sustainable processes; 3) sustainable processes, efficiently using alternative renewable energy sources and/or circular chemical building blocks; 4) innovative reactors for sustainable processes. In addition, cross-cutting integrated enablers are present, providing expertise and essential support to the 4 valorisation programs through simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty analysis.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Meynen Vera
- Co-promoter: Billen Pieter
- Co-promoter: Bogaerts Annemie
- Co-promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Compernolle Tine
- Co-promoter: Cool Pegie
- Co-promoter: Das Shoubhik
- Co-promoter: Lenaerts Silvia
- Co-promoter: Maes Bert
- Co-promoter: Neyts Erik
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Co-promoter: Vande Velde Christophe
- Co-promoter: Vande Velde Christophe
- Co-promoter: Van Passel Steven
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Sammy
- Fellow: Meyer Nathalie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Intensified Rotating Fluidized Bed for Processing Fine Particles.
The use of small particles (< 30 µm) can significantly increase the efficiency of gas-solid processes due to their optimal size for heat and mass transfer. Such small size are unfortunately very difficult to process (high pressure drop and channeling). However, by taking advantage of a change in their processing properties when submitted to centrifugal fields, it becomes possible to fully take advantage of their optimal characteristics. In this IOF-POC CREATE, we want to confirm the excellent performance obtained by advanced simulations when we prepared our PCT/EP2022/055011 "Apparatus for generating a fluidized bed" patent application, as well as to build a first lab-scale prototype to attract interesting companies. This IOF-POC CREATE project would allow increasing the TRL from its current 2 to 4. Since the objective is to commercialize the idea within the next 6 years, and IOF-POC CREATE represents the best solution. Before we can valorize the patent through licensing, we need to have a proof of concept at lab scale in order to convince companies to join us for further development projects We are aiming for companies in the pharmaceutical sectors as our technology could be used to remove residual solvent in active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) during drying. As a fallback we can also envisage to go to the chemical process industry, and in particular the considerable FCC market. We could increase the lifetime of FCC catalyst from its 1-3 month usage considerably. This IOF-POC CREATE will allow us to construct the prototype, while taking advantage of the lead time to source components to computationally optimize its operating and scale-up strategy. Real-life API drying experiments will be conducted and benchmarked with published drying data.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
A 1kW membraneless electrolyzer demonstrator for pure green hydrogen gas production in flow.
Conventional compartmentalized electrolyzers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas using electricity represent the mainstream technology for generating fully carbon-neutral 'green hydrogen' when powered by renewable energy sources. However, common electrolyzers have notable drawbacks including high fabrication costs, maintenance challenges (especially related to membrane stability), and the necessity of ultrapure aqueous electrolyte feed streams dependent on limited freshwater resources. As an alternative technology tackling these problems, a novel membraneless electrolyzer has been studied in the on-going IOF-POC CREATE project. The constructed lab-scale membraneless electrolyzer cell (patent pending) delivers >99.5% pure hydrogen and oxygen gas, and is constructed using affordable and versatile 3D printing tools. In this IOF-POC DEVELOP project, the goal is to scale up our lab unit of 1 W, up to a 1 kW demonstrator. The project primarily focuses on the design of the 1 kW stack, further efficiency improvement of the system and a performance demonstration over a prolonged period of time. This first 1 kW membraneless electrolyzer prototype will serve as a proof-of-concept for the feasibility to scale up our technology to higher capacities by modular integration. During this project, business development initiatives will also be taken through collaborations with interested industrial partners.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Verbruggen Sammy
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Artificial clathrates for safe storage, transport and delivery of hydrogen II (ARCLATH II).
The ARCLATH-2 project aims to overcome current drawbacks in hydrogen transportation and storage by developing a radically new transportation and storage concept based on clathrates. After a year of research, ARCLATH-1 already provided a proof of concept that shows hydrogen can indeed be encapsulated in clathrates under technically and economically relevant conditions, in terms of both pressure and temperature. A follow-up project ARCLATH-2 has now been initiated to maximise the hydrogen storage capacity of the clathrates under similar pressure and temperature conditions. At the same time, ARCLATH-2 will define a practical process of reversible hydrogen storage and delivery based on pressure swing cycling at lab-scale.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Cool Pegie
- Co-promoter: Bals Sara
- Co-promoter: Lenaerts Silvia
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Sammy
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
CFD-Assisted Design of an Innovative Multiphase Chemical Reactor for Hydrogen Release.
This thesis focuses at designing, optimising, simulating (using computational fluid dynamics, CFD) and testing a multiphase intensified chemical reactors for the fast release of hydrogen from liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC), for its eventual use on-board of ships (with hydrogen-fuelled engines). The reactor will be designed according to the specificity and requirements of the LOHC dehydrogenation chemical reaction, i.e. a slow endothermic heterogeneous catalytic chemical reaction between the LOHC and a catalyst particulate phase, generating high volumes of gas. More specifically, the chemical reaction requires: i) an intimate contact between the liquid phase and the catalyst, ii) an efficient and fast removal of the hydrogen generated without liquid entrainment, iii) an efficient heat transfer for the endothermic catalytic reaction while minimising the thermal stresses on the LOHC, iv) a short contact time between the catalyst and the LOHC, v) processing of high flowrates of LOHC to offset the dehydrogenation slow kinetics, and finally, vi) a compensation for the effect of the ship movements on the gas-liquid interface. Designing this ideal device represents a considerable challenge, and the perfect reactor for this task does not exist yet. However, we will make use of a current trend in chemical reaction engineering that aims at adapting the geometry of chemical reactors so that the elementary steps of a global chemical reaction leading to the desired products are favoured. As part of this thesis, we will establish the building blocks of an automated chemical reactor design procedure: The optimisation of the reactor geometry will be performed using a constrained shape optimisation strategy, from an initial parameterised geometry. The constraints for the optimisation procedure are the mass, energy and momentum balances, evaluated numerically through the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), using the open source code OpenFoam. An initial parameterised geometry (chemical reactor configuration to iterate from) is required. The selected doctoral student will first review the potential reactor configurations, but the promotor preliminary proposes a generalisation of the gas-solid vortex reactor (GSVR) concept for multiphase reactor flows (thus defining a Gas Solid Liquid Vortex Reactor, i.e. a GSLVR). This type of centrifugal reactor combines several interesting characteristics. At sufficiently high rotation speed, the effect of gravity can be neglected. The presence of a low pressure zone along it centre axis also allows for a preferred gas outlet. The GSVR is also a centrifugal device, thus combining reaction and separation functions. The parameters to be optimised for this reactor configuration are the number of slots (i.e. entry point for the liquid to the zone where the catalyst is located, the reactive zone), their spacing, the height of the device, the reactive zone chamber diameter, the position of both the LOHC inlet and outlet, as well as the diameter of the exhaust (gas outlet). The "holy grail" of numerical experiments, i.e. without experimental validations, is still far from being a realistic objective in the field of CFD. Experimental validation is required, especially in the context of simulations of turbulent reactive flows using the two fluid model (Eulerian-Eulerian approach). A setup allowing for experimental validation and demonstration will be constructed. The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique will be used to validate both the liquid flow (liquid phase seeded with tracer particles) and catalyst bed (unseeded PIV). Due to the interdisciplinarity of the proposed research, the student will acquire a comprehensive knowledge in numerous complementary fields – chemical (chemistry and catalysis), mechanical (fluid mechanics), programming (C++®, Python®, CFD, etc.) – at both theoretical, computational and experimental levels.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Fellow: Van Hoecke Laurens
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Electrified chemical reactor for fast release of hydrogen (H2) from liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) for generator set (genset). H2 genset testing on a ship (Port of Future).
The Port of Antwerp is a major industrial port worldwide, and is committed to act as a pioneer in the hydrogen economy on a European scale. The limiting factor in the hydrogen economy is an efficient storage method. State-of-the-art H2 storage systems are in the form of compressed gas (200 to 700 bar), or liquefied (20 K). To achieve such high pressures and low temperature, up to 30% of the energy in the H2 can be consumed. A better option is to rely on LOHCs (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers), which can safely store up to 7 % wt. H2, and allow for easy H2 transport (potentially via the existing oil infrastructure). However, the design of a H2 release system from LOHC is far from trivial. Process intensification provides the most interesting approach to tackle the challenges related to the H2 release (large amount of gas generated). In this project, we will demonstrate an electrified centrifugal H2 release reactor. Electricity will be used as a decarbonised source of energy.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Co-promoter: Laffineur Ludovic
- Co-promoter: Maslenkova Svetlana
- Co-promoter: Van Hoecke Laurens
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
SILEXOIL (Silica adsorption combined with fluid Extraction for oxyigenate/nitrogenate removal from polyolefine based pyrolysis oil).
Based on the recently developed "physico chemical separation methods", a process will be developed that allows to reduce the level of oxygenates and nitrogenates in pyrolysis oil and increasing it valorization potential. The process can be a substitute for hydrotreatment.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Billen Pieter
- Promoter: Tavernier Serge
- Co-promoter: Billen Pieter
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Artificial clathrates for safe storage, transport and delivery of hydrogen (ARCLATH).
In this project a proof-of-concept will be delivered for hydrogen storage in clathrates, an estimation of the application potential and an interdisciplinary research consortium on clathrate research will be established. The feasibility of hydrogen storage in clathrate materials will be studied in technological and economical relevant conditions of temperature and pressure. The central research question is to synthesize and stabilize hydrogen clathrates by catalytic processes in order to develop a new hydrogen storage technology. The concrete aim is to achieve 5 wt% and 30 g/l storage of hydrogen by temperatures above 2C and pressures below 100 bar.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Lenaerts Silvia
- Co-promoter: Perreault Patrice
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Sammy
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project