
After leaving the Regulatory Management Unit, Peter Van Humbeeck was (and still regularly is being) engaged by the federal and the Flemish Governments in an number of projects as an independent expert.

He e.g. wrote the federal guidelines and manual to conduct sustainability impact assessments, the Flemish RIA-guidelines and manual and the Flemish consultation guidelines. He gives training to Flemish civil servants in principles of better regulation and RIA. He was also a member of the strategic group that was established in the public administration in Flanders (DAR) in 2014 to strengthen the role of the ‘centre of government’ and prepare reforms to enhance policy co-ordination, strategic planning and dialogue with citizens and civil society.

For the Flemish environment ministry, he i.a. edited a book on the theory and practice of measuring costs and benefits of environmental policies and a book with an analysis of the Flemish environmental policy evaluation practice.

Some relevant publications for the Flemish and federal governments (some as co-author) are:

  • Environmental scenario report (MIRA-S), implications for the economy, 2000 (ed.)
  • Flemish Regulatory Impact Analysis Guidance, 2004
  • Flemish Regulatory Impact Analysis Manual, 2004, revised in 2012
  • Flemish Guidance on principles of better regulation, 2003
  • Analysis of RIA-systems in other countries, 2003
  • Flemish Checklist for administrative simplification, 2004
  • Blueprint for a regulatory management monitor, 2005
  • Federal Guidance and Manual for conducting Sustainability Impact Analysis, 2006
  • Indicators for regulatory management, 2006
  • Analysis of Flemish environmental policy evaluation practice, 2007
  • Flemish Guidance for public consultation on draft regulations, 2013