Policy Advisor (SERV)

Peter Van Humbeeck is working for the Secretariat of the Social-Economic Council of Flanders (SERV) since 1990. SERV is a public agency (80 FTE) that acts as an advisory body and think tank for the Flemish government and parliament. In the Council, he is senior advisor for public governance, energy policy and environmental policy and chairman of the Public Governance Commission and the Energy and Environment Commission. His work as a policy advisor in the Council mainly consists of drafting reports, policy notes and recommendations, chairing internal commissions and working groups (facilitation of social dialogue and consensus building), and presentation of final reports, policy notes and recommendations to government and parliament.

Among his most important research projects and publications for SERV are:

  • A report on the (choice of) environmantal policy instruments, 1992
  • An analysis of (federal) environmental taxes, 1994
  • An analysis of the polluter pays principle and the financing of environmental policy, 1995
  • A report on measuring costs and social-economic effects of environmental policies, 1996
  • A report on the use of voluntary agreements in environmental policy, 1997
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the social corrections in Flemish water policy, 1997
  • An analysis of the Flemish regulatory quality system, 1998
  • A report on the environmental industry in Flanders, 1999
  • A report on the link between environmental policy and employment policy, 1999
  • An analysis of environmental quality standards as a policy tool, 2001
  • An evaluation of the environmental permitting system in Flanders, 2001
  • A book on climate policy (co-author with Annemie Bollen), 2001
  • An analysis of the importance of an industrial policy for the enviroment (focusing on the link between environment, technology and innovation as key elements for a sustainable welfare), 2003
  • An analysis of the Flemish regulatory decision making and legislative drafting processes, 2005
  • A proposal for a Flemish Regulatory Agenda, 2006
  • An evaluation of the Flemish RIA-system, 2006
  • An analysis of the Flemish Water sector (co-author with Annick Lamote), 2006
  • An international benchmarking of Flanders wrt the quality of regulations, 2007
  • A report on the price of water (co-author with Annick Lamote), 2008
  • An evaluation of 10 years regulatory Policy in Flanders, 2010
  • A book on renewable energy policy (co-author with Annemie Bollen and Annick Lamote), 2011
  • A comparison of the international experience with green and white papers, 2011
  • An analysis of the Flemish environmental enforcement policy, 2012
  • A survey into governance principles for independent regulators and an analysis of the independent regulators for gas and electricity in Belgium, 2013
  • An evaluation of the public governance reform policy in Flanders, covering aspects such as public sector agility, open government, strategic planning, better regulation, centre of government coordination, public sector innovation, HRM, open data and e-government, 2014
  • A review of the literature, examples and policy relevance of behavioural economics (with Bilal Benyaich), 2014
  • An analysis of the organisation of policy relevant scientific research in Flanders (with Tim Buyse), 2015
  • A comparison and evaluation of the organisation of policy evaluations in parliaments (the Flemish, Belgian, Dutch, French, UK, Swedish and Swiss parliaments) (with Tim Buyse), 2015 
  • A policy paper analysing trends and policy priorities for 2030 for Flanders (editor), 2015
  • A report on innovation friendly regulation, experimental regulation and regulatory havens (with Tim Buyse), 2016
  • A report on the pro and cons of comment commencement dates (with Tim Buyse), 2016
  • A review with policy recommendations for better regulation in Flanders, 2016
  • A review with policy recommendations for better public administration and policy in Flanders, 2017
  • A project on the implications of the digitalisation and robotisation for the future of work and economy (with Wim Knaepen, Tim Buyse and Niels Morsink), 2017