The relationship between political entertainment media use and political efficacy : a comparative study in 18 countries
International journal of public opinion research - ISSN 0954-2892-36:4 (2024) p. 1-14
Comparing political communication in election and routine times
The Routledge handbook of political campaigning / Lilleker, D. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 72-84
Misinformation detection in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine : evidence from original survey data collected in 19 democracies
International journal of public opinion research - ISSN 0954-2892-36:3 (2024) p. 1-12
Pointing fingers in the disinformation era : how journalists and politicians perceive each other's role in spreading disinformation and its impact on their relationship
Journalism studies - ISSN 1461-670X-25:13 (2024) p. 1614-1633
Justifying an invasion : when is disinformation successful?
Political communication - ISSN 1058-4609- (2024) p.