European Cancer Organisation Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care for ovarian cancer : focus on the multidisciplinary team

Tumori - ISSN 0300-8916- (2024) p.
    Cristiana Sessa, Luzia Travado, Gabriele Calaminus, Teresa Margarida Cunha, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton, Willemien van Driel, Andreia Fernandes, Margaret Hutka, Birthe Lemley, Natalia Luczak, Rui Medeiros, Simon Oberst, Nelleke Ottevanger, Andrea Papadia, Philippe Pereira, Manuel Rodrigues, Simona Stolnicu, Katrien Vandecasteele, Alberto Costa, Philip Poortmans, Fedro Peccatori

The role of radiation therapy in the multidisciplinary management of male breast cancer : a systematic review and meta-analysis on behalf of the Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Group (COBCG)

Critical reviews in oncology, hematology - ISSN 1040-8428-204 (2024) p. 1-12
    Riccardo Ray Colciago, Valentina Lancellotta, Maria Carmen De Santis, Elisabetta Bonzano, Fiorenza De Rose, Eliana La Rocca, Bruno Meduri, Nadia Pasinetti, Agnese Prisco, Alessandra Gennari, Trine Tramm, Serena Di Cosimo, Nadia Harbeck, Giuseppe Curigliano, Philip Poortmans, Icro Meattini, Pierfrancesco Franco

The Assisi think tank focus review on postoperative radiation for lobular breast cancer

Radiotherapy and oncology - ISSN 0167-8140-201:1 (2024) p. 11
    O. Kaidar-Person, I. Ratosa, P. Franco, V. Masiello, F. Marazzi, S. Pedretti, A. Ciabattoni, M.C. Leonardi, T. Tramm, Ce Coles, I. Meattini, M. Arenas, B.V. Offersen, L.J. Boersma, V. Valentini, D. Dodwell, Philip Poortmans, C. Aristei

Dosimetric analyses of the three radiation techniques used in the EORTC 22922/10925 IM-MS breast cancer trial

Clinical oncology - ISSN 0936-6555-36:11 (2024) p. 690-700
    M. Siman-Tov, A. Ostrovski, M. Mast, H. Struikmans, L. Bogers, C. Fortpied, S. Hol, A. Petoukhova, J. van Egmond, Philip Poortmans, O. Kaidar-Person

Randomised controlled trials on radiation dose fractionation in breast cancer : systematic review and meta-analysis with emphasis on side effects and cosmesis

BMJ : British medical journal - ISSN 0959-535X-386 (2024) p. 1-20
    Shing Fung Lee, Samantha K.F. Kennedy, Saverio Caini, Henry C.Y. Wong, Pui Lam Yip, Philip Poortmans, Icro Meattini, Orit Kaidar-Person, Abram Recht, Tarek Hijal, Mylin A. Torres, Jeffrey Q. Cao, Kimberly S. Corbin, J. Isabelle Choi, Wee Yao Koh, Jennifer Y.Y. Kwan, Irene Karam, Adrian W. Chan, Edward Chow, Gustavo N. Marta