Pieter Cools

Pieter started working for the research centre OASeS late 2011 on the topics urban poverty and public space, which relates to his masterthesis on the De Coninck square in Antwerp. Since march 2012 he was part of ImPRovE consortium (http://improve-research.eu/). Within this large European FP7 research project he worked on the relations between local sociale innovation in thefight against social exclusion and welfare reform in Flanders and England. Based on this case study research - in the fields of homeless support, sociale employment and the social inclusion of Roma migrants - and under supervision of professor Stijn Oosterlynck, Pieter wrote his PhD in sociology, which e defended in June 2017.
Today, Pieter is affiliated with the research group Environment & Society, where he works on stakeholder involvement concerning nuclear power and -waste. He also remains affiliated with OASeS to work on the question of 'how to evaluate the effectiveness of social work interventions'. In the academic year 2017-18 Pieter teaches 'Urban Intervention Strategies' at the Master Social Work of the University of Antwerp.