Research team

Identifying and meeting stakeholder needs in the market for techno sustainability assessment. 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2025


The chemical industry is facing a revolutionary transition to stabilise the environmental carbon cycle. To accomplish this daunting objective, fossil-fuel dependent technologies have to be progressively phased out and replaced by sustainable alternatives. However, these alternative technologies are still under development. Yet, their sustainability has to be assessed ex-ante. The sustainability assessment (SA) methods available in literature are primarily ex-post, and thus not suitable for assessing developing technologies. The integrated techno-sustainability assessment (TSA) jointly developed by VITO, UAntwerp and UHasselt is a state-of-the art integrated SA framework. Whereas this method accounts for uncertainty, it does not address the challenge of upscaling and learning. This research project will integrate upscaling and learning to the SA framework.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project