Current practices in prevention, screening, and treatment of diabetes in kidney transplant recipients : European survey highlights from the ERA DESCARTES Working Group

Clinical Kidney Journal - ISSN 2048-8505-18:1 (2025) p. 1-14

The evaluation of kidney transplant candidates prior to waitlisting : a scoping review

Clinical Kidney Journal - ISSN 2048-8505-18:1 (2025) p. 1-13

Post-transplant malignancies : current perspective on risk factors, prevention, and management

Turkish journal of nephrology - ISSN 2667-4440-33:4 (2024) p. 316-323

Time trends in preemptive kidney transplantation in Europe : an ERA registry study

Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation - ISSN 0931-0509- (2024) p.
    Anneke Kramer, Rianne Boenink, Cynthia G. Mercado Vergara, Samira Bell, Julia Kerschbaum, Olga L. Rodriguez Arevalo, Auxiliadora Mazuecos, Aiko P.J. de Vries, Anna V. Reisaeter, Esther H.S. Wong, Torbjorn Lundgren, Maria O. Valentin, Flor A. Ordonez Alvarez, Edoardo Melilli, Patrik Finne, Marten Segelmark, Cecile Couchoud, Soren S. Sorensen, Pietro Manuel Ferraro, Miha Arnol, Mustafa Arici, Alberto Ortiz, Kitty J. Jager, Daniel Abramowicz, Vianda S. Stel, Rachel Hellemans

2-Step Scores with optional nephropathology for the prediction of adverse outcomes for brain-dead donor kidneys in Eurotransplant

Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation - ISSN 0931-0509- (2024) p.
    Angela Ernst, Heinz Regele, Christos Chatzikyrkou, Amélie Dendooven, Sandor Turkevi-Nagy, Ineke Tieken, Rainer Oberbauer, Roman Reindl-Schwaighofer, Daniel Abramowicz, Rachel Hellemans, Annick Massart, Danica Galesic Ljubanovic, Petar Senjug, Bojana Maksimovic, Volker Assfalg, Ivan Neretljak, Christina Schleicher, Marian Clahsen-van Groningen, Nika Kojc, Carla L. Ellis, Christine E. Kurschat, Leandra Lukomski, Dirk Stippel, Michael Stroehlein, Florian G. Scurt, Joris J. Roelofs, Jesper Kers, Ana Harth, Christian Jungck, Albino Eccher, Isabel Pruetz, Martin Hellmich, Francesco Vasuri, Deborah Malvi, Wolfgang Arns, Jan U. Becker