(Co-)Promoter Ph.D. thesis at the University of Antwerp (2013-2018)
- Julie Berckmans - Modelling land-atmosphere interactions: Impact of near future land use and climate change over Western Europe. Defended on 22.03.2018. Copromotor dr. Rafiq Hamdi (KMI).
- Joanna Horemans. Tackling challenges in process-based forest modelling : from concept to uncertainty. Defended on 19.12.2017.
- Stefan Vanbeveren. Physiology and productivity of short-rotation coppice : genotypic differences and impacts of harvesting. Defended on 30.06.2017.
- Josefina Luisa De Paepe. Productividad de los suelos pampeanos para el cultivo de trigo (Soil productivity of the pampas related to wheat). Defended on 19.03.2015.
- Gonzalo Berhongaray. Inventory of belowground carbon pools and fluxes in a short rotation woody crop. Defended on 27.06.2014.
- Laura Broeckx. Development of leaf area and above-ground biomass of different Populus genotypes in a bio-energy plantation. Defended on 19.12.2013.
- Melanie Verlinden. Carbon balance and productivity of a bio-energy culture with fast-growing poplars in Flanders. Defended on 19.12.2013.
- Ouafik El Kasmioui (FWO fellowship). Short rotation woody crops for bioenergy: a financial, energetic and environmental perspective. Defended on 17.09.2013. Co-promoter prof. Aviel Verbruggen (TEW).
- Maarten De Bock. The impact of tropospheric ozone on Brassica species. Defended on 28.02.2013. Co-promotors: dr. K. Vandermeiren and prof. Yves Guisez.
More (1999-2012)
- Kim Naudts. Does the response of grasslands to stress change under climate change conditions? Defended on 28.02.2012.
- Raphaël Bequet. Environmental determinants of the temporal and spatial variability of leaf area index in Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus robur L. and Pinus sylvestris L. Defended on 29.04.2011.
- Maarten Op De Beeck. Predictive stomatal conductance models: comparison of performance and applications. Defended on 20.05.2010.
- Filip Colson. Quantifying the spatial pattern and ecology of land use in the Amazon Basin. Defended on 15.09.2009. Co-promotor prof. Jan Bogaert (ULB, Brussels).
- Koen Hufkens (UA interdisciplinary grant). Mathematical approaches of landscape ecological studies related to scale dependent spatial patterns. Defended on 11.09.2009. Co-promotor Prof. Paul Scheunders.
- Johan Neirynck (employee INBO). Exchange of atmospheric nitrogen above a Scots pine forest – implications for nitrogen cycling. Defended on 18.06.2009.
- Sophie Dillen (FWO fellowship). Genetic variation in growth and its determinants in two poplar families grown at two sites. Defended on 24.04.2009.
- Najwa Al Afas (grant Syrian Al Baath University). Comparative study of ecophysiological production of different hybrid poplars in a short rotation coppice culture. Defended on 25.06.2007.
- Hans De Boeck (IWT fellowship). Community-scale effects of climate warming on experimental grasslands of different species richness. Defended on 29.05.2007. Promotor prof. Ivan Nijs.
- Catherine Lemmens. Responses of individual grassland species to climate warming and species richness: ecophysiological processes, development and biomass production. Defended on 29.05.2007. Co-promotor prof. Ivan Nijs.
- Hans Verbeeck. The carbon and water balances of two temperate forest ecosystems: a process based modeling approach. Defended on 15.05.2007. Co-promotor prof. Ivan Janssens.
- Marion Liberloo (FWO fellowship). Study of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and nitrogen fertilization on ecosystem processes in a fast growing short rotation coppice of poplars. Defended on 13.12.2006.
- Jorge Curiel-Yuste. The importance of soil respiration in the carbon cycle of two contrasting forest types. Defended on 8.07.2004. Co-promotor prof. Ivan Janssens.
- Ilse Laureysens. Clonal variation in productivity, population dynamics and phytoextraction potential of poplar short rotation coppice culture. Defended on 5.07.2004.
- Birgit Gielen (FWO fellowship). Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on a fast-growing poplar ecosystem: process and structure. Defended on 9.05.2003.
- M. Ewa Jach. Response of young Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) to increased carbon dioxide concentration. Defended on 28.06.2000.
- Katrien Bortier. Tree physiological research in view of ozone damage. Defended on 28.06.2000.
- Ivan Janssens (FWO fellowship). Soil CO2 efflux in a mixed forest ecosystem in the Antwerp Campine region. Defended on 30.04.1999.