- Over 350 publications in peer-reviewed (A1) scientific journals with peer review board, including co-author on one paper in Nature, one in Science, two in PNAS.
- (Co-)editor of 9 books on plant responses to environmental factors and tree physiology
- More than 50 publications in scientific volumes, proceedings and popularizing journals
- Over 100 abstracts of lectures, seminars and poster presentations
- Over 25 book chapters in scientific volumes
- Total number of citations 18,000 (October 2019)
- Overall average number of citations per published article: 36
- h-index: 61 (Web of Knowledge) or 81 (Google Scholar). m-index: 1.48
- Under my guidance the PLECO research group published on average 60 scientific papers per year in international scientific journals, 50% of which appear in the top-10% journals within the discipline in terms of impact factor.
- The publication analysis of LabTimes showed that over the period 1999-2005 I was among the 20 most cited authors in plant science (source: LabTimes, issue of the volume of February 2007).
Reinhart Ceulemans Reinhart Ceulemans
Publications and Analysis of publication record