Research team
Study, analyses and advise on renewable (bio-) energy sources. I have experience with the establishment, the management and the harvest of short-rotation coppice plantation of fast-growing trees, in particular poplar. Conversion of woody biomass for the production of renewable electricity and/or green heat. Mainly the biological and productivity aspects of short-rotation coppice plantations fall within my field of expertise.
Implementation of soil fauna effects into the forest ecosystem model ANAFORE (ANAFAUNA).
Understanding soil processes and their role in ecosystem functioning is essential for effective protection, restoration and sustainable use of soils and terrestrial ecosystems. Forest ecosystem models dynamically simulate fluxes of carbon, water, nitrogen and other nutrients through a forest ecosystem. Only models that account for all key interactions between climate, soil and plants can become versatile and reliable tools to predict the effect of different management strategies or future global changes on forests and soils. The effect of soil fauna has been so far neglected in most of similar models. However, with our increasing understanding of the crucial role of fauna on many processes, there is a general consensus on the need to implement these effects into ecosystem models. The main research question of this project is: Does a model that includes an active role of soil fauna provide better prediction of soil processes than previous simpler models? ANAFORE is a stand-scale mechanistic forest model with a detailed soil model. The specific objectives of this project are 1) to develop a new soil submodel that will account for important effects of soil fauna on the simulated fluxes of water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus; and integrate it into the ANAFORE model. The modeled effects include fragmentation, bioturbation, aggregation, macropore formation and foodweb effects on soil organic matter decomposition, 2) to optimize and validate the new model using: i) historical experimental data obtained during long-term research at Sokolov post-mining ecosystems LTER site, ii) additional literature and original data collected during the project for modelling purposes; 3) to compare performance of the new ANAFORE soil submodel with the previous version of ANAFORE and the Yasso model as an example of a simple model that predicts organic matter decomposition only based on litter quality and abiotic factors.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Vinduskova Olga
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS): Flemish participation in the integrated infrastructure network of greenhouse gas observation stations.
ICOS monitors the global cycle of carbon and of greenhouse gases across the European continent. It provides an infrastructure for researchers and climate modellers as well as processed data and a complete map of the European greenhouse gas balance for policy makers and the general public. The high quality data and products are of crucial importance for the rapid evaluation of the impact of climate change mitigation policies in Europe and the validation of the general circulation models used for the IPCC reports. Because no similar facilities exist within Europe ICOS is the flagship environmental research infrastructure of Europe with regard to the Kyoto protocol, COP21 and to the global carbon issue. As greenhouse gases surpass the borders of countries or regions, a pan-European infrastructure and approach are the only feasible ones. Since greenhouse gas concentrations keep on increasing and mitigation efforts are being increasingly implemented, there is a sense of urgency for a continuous carbon observation infrastructure. In addition to the clear value for policy makers, the high-quality ICOS data are also extremely valuable for advancing science in several fields. Because of the unique synergy of atmospheric, terrestrial, and oceanic observatories, the projected lifespan of 20 years and the extensive geographical coverage of the infrastructure ICOS provides unique data on greenhouse gases in Europe. As such the infrastructure will leverage top of the world research and will attract large project consortia to access the observation stations. ICOS also provides the potential to bring new H2020 projects (ear-marked for infrastructure research) or new ERC grants to Flanders and Belgium. ICOS contributes to the international Observing Strategy for measuring carbon fluxes and their underlying processes globally, formulated by the Integrated Global Carbon Observation Strategy (IGCO-P; and taken further towards implementation by GEO.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Janssens Ivan
- Co-promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Analysis and Experimentation on Ecocystems (AnaEE).
ANAEE will provide Europe with a distributed and coordinated set of experimental, analytical and modelling platforms to analyse and predict in a precise manner the response of the main continental ecosystems to environmental and land use changes. ANAEE will consist of highly equipped in natura and in vitro experimental platforms associated with sophisticated analytical and modelling platforms, under a European umbrella of supranational entities. At UAntwerp these platforms will include both terrestrial and aquatic experimental facilities.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Nijs Ivan
- Co-promoter: Blust Ronny
- Co-promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Meire Patrick
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Assessment of isoprene emission by hyperspectral data (HYPI).
In the HYPI project we link isoprene flux measurements at leaf and canopy levels to hyperspectral vegetation indices. We aim to demonstrate whether hyperspectral vegetation indices can provide an improved estimation of the spatial and temporal variability of isoprene emissions of ecosystems. Visit the project website at:
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Physiological and environmental controls of water and ozone fluxes in a short rotation poplar plantation: from leaf to tree to ecosystem scale (Physio-Pop).
One of the consequences of global climate changes is the altered global water availability. Among the greenhouse gases (GHGs) causing global climate changes, carbon dioxide (CO2) has received most attention. Over the last decennia the impact of rising CO2 concentrations on crops has been widely studied. The study of tropospheric ozone (O3) and its consequences on crops has not been as extensive, although O3 is a widespread and damaging air pollutant in industrialized countries. The PHYSIO-POP project fits within the search for renewable (bio-)energies, in particular the production of woody biomass energy. The project examines the water consumption and the sensitivity to O3 pollution of a short-rotation poplar plantation with fast-growing poplars (Populus spp.) for biomass production. The multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach followed in this project aims to improve our knowledge of the impact of global climate change by studying the physiological and environmental controls of water and O3 fluxes in different short rotation poplar genotypes at all relevant biological (leaf, tree, ecosystem) and time (daily, seasonal) scales. To achieve this objective the project makes the unusual combination of plant (eco-)physiological studies at the leaf and the tree levels with model simulations at tree and ecosystem levels. By studying the different hierarchical organisational levels from the leaf over the individual tree to the ecosystem scale, we can improve our understanding of what happens at scale of the the whole short-rotation plantation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Navarro Garcia Alejandra
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Plant and Vegetation Ecology and Global Changes.
The overarching theme of the Centre of Excellence is the study of the effects of global changes, in the broadest meaning of the term, on plants and vegetations. This long-term goal is being realized a.o. by studying the responses of plants and vegetations to the, sometimes manipulated, abiotic environment over a continuum of hierarchical scales, ranging from the individual leaf to the continent. Original experimental research and long-term observations are strengthened by coupling: (i) to existing or newly developed simulation models, and (ii) to the intensive use and statistical meta-analysis of new and existing databases. The ecosystem stations of the large-scale European ESFRI infrastructures ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) and AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) are used as platforms for experimental and monitoring studies. The objectives of the research are a better understanding of the functioning, the dynamics and the structure of plants – at the leaf, plant, community and ecosystem levels up to the continental scale – in present and future environments. Specific studies include renewable bio-energy, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, ozone and volatile organic compounds, soil and earth system models, as well as interactions of climatic change and biodiversity.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Impact of poplar bioenergy cultivation on ozone and volatile organic compound emissions (SRF-OZO).
The need for renewable energy sources to meet EU Directive 2009/28/EC is expected to lead to a considerable expansion in the planting of dedicated fast-growing biomass crops managed as Short Rotation Forestry (SRF). Among them Poplar (Populus spp) is currently the most widely planted SRF species and th us an increase in large-scale SRF poplar plantations might be expected. Poplars are characterized by a considerably high isoprene emission coefficient, and are susceptible to ozone pollution. In this project we will- for the first time - simultaneously measure the fluxes of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs), ozone (03), and NOx emission in combination with the greenhouse gases (C02, CH4 and N20). All these flux measurements will be made in an SRF poplar plantation located in Lochristi (Belgium) using the eddy covariance technique. The primary objectives of the project are: (i) to quantify the NOx, BVOC and 03 emissions at leaf and ecosystem levels, and (ii) to identify the environmental variables that drive these fluxes. The data obtained will be used to parameterize the CTM LOTOS-EUROS and the CTMs Chemical Transport modeis. Model simulations will reveal the potential impact of large-scale biomass plantations on isoprene emissions, and consequently on ozone air pollution at the European level. The study wil! also quantify the Global Warming Potential of poplar SRF and the carbon offset that could be achieved with the bioenergy produced. This project will establish a scientific collaboration with the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) of the US Department of Energy to share data and write joint publications.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
ANAEE will provide Europe with a distributed and coordinated set of experimental, analytical and modelling platforms to analyse and predict in a precise manner the response of the main continental ecosystems to environmental and land use changes. ANAEE will consist of highly equipped in natura and in vitro experimental platforms associated with sophisticated analytical and modelling platforms coupled to networks of instrumented observation and monitoring sites throughout Europe.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Nijs Ivan
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Modelling and assessing surface change impacts on Belgian and Western European climate (MASC).
The overall objective of this project is to study the feedbacks between dimate changes and land surface changes in order to improve regional climate model projections at the decennial scale over Belgium and Western Europe and thus to provide betler climate projections and climate change evaluation tools to policy makers, stakeholders and the scientific community.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Deckmyn Gaby
- Co-promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Growth simulations for beech trees using Anafore growth simulator.
This project represents a formal service agreement between UA and on the other hand NLCK. UA provides NLCK research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Bio-LCA: Introducing biodiversity in life cycle assessment (LCA).
The present project Bio-LCA: Introducing biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) intends to majorly contribute to solving the issue of making LCA and biodiversity compatible. The project will consist on the inclusion of important drivers of biodiversity change, such as resource overexploitation and introduction of invasive species, as indicators in the LCA framework.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Teixeira Ricardo
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Infrastructure for analysis and experimentation on ecosystems (ANAEE).
ANAEE will provide Europe with a distributed and coordinated set of experimental, analytical and modelling platforms to analyse and predict in a precise manner the response of the main continental ecosystems to environmental and land use changes. ANAEE will consist of highly equipped in natura and in vitro experimental platforms associated with sophisticated analytical and modelling platforms coupled to networks of instrumented observation and monitoring sites throughout Europe.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Nijs Ivan
- Co-promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Meire Patrick
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
A decision support tool to manage climate change risks to forest ecosystems (EcoRisk).
The aim of this project was to design a decision support tool capable of modelling scenarios of forest growth, nutrient uptake and pollutant behaviour under different forest, soil, groundwater and climate conditions in Belgian forests. Emphasis was not only on forest growth and productivity, but also on the soil carbon (C) and nutrient status and the possible changes in the distribution of a number of elements, including pollutants and radioactive substances.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
ESFRI-infrastructure project 'Integrated Carbon Observation System' (ICOS).
The main objectives of ICOS are: (1) to establish an integrated long-term global carbon and GHG observation infrastructure; (2) to determine regional carbon and GHG fluxes from observations and attribute these to processes; (3) to provide regional GHG budgets for policy support; (4) to provide access and services for data and data productsResearcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Janssens Ivan
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Water balance and water use efficiency of bioenergy culture of woody plants: a multiscalaire approach.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
System analysis of a short rotation coppice culture for bioenergy production: energy balance and environmental economic analysis.
This PhD research intends to develop of a full energy- and carbon balance of a bioenergy plantation with fast-growing poplars (Populus). A large scale operational bioenergy plantation provides the researcher with experimental data with regard to both the energy use and -production and the carbon inputs and -outputs. An elaborate life cycle analysis of the full three year rotation of the plantation is performed and all environmental costs are expressed in terms of both monetary costs and carbon costs. The information obtained from the carbon- and energy balance is included in the GORCAM-model, in order to test the carbon efficiency and the energetic performance against the economic potential of short rotation coppices.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Aviel
- Fellow: El Kasmioui Ouafik
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Scientific Chair International Francqui Professor 2010-2011 (Prof. dr. J.S. King).
Scientific Chair in the domain of Forest Ecology.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
GHG-POPFULL - Full greenhouse gas balance of a short rotation coppice (SRC) plantation of poplar.
The main objective of the project is to produce a full accounting of the greenhouse gas balance of a short-rotation coppice (SRC) plantation culture with poplar. This will lead to the ultimate goal, i.e. to examine the potential of SRC cultures to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations in Europe and to mitigate climate change. As atmospheric CO2 concentrations will inevitably increase further from 370 ppm at present to values between 490 ppm (best case scenario) and 1260 ppm (worst case scenario) at the end of this century, we will test the potential of SRC crops to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and to mitigate several greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, O3). We will also monitor and quantify ozone fluxes as poplar is a sensitive crop to tropospheric ozone levels.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Zona Donatella
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Water and carbon balance of a short rotation crop of fast growing poplars.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand EU. UA provides EU research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
ICOS Flanders: Ecosystem Infrastructure for Integrated Carbon Observing System.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Janssens Ivan
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Productivity of agro-ecosystems in the Pampa Region with a particular emphasis on the yield of wheat.
This project examines the impact of environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, fertilsation, soil conditions, management) on the productivity of wheat in the Pampa Region over the last three decades.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Development of a solidly based long-term plan for the wood production of the Flemish ''Bosland"
The aim of this project is to develop a solidly based long-term plan for the wood production of the Flemish 'Bosland' over a planning period of 60 years based on the present forest situation as described in the forest management plans. The following elements are considered and included in the project realisation: (i) A founded choice of the dominant forest species involved in the wood production, with identification of their respective shares, zonation, final destination qualities and management; (ii) The plan-based approach for the reformation in time and space (planning period of 60 years); (iii) The prediction of the wood production for the first management period of the plan (20 years). 'Bosland' is a cooperative effort of the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forestry, the city of Lommel and the communities Hechtel-Eksel and Overpelt.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Does stress sensitivity change of plants and ecosystems under modified climate conditions?
The central research question of this project (the Ph.D. project of Kim Naudts) is whether the resistance of species-rich plant communities to different stress factors will change in a future climate. To this end we will grow grassland ecosystems in sunlit controlled chambers under either the present or future climate conditions, and expose them to a wide range of stressors: drought, nitrogen deficiency, flooding and heavy metals (zinc). Stressors will be applied separately to assess dose-response relations, but also in combination to examine their interactive impact.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Naudts Kim
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
BOF: 1 year doctoral fellowship (Melanie Verlinden).
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Verlinden Melanie
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Ontogenetic patterns in carbon and water relations in leaves related to the growth strategy of trees.
This postdoctoral research aims at elucidating the ontogenetic patterns of carbon and water relations in leaves, and how these are related to the age and growth habit of trees. Data will be mainly collected at Harvard Forest in cooperation with Boston University (USA). Differences in crown phenology between seedlings and mature trees, and between trees with a different growth habit will be studied.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Dillen Sophie
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
System analysis of a short rotation coppice culture for bioenergy production: energy balance and environmental economic analysis.
This PhD research intends to develop of a full energy- and carbon balance of a bioenergy plantation with fast-growing poplars (Populus). A large scale operational bioenergy plantation provides the researcher with experimental data with regard to both the energy use and -production and the carbon inputs and ¿outputs. An elaborate life cycle analysis of the full three year rotation of the plantation is performed and all environmental costs are expressed in terms of both monetary costs and carbon costs. The information obtained from the carbon- and energy balance is included in the GORCAM-model, in order to test the carbon efficiency and the energetic performance against the economic potential of short rotation coppices.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Verbruggen Aviel
- Fellow: El Kasmioui Ouafik
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Impact of bio-energy culture in the environment: greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration in soil, and biodiversity.
This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
System analysis of a bio-energy plantation: full greenhouse gas balance and energy accounting. (POPFULL)
One of the strategies for mitigation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions that is receiving a lot of attention in this post-Kyoto era, is the use of bio-energy as a replacement for fossil fuels. Among the different alternatives of bio-energy production the use of biomass crops -- such as fast-growing woody crops under short rotation coppice (SRC) regimes -- is probably the most suited, in particular in the EU. Two issues need to be addressed before the efficacy of bio-energy for carbon mitigation can be conclusively assessed, i.e. (i) a full life cycle analysis (LCA) of the global warming contribution of SRC, and (ii) and an assessment of the energy efficiency of the system. The objectives of this project are: (i) to make a full LCA balance of the most important greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, H2O and O3) and of the volatile organic compounds (VOC's), and (ii) to make a full energy accounting of a SRC plantation with fast-growing trees. The project will involve both an experimental approach at a representative field site in Belgium and a modelling part. For the experimental approach a SRC of poplar (Populus) will be monitored during the course of 1+3 years, harvested and transformed into bio-energy using two alternative techniques, i.e. a small-scale gasification and co-combustion in a large-scale electricity plant. Eddy covariance techniques will be used to monitor net fluxes of all greenhouse gases and VOC's, in combination with common assessments of biomass pools (incl. soil) and fluxes. For the energy accounting we will use life cycle analysis and energy efficiency assessments over the entire life cycle of the SRC plantation until the production of electricity and heat. A significant process based modeling component will integrate the collected knowledge on the greenhouse gas and energy balances toward predictions and simulations of the net reduction of fossil fuel greenhouse gas emissions (avoided emissions) of SRC over different rotation cycles.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Impact of tropospheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species.(OFFQ)
This project aims to evaluate the impact of increasing tropospheric ozone pollution on changes in antioxidant and glucosinolate (natural toxin) composition of Brassica species. These are important factors in relation to health and safety aspects of the food and feed chain. Objectives : 1. to determine the impact of increasing tropospheric ozone concentrations on antioxidant and glucosinolate composition of Brassica species. 2. evaluation of the influence of ozone on the human diet and animal feed intake by incorporating the changes in antioxidant and glucosinolate levels in the food chain 3. to identify physiological and biochemical biomarkers for ozone stress by investigating the interaction between stress induction and changes in secondary metabolites. 4. elucidation of interaction between abiotic stress induction, defence pathways and changes in secondary metabolites by means of transcriptoom analysis 5. evaluation of impact of ozone induced changes in glucosinolate content and composition in relation to plant-pathogen/insect interaction through literature study 6. to determine yield losses and changes in yield quality 7. to contribute to ozone flux modelling by providing data on environmental dependence of stomatal conductance of oilseed rape and broccoli. To achieve the main objective, oilseed rape or canola (Brassica napus L.) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. cv. Italica) will be exposed to different levels of ambient ozone concentrations during their entire growth. The experiments will be performed under «near-field» conditons in 15 Open-Top Chambers (OTCs) at the Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Center (VAR) in Tervuren and be repeated over 3 consecutive years to ensure sufficient environmental variation for data extrapolation. Comparison with unframed «open¿field» plots enables determination of the variation in ozone flux at the leaf level under fluctuating climatic conditions (soil moisture, air humidity, temperature, global radiation). The Research Group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology of the University of Antwerp is responsible for the physiological assessments of plant heath throughout the experiments. This will be achieved through measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence at the leaf level. The main objective of these measurements is to identify the extent to which O3 fumigation is causing a physiological stress response in the plants and to relate these events to changes in biochemical profiles.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Valorisation of organic waste diluted with wastewater via biotransformations.
In general, organic wastes are in principle of little use or value but can add substantially to our community by recycling its compounds, either as valuable products either in terms of energy recovery. Currently, waste handling has become a real problem due to limited available space while people need to survive in that limited space. The purpose of this project is to develop a feasible technology that defines the optimum operational conditions for stable and reproducible mixed fermentative production from organic waste or biomass sources and that allows to control the fermentation processes to direct them in a stable effluent containing valuable products like organic acids. Moreover, the conversion of organic wastes can be combined with continuous anaerobic wastewater treatment processes to optimize the energy efficiency of the treatment. Thus the project provides multidisciplinary scientific insight for recovery of valuable products from organic waste diluted e.g. with domestic wastewater, another stream that typically needs energy to treat it in a conventional way.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Diels Ludo
- Co-promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Arslan Doga
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
ICOS - Integrated Carbon Observation System.
The ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) project builds an infrastructure for co-ordinated, long-term, high-quality observational data of the greenhouse balance of Europe and of adjacent key regions of Siberia and Africa. Consisting of a centre for co-ordination, calibration and data in conjunction with networks of atmospheric and ecosystem observations, ICOS is designed to create a scientific backbone for a better understanding and quantification of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, and their feedback with climate change. The overarching objectives of ICOS are: (i) to provide the long-term observations required to improve understanding of the present state and future behaviour of the global carbon cycle and greenhouse gas emissions, and the factors that control the changing atmospheric composition in greenhouse gases; (ii) to monitor and assess the effectiveness of carbon sequestration and/or greenhouse gas emission reduction activities on global atmospheric composition levels, including attribution of sources and sinks by region and sector at atmospheric and ecosystem level. These objectives are achieved by: (i) establishing a central facility, the ICOS-centre, which is responsible for co-ordination, calibration and data handling; (ii) maintaining a co-ordinated, integrated, long-term, high-quality network of atmospheric and ecosystem observations; (iii) improving access to existing and future atmospheric and ecosystem data for research, and for political decision making; (iv) improving access to state-of-the-art facilities for ecosystem measurements for the European research community; (v) providing European terrestrial ground-truth data for the validation of emerging remotely sensed datasets on atmospheric composition and land cover as provided e.g. by GMES; (vi) contributing the European share to a global greenhouse gas observation network under IGCO and UNFCCC.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Environment and plant ecology at various scales.
The main theme of the Center of Excellence ECO is the study of the effects of changes in the abiotic (i.e. non-living) environment on ecological systems, on the condition and health of plants and animals ¿ including humans ¿ and on the cultural heritage. With regard to the ecological systems hierarchical levels ranging from the cell and organism, over ecosystems to the landscape and region, are considered. Essentially we examine both causes (abiotic changes, disturbance of the living environment, various stress situations) and their consequences (ecophysiological and chemical respons processes at different levels of organisation). The research has a basic fundamental nature, but has also a methodological aspect. In a number of cases the research will also result in or lead to relevant practical applications.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Blust Ronny
- Co-promoter: Van Grieken Rene
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Genotypic diversity in productivity and efficiency of water users in the genus Populus.
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Does stress sensitivity change of plants and ecosystems under modified climate conditions?
The central research question of this project (the Ph.D. project of Kim Naudts) is whether the resistance of species-rich plant communities to different stress factors will change in a future climate. To this end we will grow grassland ecosystems in sunlit controlled chambers under either the present or future climate conditions, and expose them to a wide range of stressors: drought, nitrogen deficiency, flooding and heavy metals (zinc). Stressors will be applied separately to assess dose-response relations, but also in combination to examine their interactive impact.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Naudts Kim
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Genotypic diversity in productivity and water use efficiency in the genus Populus.
Plants are able, via their stomata and via various physiological-biochemical processes in their cells, ot discriminate between different isotopes of chemical elements as e.g. carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). This discrimination allows to quatify the efficiency of C-uptake and water release, and to link this to production performance. The genotypic variability in the water use efficiency will be examined in this project via stable carbon isotope analyses and linked to productivity in the genus poplar (Populus).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Trade-offs between light capture and hydraulics of trees growing under elevated atmospheric CO2 and drought: assessment with the 3-dimensional YPLANT model.
In the post-doctoral research project of Marion Liberloo we examine the effects of elevated CO2 and natural drought on the trade-offs between light capture and hydraulics of trees. The experimental work is concentrated at the University of West Sydney (Australia), while the analyses, modeling and compilation are completed at the University of Antwerpen. The Hawkesbury Forest Experiment (Sydney) consists of twelve CO2 and temperature controlled whole-three chambers. Trees are grown under ambient (380 ppm) and elevated (620 ppm) CO2, and are exposed to different water availabilities (no-water-added and irrigated). First, we examine the effects of elevated CO2, drought and their possible interactions on the three dimensional (3-D) structure (stem + branches + leaves) of a fast-growing Eucalyptus species. The exact 3-D location and orientation of the stem, branches and leaves of E. saligna are recorded with a magnetic digitizer (Fastrak 3Space, Vermont, USA), resulting in a full 3-dimensional image of the whole tree. We determine C-allocation to wood vs. leaves, measure leaf photosynthetic light response, LAI and gap fraction of the canopy under different CO2 levels and water availabilities. Second, we implement data of 3-D structure, photosynthesis and light environment in the YPLANT model to model light capture efficiency and net carbon gain at the plant level. Finally, we interpret these results in the light of possible trade-offs between light capture and hydraulic limitations when trees are suffering drought in a future high CO2 world.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Liberloo Marion
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Genotype x environment interactions in poplar toward bioenergy production.
Trees and fast growing woody plants have some important assets at their disposal in order to contribute to the European agreement to decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). On the one hand trees are capable of taking up carbon from the atmosphere, and on the other hand they can partly substitute the use of fossil fuels by producing renewable energy (i.e. bioenergy). Fast growing trees (e.g. hybrid poplars, Populus spp.) can be cultivated in short rotation coppice cultures (SRC's) for the production of bioenergy. The possibilities and the success of these SRC's are dependent on the amount of woody biomass that can be produced over a short period. This is partly determined by the genotype of the considered hybrid, partly by abiotic factors (soil, climate). The experimental infrastructure provided by the European POPYOMICS network consists of three field sites with contrasting climatic conditions, planted with a number of complete hybrid poplar families of different origin. The network aims at increasing the yield of the genus poplar (Populus) in terms of biomass and wood production throug a better understanding of physiology, molecular genetics and genomics. Several ecophysiological characteristics, such as height, stem circumference, individual leaf area, phenology,... , will be determined during two growing seasons, one before and one after coppice. At the end of the second growing season productivity will be determined through assessment of biomass. The effects of site (environment) on heritability, productivity and ecophysiological characteristics will be evaluated. Results of this PhD research (of Sophie Dillen) will enable the identification of robust QTL (quantitative trait loci) for various genotypes and contrasting climates. Therefore, ecophysiological characteristics can be located on the genetic map (meanwhile available) of poplar in the near future.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Dillen Sophie
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- Research Project
Effect of tropospheric ozone on tree growth, wood quality, and forest ecosystem fluxes: a model simulation.
Tropospheric ozone (O3) has been shown to reduce the growth and carbon sink strength of European forests at currently prevailing concentrations. O3 concentrations are very likely to keep on increasing throughout the 21st century. Yet, the vast majority of forest models tends to ignore this O3 effect on growth when simulating future forest growth. The aim of this PhD-research is to extend an existing forest growth model, called ANAFORE (ANAlysis of FORest Ecosystems), by adding a new O3 effects module. This module will mechanistically simulate and express O3 induced growth as a function of stomatal O3 uptake rates. By means of existing datasets from O3 fumigation experiments on common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) the module will be developed and parameterized. After validation the module will be implemented into the ANAFORE model. Eventually, the extended ANAFORE-model will be applied for 1. simulating of forest growth and O3-damage under predicted future climate and O3-regimes establishing O3 dose/response relationships; 2. establishing O3 dose/response relationships for trees.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Op de Beeck Maarten
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- Research Project
Changes in the stress sensitivity of plants and ecosystems under climate change conditions.
The central research question of this project is whether the resistance of species-rich plant communities to different stress factors will change in a future climate. To this end we will grow grassland mesocosms in sunlit controlled chambers under either the present or future climate conditions, and expose them to a wide range of stressors: tropospheric ozone, drought, nitrogen deficiency, nitrogen saturation (eutrophication), and heavy metals (cadmium). Stressors will be applied separately to assess dose-response relations, but also in combination to examine their interactive impact. By combining expertise from ecology, plant physiology, and biochemistry, we will evaluate the responses to stress in a future climate across a wide range of biological complexity, from cell to ecosystem.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Asard Han
- Co-promoter: Janssens Ivan
- Co-promoter: Nijs Ivan
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- Research Project
Impact of Global Change on terrestial ecosystems : multiscalar approach. (FWO Vis.Fel., Anna Shevtsova Chupina, Sweden)
The project aims at studying the sensitivity to climate warming of a range of arctic/alpine and boreal species and plant functional types, in different stages of early seedling establishment. Warming is simulated by the exposure of field plots to controlled infrared irradiation, a technique developed at UA. We will also study changes in growth and chemical composition of full-grown vegetation in response to warming, to evaluate whether these changes induce a chemical-ecological barrier for the establishment of new seedlings. The working hypothesis is that climate warming deteriorates the capacity of Arctic plant communities to regenerate.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Nijs Ivan
- Fellow: Shevtsova Anna
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- Research Project
A decision support tool for sustainable forest management based on ecophysiological analysis and simulation of the variability in tree development.
The strategic objective of this consortium (of three Flemish universities) is to develop a process-based forest model (SimForTree) as a basis for the implementation of decision-support tools. This should enable to compare and evaluate different sustainable forest management strategies with respect to their impact on wood quality, ecosystem functioning and forest structural development. The work will be developed along three main lines: (i) observational, (ii) model development, and (iii) simulations. i) The observational line will focus on increasing the fundamental understanding of wood formation in relation to site, microclimate, seasonality, human intervention and within-tree variability, of major tree species in Flanders (beech, indigenous oak, poplar hybrids and Scots pine) on typical soils. ii) In the model development line knowledge on key processes determining tree development will be integrated into a stand level process model of forest growth. The forest wood-chain will be integrated into the model. Three different user-friendly front-ends of the SimForTree model for different target users will be developed: Forest-wood chain, Environmental and Ecosystem SimForTree. The modular structure of the model will facilitate its use as a scientific tool and allow multiple applications expanding the model for specific end-users. iii) In the simulation line, the validated model will be used to investigate several case studies emphasising the specific capacities of the new model. These case studies encompass carbon budget analyses and management optimisation in function of yield quality. Wood and tree quality are conceived here in a broader sense, i.e. the terms do not only focus on basic properties which determine the technological quality of wood used as a material, but also on the features that allow proper biomechanical and ecophysiological functioning of a tree in its natural environment.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Study of the relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and light use efficiency for the purposes of "remote sensing".
The relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and light use efficiency is complicated by both photochemical and non-photochemical processes. Moreover remote sensing techniques can only provide a sun-induced fluorescence signal, which makes interpretation of these measurements problematic. In this one year scholarship, the relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and light use efficiency of vegetations will be investigated in an ecophysiological study on different plant species in control and stress conditions. In this way the study will contribute to the interpretation of sun-induced fluorescence.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Naudts Kim
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- Research Project
Mycorrhizae impact on biodiversity and C-balance of grassland ecosystems under changing climate. (MYCARBIO).
The research project MYCARBIO aims to investigate the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on biodiversity and on the carbon cycle in Belgian grassland ecosystems under changing climate conditions. To achieve this overall goal, five specific objectives have been identified: (1) the evaluation of AMF biodiversity in selected Belgian grasslands; (2) the determination of the role of AMF for seedling establishment, plant community structure, diversity and productivity in grasslands; (3) the understanding of the impacts of elevated CO2, temperature and water availability on AMF and plant biodiversity, on AMF-plant associations and on the carbon cycle; (4) the evaluation of the ecological significance of AMF-plant interactions on above- and below-ground biodiversity and the carbon balance; and (5) the modeling of the carbon balance processes in grassland ecosystems. The general methodology to address the overall goal of MYCARBIO is based on research at different scales in which the level of complexity increases from individual species to community, and from specific mechanisms to ecosystem functioning. The MYCARBIO project aims to provide significant insights on the impacts of climate change on grassland ecosystems and biodiversity, which would be valuable for scientists, stakeholders, and policy makers at national and international levels.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Nijs Ivan
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- Research Project
Impact of tropospheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species. (OFFQ).
This project aims to evaluate the impact of increasing tropospheric ozone pollution on changes in antioxidant and glucosinolate (natural toxin) composition of Brassica species. These are important factors in relation to health and safety aspects of the food and feed chain. Objectives : 1. to determine the impact of increasing tropospheric ozone concentrations on antioxidant and glucosinolate composition of Brassica species. 2. evaluation of the influence of ozone on the human diet and animal feed intake by incorporating the changes in antioxidant and glucosinolate levels in the food chain 3. to identify physiological and biochemical biomarkers for ozone stress by investigating the interaction between stress induction and changes in secondary metabolites. 4. elucidation of interaction between abiotic stress induction, defence pathways and changes in secondary metabolites by means of transcriptoom analysis 5. evaluation of impact of ozone induced changes in glucosinolate content and composition in relation to plant-pathogen/insect interaction through literature study 6. to determine yield losses and changes in yield quality 7. to contribute to ozone flux modelling by providing data on environmental dependence of stomatal conductance of oilseed rape and broccoli. To achieve the main objective, oilseed rape or canola (Brassica napus L.) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. cv. Italica) will be exposed to different levels of ambient ozone concentrations during their entire growth. The experiments will be performed under «near-field» conditons in 15 Open-Top Chambers (OTCs) at the Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Center (VAR) in Tervuren and be repeated over 3 consecutive years to ensure sufficient environmental variation for data extrapolation. Comparison with unframed «open¿field» plots enables determination of the variation in ozone flux at the leaf level under fluctuating climatic conditions (soil moisture, air humidity, temperature, global radiation). The Research Group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology of the University of Antwerp is responsible for the physiological assessments of plant heath throughout the experiments. This will be achieved through measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence at the leaf level. The main objective of these measurements is to identify the extent to which O3 fumigation is causing a physiological stress response in the plants and to relate these events to changes in biochemical profiles.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Promoter: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Chlorophyl fluorescence imaging of plants exposed to biotic and abiotic stress in a future climate.
Chlorophyll (chl) a fluorescence has proven to be a useful technique for the study and screening of plant stress. Because chl fluorescence is in a complex way related to photosynthesis, measurements of chl fluorescence provide detailed information about the integrity and the quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII). The general aim of this study is to characterize changes in primary photochemistry processes of different plant species in relation to stress factors not only under current but also under future climate conditions. By doing this within a larger project in which several separate and combined stress factors will be applied, it is possible to investigate which mechanisms are common and which are specific to different stressors. Objectives: - To characterize the changes in quantum use efficiency of PSII in relation to separate and combined stress factors under ambient and future climate conditions for several plant species - To improve our understanding of processes of non-photochemical quenching by studying these under different stress and climate conditions within the same experiment - To relate patterns and variation of photochemical efficiency within an individual leaf to a certain stressor and investigate whether these patterns differ between ambient and future climate conditions. -To investigate whether chl fluorescence is a good indicator of photochemical capacity in all conditions This research will be performed within a larger project, which will be initiated in our research group with the aim of investigating whether the stress resistance of ecosystems and the composing plant species will be modified under future climate conditions. In particular, the project aims to elucidate whether the dose-response relationship of each stressor changes, and whether synergetic or antagonistic effects occur between different stressors. Grassland mesocosms (units of soil + vegetation) will be grown within plastic containers in computer-controlled, sunlit growth chambers with half of those tracking ambient conditions and the other half with future climate conditions (elevated air temperature and CO2 concentration) . The mesocosms will be exposed to different abiotic stressors.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Tropospheric ozone effect on tree growth and wood quality and on fluxes in forest ecosystems: a model simulation.
Rising tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations pose a threat to natural vegetation. Many experiments have been shown O3 to induce growth reduction on trees. Although the physiological mechanisms involved are well known, not much effort has been made to simulate induced growth reduction on trees in a mechanistic way. The aim of this research project is to mechanistically simulate growth reduction on trees, by means of an existing tree growth model and existing datasets from O3 fumigation experiments. The model, called ANAFORE (ANAlysis of FORest Ecosystems), will be validated before the O3-effect on tree growth is added. The latter will be done by incorporation of an O3-module. This module will simulate effects based on calculated stomatal O3-fluxes into the tree. The tree species of interest are common beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Deckmyn Gaby
- Fellow: Op de Beeck Maarten
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- Research Project
Effects of climate warming and altered biodiversity on the carbon, water and nitrogen balance of grasslands under drought conditions.
Global change includes both climatic change as well as changes in land use and in biodiversity. The impact of climatic environmental stresses and land use pressure on grasslands are not well known. Grasslands are expected to undergo the largest changes in diversity, as they are affected simultaneously by a combination of factors [e.g. nitrogen (N) deposition, overgrazing, increasing of atmospheric C02 concentrations and temperature]. This is particularly significant since grasslands constitute a major pool of the global C cycle, accounting for 20% of the terrestrial C02 fluxes and contributing to a similar share of the global soil organic C, Until today rather few studies have considered the combined effects of increased temperature and 1) thought stress, or 2) increased N deposition rates on loss of diversity. The proposed project aims to investigate the outcome of these combined effects on diversity loss and on C and N cycles, including C and N plant-soil allocation, during different stages of plant development. Specifically, we will evaluate (1) the performance, productivity, and water use efficiency, (2) soil C balance, and (3) different aspects of the N cycle and plant N-use efficiency, all in different types of grassland communities. Several experiments will be performed using model ecosystems grown in 12 sunlit, climate-controlled chambers. Each chamber will contain 24 plant communities, with different combinations of nine grassland species three grass species, three N-fixer dicots and three non-N-fixing dicots. Each plant community will consist of one, three, or nine species, in order to simulate different species riàhness levels. Half of the chambers will be exposed to ambient air temperatures, while the other half will be warmed by 3°C. The proposed study will advance our knowledge of how ecosystem diversity will respond to stresses in a future climate, and will contribute to reducing the cuff ent uncertainties surrounding diversity loss in grasslands.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Study of water transport in trees: functional and structural tree architecture.
This collaborative research project will examine the hydraulic architecture of individual trees (leaf area and its distribution, stem and branch hydraulic architecture, root distribution) and the contributions of the sap flow through each of these compartments. Several techniques/approaches will be used, such as the integration of sap flow measurements at the macro-level (roots, branches, stems) with those at the micro-level, anatomical studies at the cell/vessels level, root and shoot architecture analyses (earth impedance, root excavation by the 'air-spade' technique combined with photography and image analysis). Integration of structural information on the tree-level (canopy, stem, root) in combination with the corresponding sap flow allows the estimation of the absorption of water from different soil layers, as well as the dynamics of this process and its importance for tree survival. A better knowledge of the spatial distribution of water transport in the stem xylem could help interpret the relationships between root water uptake, storage and environmental conditions, and will allow to estimate the level of sectoriality/integration of long-distant transport in different tree species. This information is useful (i) for studying the influence of woody structure on water transport and tree development, (ii) for modelling the water movement in trees, and (iii) for the interpretation of approaches toward increasing plant productivity. As a result different types of treatment (as irrigation, thinning) could be applied more efficiently. The results obtained within this research project will also directly contribute to the EC-policy on Global Climate Change. The supply of relevant tools to identify early stress reactions of trees in relation to the hydrological variables will be of high value for studies on the effects of global climatic changes on terrestrial vegetations.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Center of excellence ECO.
The main theme of the Center of Excellence ECO is the study of the effects of changes in the abiotic (i.e. non-living) environment on ecological systems, on the condition and health of plants and animals ¿ including humans ¿ and on the cultural heritage. With regard to the ecological systems hierarchical levels ranging from the cell and organism, over ecosystems to the landscape and region, are considered. Essentially we examine both causes (abiotic changes, disturbance of the living environment, various stress situations) and their consequences (ecophysiological and chemical respons processes at different levels of organisation). The research has a basic fundamental nature, but has also a methodological aspect. In a number of cases the research will also result in or lead to relevant practical applications.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Blust Ronny
- Co-promoter: Van Grieken Rene
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- Research Project
Scale dependent pattern analysis in vegetations using wavelets and their application in the validation of biophysical remote sensing products.
In ecology the description of patterns in a vegetation and the understanding of the process-pattern paradigm forms an essential part of vegetation and landscape studies. The description of these patterns is frequently hindered (hampered) by scale effects. The use of wavelets in the analysis of scale dependent patterns can offer a solution for this complex problem with applications in a.o. the validation of teledetection products, an essential part of studies in physics.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Scheunders Paul
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- Research Project
Enhancing the understanding and improving the precision of the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems.
The aims of this research project are to enhance the knowledge regarding (a) the causes of the inter-annual variation and (b) the sustainability of terrestrial carbon sinks. Therefore the study will ( 1) attempt to verify the hypothesis that the inter-annual variation in atmospheric CO2 concentrations js caused by inter-annual shifts in the uptake of CO2 by terrestrial ecosystems which. in turn, is thought to be driven by climatic variability, and (2) reduce the uncertainty surrounding the future climate and carbon cycle by improving the parameterisation of an existing coupled climate- carbon cycle model.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Luyssaert Sebastiaan
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- Research Project
Study of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2-concentrations and nitrogen fertilization on ecosystem processes in a fast growing short rotation coppice of poplars.
In the frame of global change, forests play a very important role as a possible carbon sink. It is thus essential to investigate the reaction of forest ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Since elevated nitrogen depositions are a part of our changing environment, the interaction between nitrogen and elevated CO2 could be crucial in understanding the final response. A short rotation coppice of poplars has a huge capacity to sequester carbon, because of its very fast growth rates. This research project studies the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on ecosystem processes in a short rotation coppice culture of poplars. Parameters that determine the final net primary production, such as leaf area index (LAI), light quality and quantity, mortality, competition, stem respiration, will be measured fro three different species of poplar. This project is part of the EUROFACE project (EU-contract EVR1-CT-2002-4002.7, Fifth Framework program), where an international platform forms the base for a multidisciplinary approach of the study of the effects of elevated CO2 on ecosystem processes.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Liberloo Marion
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- Research Project
Genotype x environment interactions in poplar toward bioenergy production.
Trees and fast growing woody plants have some important assets at their disposal in order to contribute to the European agreement to decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). On the one hand trees are capable of taking up carbon from the atmosphere, and on the other hand they can partly substitute the use of fossil fuels by producing renewable energy (i.e. bioenergy). Fast growing trees (e.g. hybrid poplars, Populus spp.) can be cultivated in short rotation coppice cultures (SRC's) for the production of bioenergy. The possibilities and the success of these SRC's are dependent on the amount of woody biomass that can be produced over a short period. This is partly determined by the genotype of the considered hybrid, partly by abiotic factors (soil, climate). The experimental infrastructure provided by the European POPYOMICS network consists of three field sites with contrasting climatic conditions, planted with a number of complete hybrid poplar families of different origin. The network aims at increasing the yield of the genus poplar (Populus) in terms of biomass and wood production throug a better understanding of physiology, molecular genetics and genomics. Several ecophysiological characteristics, such as height, stem circumference, individual leaf area, phenology,... , will be determined during two growing seasons, one before and one after coppice. At the end of the second growing season productivity will be determined through assessment of biomass. The effects of site (environment) on heritability, productivity and ecophysiological characteristics will be evaluated. Results of this PhD research will enable the identification of robust QTL (quantitative trait loci) for various genotypes and contrasting climates. Therefore, ecophysiological characteristics can be located on the genetic map (meanwhile available) of poplar in the near future.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Dillen Sophie
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- Research Project
Support maintenance scientific equipment (PLECO).
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Promoter: Nijs Ivan
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- Research Project
Study of the effects of climate change on plant senescence and stress by means of fluorescence imaging.
Intensive research has improved our understanding of effects of global climate change on ecosystems. Nevertheless, several questions need to be solved. In particular, plant stress and senescence are two factors that are usually not taken into account. The aim of this work is to investigate in which way leaf senescence, and stress, are affected by different drivers of climate change (in casu, elevated [CO2], temperature, [O3]). Chlorophyll a fluorescence has proven to be a useful, non-destructive way to study different aspects of photosynthesis, and to detect plant stress. Commercial instruments like the PEA (Hansatech, UK) or the PAM2000 (Heinz Walz, Germany) cover only a very small proportion of a leaf. Therefore, information on the spatial heterogeneity of a leaf is not available. Some research groups have developed their own image analysis instruments to measure two dimensional emission patterns of fluorescence. This approach results in information of about ten thousands of pixels over the entire leaf area. At the Limburg University Center, such a chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system has been developed (Ciscato 2000, Acta Hort., 553, 507-512). This prototype can be transformed into a fully portable system with an acceptable budget. The portable system that would be developed by an engineering firm will be improved considerably in comparison to the prototype.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Promoter: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Development and implementation of a simulation model for the carbon budget of mixed European forests.
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Sampson David
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- Research Project
Genotype x environment interactions in poplar toward bioenergy production.
Trees and fast growing woody plants have some important assets at their disposal in order to contribute to the European agreement to decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). On the one hand trees are capable of taking up carbon from the atmosphere, and on the other hand they can partly substitute the use of fossil fuels by producing renewable energy (i.e. bioenergy). Fast growing trees (e.g. hybrid poplars, Populus spp.) can be cultivated in short rotation coppice cultures (SRC's) for the production of bioenergy. The possibilities and the success of these SRC's are dependent on the amount of woody biomass that can be produced over a short period. This is partly determined by the genotype of the considered hybrid, partly by abiotic factors (soil, climate). The experimental infrastructure provided by the European POPYOMICS network consists of three field sites with contrasting climatic conditions, planted with a number of complete hybrid poplar families of different origin. The network aims at increasing the yield of the genus poplar (Populus) in terms of biomass and wood production throug a better understanding of physiology, molecular genetics and genomics. Several ecophysiological characteristics, such as height, stem circumference, individual leaf area, phenology,... , will be determined during two growing seasons, one before and one after coppice. At the end of the second growing season productivity will be determined through assessment of biomass. The effects of site (environment) on heritability, productivity and ecophysiological characteristics will be evaluated. Results of this PhD research will enable the identification of robust QTL (quantitative trait loci) for various genotypes and contrasting climates. Therefore, ecophysiological characteristics can be located on the genetic map (meanwhile available) of poplar in the near future.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Dillen Sophie
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- Research Project
Co-funding purchase of a micro-scale Mettler Toledo.
An analytical pair of scales with an accuracy of 1 microgram has been purchased with this research funding. These scales are linked to an automatic carbon-nitrogen analyser (Carlo Erba Instruments, Italy). Within the framework of various research projects, the research group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology is investigating the carbon and nitrogen cycles of plants and plant communities. Therefore, detailed carbon and nitrogen analyses are of crucial importance. Determining the exact weight of very small amounts of soil, plant, leaf and wood samples is a principal part of the analysis procedure.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Impact of global change on terrestrial ecosystems: a multi-scalar approach.
The main objective of this scientific research network is the concertation of the present know-how and expertise in Flanders with regard to the study of the effects of global change on terrestrial ecosystems, and to bring this in contact with a number of recognized international research groups from the French community and from outside Belgium. The central theme of this network is the study of the effects of global changes of planet earth (in the broad sense of the term) at different hierarchical levels of organisation, i.e. from leaf ' plant ' vegetation or stand ' landscape ' region ' continent ' globe. The focus will be primarily on the interactions between different processes of change and their resulting effects.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance. (CarboEurope-IP)
The overarching aim of the CarboEurope-IP is to understand and quantify the present terrestrial carbon balance of Europe as well as the associated uncertainty at the local, regional and continental scale. The carbon balance of the European continent, its geographical patterns, and changes over time will be determined. This is achieved by executing a strategically focussed set of surface based ecological measurements of carbon pools and carbon exchange rates, by an atmospheric high-precision observation system for CO2 and other trace gases, and by the integration of all these components by means of innovative data assimilation systems, bottom-up process modelling and top-down inverse modelling. The key innovation of the CarboEurope-IP is in its conception as to apply a single comprehensive experimental strategy, and its integration into a comprehensive carbon data assimilation framework.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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- Research Project
Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance. (CarboEurope-IP)
The overarching aim of the CarboEurope-IP is to understand and quantify the present terrestrial carbon balance of Europe as well as the associated uncertainty at the local, regional and continental scale. The carbon balance of the European continent, its geographical patterns, and changes over time will be determined. This is achieved by executing a strategically focussed set of surface based ecological measurements of carbon pools and carbon exchange rates, by an atmospheric high-precision observation system for CO2 and other trace gases, and by the integration of all these components by means of innovative data assimilation systems, bottom-up process modelling and top-down inverse modelling. The key innovation of the CarboEurope-IP is in its conception as to apply a single comprehensive experimental strategy, and its integration into a comprehensive carbon data assimilation framework.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Dynamics in diversity, functionality and stability of mangroves, approached by a retrospective and current remote sensing approach using new pattern recognition techniques.
The project studies the floristic and spatial (in)stability of mangrove ecosystems and its impact on mangrove fauna. The changes in mangroves that are under monitoring and modelling in the project presented, are of phyto- and zoosociological nature and concentrate directly and indirectly on the function, the mobility, and the possibilities of dispersion of organisms under certain environmental conditions. The project uses recent remote sensing technology of very high resolution, and innovates past research by combination of biotic and abiotic data in a geographic information system. The research focuses on mangrove sites in Kenya and Sri Lanka and is carried out in cooperation with the VUB who's coordinating the project.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Overstorey versus understorey species in heterogeneous or multi-layered forests: tree biometry, tree architecture and water relations.
This collaborative research project will focus on the differences between overstorey and understorey species in a mixed, heterogeneous temperate forest with main emphasis on their water relations and their proportion in the total stand water loss. For the overstorey species Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) will be chosen while for the understorey species both Prunus serotina and Rhododendron ponticum will be assessed. All species grow in a mixed pine forest in the province of Antwerpen (Flanders). In order to assess the water (or sap) flow of the pines, Rhododendron and Prunus trees as well as their competition at the stand level, a detailed study of the skeleton distribution, the pathway of water in the trees and the stand transpiration will be made. Thus, the specific parts of this research project include: (1) description of the overall tree structure, including distribution of leaves/needles, of living cells, of nitrogen and the overall tree sekeleton, (2) measurements of sap flow, including spatial variation in stems using staining method, the dynamics of sap flow over the year, the comparison of overstorey (Scots pine) with understorey species (Rhododendron shrub and Prunus trees), and (3) upscaling to get total stand transpiration. The outcome of this project will illustrate the importance of understorey species (as Rhododendron and Prunus) for the energy and mass exchanges of a mixed or multi-layered forest in relation to the dominant overstorey species.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Exchanges of carbon dioxide and water vapour between a mixed coniferous forest and the atmosphere: control and function.
Since 1997 the research group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology, Department of Biology is measuring the carbon uptake and the water release of a mixed coniferous forest in Brasschaat (province of Antwerpen). These gas exchange measurements are made with the eddy covariance method from a 40 m tall meteorological tower in the forest. The objectives of the post-doctoral research of Dr. Miklos Nagy (Hungary) are: (1) to understand the principal controlling processes and feedback mechanisms of the carbon and water vapour fluxes; and (2) to continue the ongoing measurements of these fluxes. With regard to the first objective, the available databases will be analysed and the relationships between incoming radiation and carbon uptake, between air temperature and water flux, etc' will be quantified. For the second objective the existing methodology will be further used to measure the fluxes, and a number of short-term experiments will be performed.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Nagy Miklos
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- Research Project
Effects of climate change on plant senescence and stress : an integrated study using fluorescence and imaging.
Despite its relevance to carbon sequestration of ecosystems, the effects of climate change on leaf senescence and stress are not well known. The aim of this research is to understand leaf senescence and stress in conditions of a predicted future climate, in casu, elevated CO2, temperature, and O3. Specific objectives include: (1) to gain insight into the process of leaf senescence and the responses to stress of plants in a future climate; (2) to investigate whether a possible climate change effect on the timing and the process of senescence, and on the sensitivity to stress, may affect the production and carbon sequestration of the vegetation; (3) to implement an existing fluorescence imaging system for the remote detection of chl a fluorescence in vegetations; (4) to further investigate the possibility to use this system for the determination of photosynthesis at the stand level. Measurements are planned within ongoing impact studies: (1) artificial grass ecosystems of different species diversity, which are exposed to an elevated air temperature (+ 3°C), which, in turn, is expected to cause water stress during summer; (2) a poplar (three Populus spp.) short-rotation coppice culture in which plots of 300 m2 grow under future [CO2], and half of these plots are fertilised to investigate the influence of soil fertility; (3) an O3-sensitive species (e.g., Trifolium) exposed to elevated [O3].Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Study of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2-concentrations and nitrogen fertilization on ecosystem processes in a fast growing short rotation coppice of poplars.
In the frame of global change, forests play a very important role as a possible carbon sink. It is thus essential to investigate the reaction of forest ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Since elevated nitrogen depositions are a part of our changing environment, the interaction between nitrogen and elevated CO2 could be crucial in understanding the final response. A short rotation coppice of poplars has a huge capacity to sequester carbon, because of its very fast growth rates. This research project studies the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on ecosystem processes in a short rotation coppice culture of poplars. Parameters that determine the final net primary production, such as leaf area index (LAI), light quality and quantity, mortality, competition, stem respiration, will be measured fro three different species of poplar. This project is part of the EUROFACE project (EU-contract EVR1-CT-2002-4002.7, Fifth Framework program), where an international platform forms the base for a multidisciplinary approach of the study of the effects of elevated CO2 on ecosystem processes.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Liberloo Marion
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- Research Project
Effects of biodiversity and climate warming on carbon sequestration mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems.
The two research groups intend to quantify the carbon budgets (sources and sinks) and fluxes of a specific vegetation type (i.e. a temperate grassland ecosystem) using a core experimental facility built by the UIA research group. We option for an integrated mechanistic assessment of all major aspects of the C sequestration pathway, including the role of vegetation, micro-organisms and soil. Various global change scenarios (declining biodiversity, enhanced climate warming, and a combination of both) will be experimentally simulated in this central facility shared by both research groups. Studies will include carbon cycling (assimilation and release, storage in biomass and soil pools, residence time), carbon allocation below-ground (root growth, fine-root production and turnover, C-exudation) and trophic relationships (microbial C-utilization and immobilization, differences between bacterial and fungal decomposition). Biogeochemical as well as biotic interactions between plant diversity and climate warming will be investigated, with special emphasis on changes in nutrient uptake by plants or through bacterial immobilisation, and on the role of plant species phenology following exposure to a modified thermal environment.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Co-promoter: Nijs Ivan
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- Research Project
A study of the spatio-temporal dimension of pattern changes in the neotropical forest of the Brazilian Amazon: quantification of deforestation, fragmentation and forest regrowth.
The project aims to study the spatial pattern of the neotropical rain forest, emphasizing deforestation, fragmentation, and forest regrowth (secondary vegetation). The use of remote sensing data (satellite imagery) will enable the quantification of spatio-temporal pattern changes of the vegetation through a multiscalar approach.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Bogaert Jan
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
An integrated European scientific infrastructure for global change studies on forest and agroforest ecosystems utilising face technology.(EUROFACE)
This infrastructure project will support and improve an already operating large-scale Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility where an integrated research activity at the European scale will be conducted on the role of forest tree plantations to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases in support of the Kyoto protocol, under conditions of changing climate. The assessment of the interactions between management options (coppicing and fertilization) and climate change will be essential (i) to specify full accountability of the contribution of biomass and energy woody plantations for carbon mitigation and (ii) to quantify their direct versus indirect effects on carbon sequestration of this type of land use change.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Linking physiology, molecular genetics and genomics to understand and improve yield of populus for biomass and timber production across Europe.(POPYOMICS)
The over-arching aim of this project is to determine the genetic basis of yield and disease resistance for future improvement of the genus Populus. The project has been developed by a consortium of European scientists to link physiology, molecular genetics and genomics in Populus. Various tasks and workpackages are being carried out by this consortium, i.e. (1) screening of genetic material and development of a European experimental network of plantations for poplar molecular genetics and genomics; (2) physiological traiting for yield; (3) traiting of disease resistance; (4) detection of QTL and development of a poplar consensus map; (5) genomic approach toward the identification and mapping of candidate genes. This will include transcript profiling for certain developmental traits and exposure of mapping parents to microarray analysis following exposure to a variety of abiotic and biotic stresses.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
The carbon sink strength of beech in a changing environment : Experimental risk Assessment of Mitigation by Chronic Ozone Impact (CASIROZ).
The vulnerability of adult beech is to be clarified at Central-European forest conditions to chronic ozone impact. Ozone as acting in Global Change may constrain the carbon sink strength under expected atmospheric CO2 enrichment. A novel Free-Air Canopy Ozone Exposure system, creating an enhanced ozone regime within the canopy ensures the analysis of ozone induced responses relevant for tree C balance. Ozone flux into leaves will be validated against AOT40. Responses across cell, organ and whole-tree level will be assessed with molecular, biochemical and ecophysiological methods. Additional exposure of young beech within the canopy and branch cuvette fumigations will validate previous ozone studies. Evidence will be incorporated into mechanistic modeling that scales to the stand level and quantifies ozone impact for global change scenarios. This process-based risk assessment will guide policy making.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Study of the effect of global change on ecosystem processes in a fast growing short-rotation coppice.
The purposes of this PhD study are: (1) the study of the responses of a short-rotation coppice of poplars to elevated atmosferic CO2 concentrations and to nitrogen fertilisation over a period of three years; (2) to document the differences between different species of poplars in terms of their reaction to elevated CO2; (3) the study of population dynamics, the role of competition.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Liberloo Marion
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- Research Project
Net carbon sequestration in terrestrial vegetations at ecosystem and continental scale.
The possibility of a causal relationship between the parallel increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and in global temperature has pinpointed the urgent need of a thorough understanding of the global carbon (C) cycle. If we are to optimise general circulation models and make realistic climate projections, deeper insight is needed in the climate-dependency of processes such as primary productivity of ecosystems or turnover of soil organic matter. Although still far from being perfect, our understanding of the global C cycle has improved considerably over the past decades. The integration of atmospheric, terrestrial and oceanic modelling and experimental studies has significantly decreased uncertainties and has allowed separation of terrestrial and oceanic carbon sinks. Nonetheless, considerable uncertainty remains regarding the continental distribution of the Northern-Hemispheric C sink. Over very long time periods, C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems depends primarily on the occurrence of catastrophic events, such as fires, pest outbreaks, hurricanes or floodings. At shorter time scales, the net exchange of C between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is determined by the difference between photosynthetic C uptake and its release through autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, and is typically one order of magnitude smaller than these nearly-offsetting terms. Both photosynthesis and respiration are strongly climate-dependent (although the parameters exerting dominant control differ). Because of the large interannual variability in climate, also the interannual variability in the net exchange of C between ecosystems and the atmosphere is very large. At this moment, our understanding of the climate-dependency of the net C exchange is still limited. Temperature-response functions, for example, vary among seasons, as well as among years. Unless we understand which factors determine this seasonal and interannual variability, we cannot further reduce the uncertainty surrounding future climate projections. If we cannot accurately predict how climate change will affect the balance between uptake and release of C from terrestrial ecosystems and oceans, we cannot determine whether natural ecosystems will mitigate or exacerbate global warming. Thus, there is an urgent need of studies that relate net C exchange to climate at both short (heat waves, drought spells, etc) and longer periods (El Nino-Southern Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation), but also for a variety of different climatic regions (boreal, maritime-temperate, continental-temperate, mediterranean). In this project, we will focus on three main objectives that differ in both the spatial resolution as in the carbon-cycle components being studied. The first objective of this research proposal is to quantitatively estimate the net biospheric C sink of the entire European continent. This will be done using a dual approach, namely up-scaling of C inventories and validation of these results with estimates obtained independently with inverse atmospheric tracer-transport models. The second objective of this research proposal is to study in great detail the relationship between the temporal variability in climate and in net C exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. For this study we will analyse measured fluxes obtained with the 'eddy covariance" technique in a selection of ecosystems from different climatic regions at both short and long time scales. The third objective of this research proposal goes one step further: we will try to deconvolute the net C exchange into the component fluxes (photosynthetic uptake, above-ground respiration, soil C efflux, heterotrophic respiration) and study their climate-dependency. This "case" study is restricted to one ecosystem (a mixed coniferous/deciduous forest at Brasschaat, Belgium), where our research group has been studying in great detail the balances of C, nutrients and water sinceResearcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Janssens Ivan
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- Research Project
Forecasting the dynamic response of timber quality to management and environmental change: an integrated approach (MEFYQUE).
There is a recognised need within the European forest industry for models forecasting the quality of timber, given that the wood products industries are reliant on a regular supply of wood of uniform properties. This project aims to improve understanding of the relationships between site conditions and growth, timber quality and production, for current and future scenarios of climate change and atmospheric composition, by developing an integrated modelling framework. This will be achieved by (i) monitoring existing forest sites; (ii) manipulating conditions of growth; (iii) analysing anatomical, biochemical and mechanical wood properties; (iv) modelling growth, yield and quality at a range of spatial scales. The integrated modelling system will enable forest managers, the timber industry and policy makers to decide whether forest management should be principally for production, conservation or amenity outputs.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Profiles of light intensity, gas exchange and nitrogen in the understory vegetation of a mixed forest. (Ulo NIINEMETS)
In a mixed and heterogenous forest, the different patches as well as the different overstory and understory vegetations all have their impact on the total carbon, water and energy balances. To model these mixed heterogenous forests, a detailed knowledge of the behaviour and the light environment of the understory vegetations might be as important as the overstory vegetation. The aim of this project is to get a better insight in the understory vegetations of oak, Rhododendron and Prunus in a mixed forest. Gas exhange measurements, nitrogen determinations, light profiles and different morphological characteristics will be performed during the summer season in a mixed forest that is being studied in great detail by the research group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Niinemets Ulo
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- Research Project
Phytoremediation of polluted sites in combination with bio-energy production : possibilities of fast growing coppice culture in the Rupel region.
The revegetation of polluted sites can be used for the renovation and restoration of contaminated soils through bioremediation. In this project we will investigate whether an intensive coppice culture of willow and poplar can be used for phytoremediation and phytoextraction of an old waste disposal in Boom (Rupel region) that is contaminated with serveral heavy metals. The following aspects will be studied: ditterences among genotypes, interactions between genotypes and soil type, production of biomass and bio-energy, and phytoextraction capacity.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Ecophysiology, ecological performance and growth strategy of various poplar and willow species.
The objectives of the research project that Xiao Chun-Wang performs during a 12 month period within the research group of Plant and Vegetation Ecology are (i) the ecophysiological characterisation of a range of poplar and willow species, (ii) the study of their ecological performance (response to environmental parameters) and their ecological strategy (vegetation classification of the understory growth). This ecophysiological study will be carried out on an existing high-density coppice plantation, and fits within the framework of a running research project of the Province of Antwerpen on the phyto-remediation aspects of poplar and willow. The results of this study will be complemented with the dataset of growth and biomass of the existing high-density coppice plantation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Xiao Chunwang
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- Research Project
Retrieval of bio-geophysical variables from SPOT4/VEGETATION data using a vegetation canopy radiative transfer (RTF) model.
This project concerns a scientific cooperation between UIA, Vito and two Chinese institutes (Chinese Academy of Forestry in Beijing and Chinese Academy of Science in Lanzhou). The project aims at extracting several key land-surface biophysical variables, including leaf area index (LAI), fAPAR or the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation by vegetation (0.4-0.7 µm), surface hemispherical albedo, normalised spectral reflectance, BRDF, gap fraction and leaf chlorophyll content. The extraction method is based on using multi-angular reflectance data recorded by the sun-synchronous polar-orbiting sensor, the SPOT4/VEGETATION sensor, and by the application of a vegetation radiative transfer model, the Mean RTE Model developed at Boston University.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a fast growing poplar ecosystem: process, structure.
Within the framework of global change, a lot of research has been undertaken to predict the effects of an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on the gas exchange, development, growth and production of crops and more recently also of trees. Since there are many uncertainties about the response of an entire ecosystem, the effects of an elevated CO2 concentration on a `man-made' ecosystem, namely a short rotation poplar plantation with a plant density of 10000 plants/ha will be studied. In this way, also the effects on a biomass production system can be followed. The main focus of our research is light interception and canopy structure. Complex interactions and feedback mechanisms between CO2 and nitrogen will be studied and also structure/function relations such as the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf area and light interception. The study of interactions between CO2 and nitrogen can be realized as half of the plots will be fertilized. Three poplar clones ((Populus alba, kloon 2AS; Populus nigra, kloon Jean Pourtet; Populus ? euramericana = P. deltoides ? P. nigra, kloon I-214) with important differences of growth potential, morphology, physiology and productivity, are followed in this study. A new developed technique is used to perform the CO2 enrichment, namely FACE (Free Air Carbon Enrichment). This allows the study of an entire ecosystem without manipulation of environmental conditions. Six rings, divided in two CO2 and nitrogen treatments, will be used in order to have enough replicates. The poplar plantation is situated near the University of Viterbo and is part of an ambitious European project where several universities cooperate to study the different components of the entire ecosystem.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Forecasting the dynamic response of timber quality to management and environmental change: an integrated approach (MEFYQUE).
There is a recognised need within the European forest industry for models forecasting the quality of timber, given that the wood products industries are reliant on a regular supply of wood of uniform properties. This project aims to improve understanding of the relationships between site conditions and growth, timber quality and production, for current and future scenarios of climate change and atmospheric composition, by developing an integrated modelling framework. This will be achieved by (i) monitoring existing forest sites; (ii) manipulating conditions of growth; (iii) analysing anatomical, biochemical and mechanical wood properties; (iv) modelling growth, yield and quality at a range of spatial scales. The integrated modelling system will enable forest managers, the timber industry and policy makers to decide whether forest management should be principally for production, conservation or amenity outputs.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Spatial patterning of terrestrial ecosystems: assessment of the impact of global change on land cover spatial distribution using satellite data.
Change in pattern and presence of terrestrial ecosystems is considered as the most important component of global change. A change in pattern is expected to occur as a consequence of climate warming and population growth. Overall objective of the research is to quantify pattern changes using satellite imagery (AVHRR and MODIS). The quantification is executed using landscape indices. The research project involves cooperation with Boston University.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Bogaert Jan
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- Research Project
An investigation on carbon and energy exchanges of terrestrial ecosystems in Europe. (CARBOEUROFLUX)
The overarching goal of the CARBOEUROFLUX programme is to improve our understanding on magnitude, location, temporal behavior and causes of the carbon source/sink strengths of terrestrial ecosystems which can be used to improve the negotiation capacity of the European Community in the context of the Kyoto protocol. The project is based on 30 study sites where continuous long-term carbon, energy and water exchanges are investigated together with ecological processes controlling the ecosystem biospheric exchanges. The study sites represent various terrestrial ecosystems of the European continent, encompassing various species, community structure, anagement practices and distribution with respect to the change of European climate conditions. The methodology for ecosystem exchanges of carbon and energy is based on the eddy covariance theory. The flux stations measure the net flux of carbon entering or leaving ecosystem. The major forest biomes are constituted by deciduous and coniferous forests.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Effects of global climatic changes and atmospheric pollution on ecophysiological processes of trees.
Within the framework of the `global change' issue and of the ever increasing atmospheric pollution (in particular of tropospheric ozone) the response of trees and woody plants to these changing conditions is very important, because of their share in the global productivity and their long lifespan. This scientific exchange project aims to bring the experience and competence of two research groups together to further study and understand the response behavior of trees to changing coniditions via a complementary approach. At the laboratory in Antwerpen (UIA, Department of Biology) the main emphasis is on the response processes at the individual leaf and the whole plant levels, while at the laboratory in France (University of Nancy) the emphasis is at the cellular and subcellular response mechanisms.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
An investigation on carbon and energy exchanges of terrestrial ecosystems in Europe. (CARBOEUROFLUX)
The overarching goal of the CARBOEUROFLUX programme is to improve our understanding on magnitude, location, temporal behavior and causes of the carbon source/sink strengths of terrestrial ecosystems which can be used to improve the negotiation capacity of the European Community in the context of the Kyoto protocol. The project is based on 30 study sites where continuous long-term carbon, energy and water exchanges are investigated together with ecological processes controlling the ecosystem biospheric exchanges. The study sites represent various terrestrial ecosystems of the European continent, encompassing various species, community structure, management practices and distribution with respect to the change of European climate conditions. The methodology for ecosystem exchanges of carbon and energy is based on the eddy covariance theory. The flux stations measure the net flux of carbon entering or leaving ecosystem. The major forest biomes are constituted by deciduous and coniferous forests.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Scenarios of greenhouse gas reduction by carbon fixation and energy substitution : space requirement, environmental impact and cost efficiency.
As a consequence of the Kyoto protocol, Belgium must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 7.5 % during the period 1990-2010, which will require strong and multidirectional policy interventions. Policy measures allowed by the Kyoto protocol include verifiable growth of carbon sinks such as forests, and substitution of fossil fuels by alternative energy sources such as biofuels. The aim of this project is to evaluate the potential of forests and wood products as a carbon sink and of biofuels as a fossil fuel substitute, and this in the framework of a Flemish greenhouse gas reduction policy. More particularly, the expected results will allow us to evaluate how realistic and desired these measures are from a landuse, environmental impact and economic impact point of view. Computations will be carried out for five potentially promising production systems : (1) Multifunctional forest in Flanders; (2) Short rotation energy forest in Flanders; (3) Agricultural energy crop in Belgium (as a reference basis); (4) Conservation and restoration of tropical primeval forest; and (5) Plantation forestry in the tropics. All options hold the potential to generate positive feedbacks such as recreation gains or development of local communities.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Carbon storage in the soil and the likely impact of global climatic change.
Soil organic matter (SOM) represents an important carbon (C) store, which exchanges C with the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration in forest soils is an important sink for atmospheric C. Thus, storage of C in forest soils has been put forward as a strategy to mitigate the rise of the atmosferic CO2 concentration. During this fellowship we will try to determine the C sequestration in a number of terrestrial ecosystems. In addition we will implement a number of future scenarios for climate, atmosferic CO2 concentrations and nitrogen deposition to simulate potential changes in carbon sequestration. The specific goals of this fellowship are: 1° To investigate how climate influences the turnover of SOM, and how changes in climate could affect soil C sequestration. 2° To pinpoint the critical physiological parameters that determine the quantity of C that is sequestered by the ecosystem. 3° To determine the relative contribution of roots and heterotrophs to soil respiration, and to investigate whether the future climate changes are likely to change these. 4° To investigate how important the links with the biogeochemical cycles of water and nutrients are, and to assess the influence of nitrogen deposition. 5° To study the role of soil texture in SOM storage. 6° To estimate the amount of C which leaches out of the ecosystem. To achieve these goals we will use the Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere model SECRETS, developed at the University of Antwerp in the Biology department. Experiments will emphasize on the use of stable isotopes of C, N, H and O.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Janssens Ivan
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- Research Project
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a fast growing poplar ecosystem: process, structure and interactions with nitrogen.
Within the framework of global change, a lot of research has been undertaken to predict the effects of an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on the gas exchange, development, growth and production of crops and more recently also of trees. Since there are many uncertainties about the response of an entire ecosystem, the effects of an elevated CO2 concentration on a `man-made' ecosystem, namely a short rotation poplar plantation with a plant density of 10000 plants/ha will be studied. In this way, also the effects on a biomass production system can be followed. The main focus of our research is light interception and canopy structure. Complex interactions and feedback mechanisms between CO2 and nitrogen will be studied and also structure/function relations such as the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf area and light interception. The study of interactions between CO2 and nitrogen can be realized as half of the plots will be fertilized. Three poplar clones ((Populus alba, kloon 2AS; Populus nigra, kloon Jean Pourtet; Populus ? euramericana = P. deltoides ? P. nigra, kloon I-214) with important differences of growth potential, morphology, physiology and productivity, are followed in this study. A new developed technique is used to perform the CO2 enrichment, namely FACE (Free Air Carbon Enrichment). This allows the study of an entire ecosystem without manipulation of environmental conditions. Six rings, divided in two CO2 and nitrogen treatments, will be used in order to have enough replicates. The poplar plantation is situated near the University of Viterbo and is part of an ambitious European project where several universities cooperate to study the different components of the entire ecosystem.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Gielen Birgit
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- Research Project
Anato-morphological study of Scots pine needles under elevated atmospheric CO2 and increased ozone concentrations.
It is evident from the literature that needles of Scots pine show anato-morphologial changes in response to changing atmospheric CO2 and ozone concentrations, i.e. their internal structure, anatomy and morphology can be altered. Therefore needle thickness, number and thickness of cell layers could be changed under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, while tropospheric ozone could cause damage to cells, cell walls and stomata. The objective of this small research project is to study and to quantify these anato-morphological changes of Scots pine needles that have grown in open top chambers under different atmospheric CO2 and ozone concentrations. Dr. Lin Jin-Xing will collect Scots pine needles from the open top chambers at the UIA-campus and at the CODA (Tervuren), and will examine and quantify their structure, anatomy and morphology of these needles. In particular, thickness of the palisade and of the spongy parenchyma layers of the needles will be studied, as well as exomorphology, epicuticular wax layer and stomatal structures.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Lin Jinxing
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- Research Project
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Determination of the sensibility of acidification and eutrophication of Flemish forests with the aid of modelled deposition fluxes.
In the scope of the issue of forest vitality, an international methodology has been developed for the calculation of the critical load of acidifying and eutrophying deposition. This is a norm for acceptable deposition in the long term. The operational OPS-model, developed for the modelling of acidifying depositions, doesn't take into account with the roughness and the canopy resistance of forests. The model results for this vegetation are uncertain to an unknown extent. In this project the calibration of the model will contribute to the refinement of the output. The validation will be the final piece in order to control the validity of the model. For this purpose deposition measurements in the field (forest soil network - databank Groenbos) and detailed micro-meteorological measurements of the dry deposition reduced nitrogen (NH3 and NH4) and acidifying aerosols in a forest stand of Pinus sylvestris. Three objectives are set. (1') Determination of the dry deposition: of reduced nitrogen (NH3 and NH4), of acidifying aerosols (SO4, NO3), and its contribution in canopy exchange processes.(2') Calibration and validation of an existing model for the determination of acidifying depositions to forest ecosystems on regional scale (Flanders) in order to find out the relationships of emission, immission and deposition. (3') Refined calculation of the sensibility of forest ecosystems against acidification and eutrophication on the base of the concept of critical loads and its exceedances.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Growth, yield and carbon balance of biomass production systems. A case study on poplar.
The project includes several subthemes, i.e. impact study of CO2 on the growth and development of poplar, quantification of the global carbon balance of a poplar plantation incl. soil CO2 evolution, modelling of the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the structure and process parameters, identification of the most important determinants of yield and production of a biomass-bioenergy plantation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
POPFACE : Effects of atmospheric carbon enrichment of cultivated terrestrial ecosystems. A FACE experiment on a short rotation intensive poplar plantation.
The main objectives of this new European research project (POPFACE) are (1') to determine the functional responses of a cultivated, agro-forestry system, namely a poplar plantation, to actual and future atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and (2') to assess the interactive effects of this anthropogenic perturbation with other natural environmental constraints on key biological processes and structures. Additionally, this project will yield data relevant to assess the potential for increasing the carbon sequestering capacity within the European Union, using such forest tree plantations.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Effects of atmospheric carbon enrichment of cultivated terrestrial ecosystems. A FACE experiment on a short rotation intensive poplar plantation. (POPFACE)
The main objectives of this new European research project (POPFACE) are (1') to determine the functional responses of a cultivated, agro-forestry system, namely a poplar plantation, to actual and future atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and (2') to assess the interactive effects of this anthropogenic perturbation with other natural environmental constraints on key biological processes and structures. Additionally, this project will yield data relevant to assess the potential for increasing the carbon sequestering capacity within the European Union, using such forest tree plantations.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Phytomass culture as vegetation filter on polluted sites in the province of Antwerpen.
The main objectives of this research and demonstration project are : (1) to get a detailed insight in the growth and physiological reaction of different poplar and willow genotypes on a polluted site; (2) to illustrate the possibilities of phytomass culture for the valorisation and phytoremediation of polluted soils; and (3) to produce a limited biomass which can in the future be used as bio-energy source for electricity production.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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- Research Project
Comparative study of the soil carbon exchange by various forest ecosystems on different soil types in the temperate zone.
This project aims to increase our knowledge and improve the data sets on the soil respiratory activities of several forest ecosystems in the temperate zone through a detailed study and quantification of soil CO2 evolution rates. Both diurnal as well as seasonal cycles will be examined from different forest types, as mixed forest stands, oak-beech forests, coniferous forest vegetations and intensive poplar plantations. Special emphasis will be on the selection of the various experimental sites, with regard to dimension, location, distribution, etc...Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Janssens Ivan
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- Research Project
Comparative field physiology of poplar hybrids for intensive biomass production.
The key objectives of this comparative field physiological study of different poplar materials, are : (i) collecting process based physiological data at a number of field sites in the UK and Belgium with an emphasis on site-clone interactions; (ii) elucidate the biophysical controls of leaf expansion in relation to drought and water supply; and (iii) integrate the observed information in a process based yield model for short rotation coppice culture of poplar in combination with the existing experience in this area.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Development of a carbon and yield model for short rotation phytomass production systems with poplar.
The objectives of the project are to develop an empirical model for yield of short rotation coppice culture of fast-growing poplars together with a process model for carbon balance and carbon flow of short rotation coppice systems. These models will not only allow us to predict (i.e. forecast) yield of short rotation coppice stands, but also to evaluate their carbon uptake, allocation and sequestration potential.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Contributions of wood as an energy source to sustainable development in Belgium.
The proper exploitation of woody energy resources can not be done without an assessment of the socio-economic end environmental impacts. Therefore, a database will be created first, including the different ligneous resources and all the steps of processcs to recover the ligno-cellulosic materials in energy. After that, the assessment of each process will be done in focusing at CO2 emissions reduction, at the others environmental impacts, at social involvement end at economic reliability. Besides the actual study of the Belgian wood-energy sector, the project will valorize the scientific results. This valorization will primarily concern the decision makers by the assessment of the wood- energy development scenarios which are the most favourable to the carbon dioxie emissions reduction.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Biogeochemical cycles of forest ecosystems related to global change and sustainable development.
The overall objective of this research project is to synthesize the existing experimental inforrnation with regard to the impact of CO2 and temperature on trees with the aim to evaluate the likely impact of these two environmental parameters on forest ecosystems within the framework of their durable development. The analysis of the carbon' nutrient and water cycles of Belgian forest ecosystems will depart from an inventory of the observations made at six different experimental sites corresponding to the principal functional forest types in Belgium. The project is constructed around five specific tasks, i.e. carbon, water, nutrients, database and modelling.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Evaluating biofuels as a means for atmospheric carbon dioxide mitigation.
The overall objective of this research project is to assess the role of biofuels for carbon dioxide mitigation. The project is coordinated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala (Sweden) and the research in Belgium is carried out in close cooperation with the Belgian Biomass Association. The relative importance of different sources for CO2 production (fuel consumption in harvesting and transport) resulting from the use of biofuels will be compared and evaluated. Furthermore overall system cost efficiencies, transaction costs and time perspectives for different biofuel alternatives will be examined and compared. The research carried out by the UIA Department of Biology group primarily concerns the carbon balance and costs of short rotation intensive culture.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
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- Research Project
Growth, development and radiation interceptlon of a fast-growing woody biomass culture.
For a range of poplar clones a number of growth parameters will be determined at regular intervals throughout the growing season, i.e. plant height, stem diameter, volume index (calculated), number of leaves, number of branches, number of side shoots, etc... Furthermore, a number of crown structural parameters will be measured, such as degree of branchiness, branch angles, number of internodes, etc.. These measurements and field observations aim to document the clonal differences in poplar and to collect the necessary input data for a model based approach.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
The likely impact of rising CO2 and temperature on European forests.
In the framework of this European research project the likely effects of global climatic changes are studied on European forest and tree species by some ten European research laboratories. The main aim is to study the effects of rising CO2 concentrations and air temperature on the growth, development and gas exchange processes of tree species.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Predicted impacts of rising carbon dioxide and temperature on Forests in Europe at Stand Scale (ECOCRAFT).
The general hypothesis which is to be addressed in this European research project is as follows : A doubling of the global atmospheric CO2 concentration and associated, more local changes in climate predicted from General Circulation Models to occur across Europe over the next l00 years will not be detrimental to European forests. The carbon sequestration potential of European forests will be increased by the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration as a result of enhanced CO2 assimilation, but will be decreased by the rise in temperature as a result of enhanced oxidation of soil organic matter.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Long term carbon dioxide and water vapour fluxes of Buropean forests and interactions with the climate system (EUROFLUX).
The collaborative EUROFLUX research network has the following objectives : (1) characterize long term fluxes and energy exchange of representative Furopean forests; (2) determine the sink strength of Buropean forests for carbon; (3) analyze the response of European forest water and carbon fluxes to climatic factors and climatic changes; (4) provide objective data for the validation of forest growth models; and (5) recommend management strategies for the conservation of carbon stores in forests.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Tree physiological research as an indicator of ozone damage.
The overall objective of the research project (which is being carried out in close cooperation with the Institute for Chemical Research in Tervuren) is to get a better insight in the impact of ozone in the atmosphere on the vitality of the forests in Flemish Region. Therefor the response of a number of tree species to ozone pollution is being studied in controlled environment chambers. In this study physiological parameters are being examined that might indicate the negative impact of ozone on plant growth and development. The controlled environment study is being complemented with field observations to test our observations on practical circumstances.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Study of the carbon balance ana the carbon storage in the Flemish forests. Partim : Coniferous forest ecosystem.
The main objectives of this research project are (l) to quantify the most important carbon compartment. Sand exchanges of carbon between these compartments in a typical forest ecosystem of the Flemish Region, i.c. a pine forest, and (2) to evaluate the possibilities and the potential of the model approach proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 1993) for the Flemish situation. The project is closely linked to a similar effort by the University of Ghent on a deciduous forest ecosystem, so that both ecosystem types are being studied and compared.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Study of the carbon and water fluxes above a coniferous forest.
The research project examines the fluxes of carbon and water between the atmosphere and a coniferous pine forest in Brasschaat (Antwerp Campine Region) which is more or less representative for the forest practice in this part of the country. The eddy covariance technique is being used to measure these fluxes of carbon and water at the stand level, from a 40 m tall mesearing tower constructed by the Insitute for Forestry and Game Management in Geraardbergen. In combination with these flux measurements the net ecosystem exchanges are also being estimated using a remotely sensed driven model via analysis of satellite images of the experimental site.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Possible impact of an enriched C02 concentration and increased temperature on European Forests.
The main objectives of this research poroject are (l) to continue our long-term pen top chamber experiments with regard to the effects of enriched atmospheric CO2 and increased temperature on young tree seeedlings, and (2) to extrapolate our experimental observations to the evaluation of possible climatic change impacts to forest ecosystems. This research project is an addition to an European research contract (ECOCRAFT) funded with the framework of the Environment and Climate Research Programme of the Fourth Framework Programme of the EU.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Comparative study of the soil carbon exchange by various forest ecosystems on different soil types in the temperate zone.
This project aims to increase our knowledge and improve the data sets on the soil respiratory activities of several forest ecosystems in the temperate zone through a detailed study and quantification of soil CO2 evolution rates. Both diurnal as well as seasonal cycles will be examined from different forest types, as mixed forest stands, oak-beech forests, coniferous forest vegetations and intensive poplar plantations. Special emphasis will be on the selection of the various experimental sites, with regard to dimension, location, distribution, etc...Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Janssens Ivan
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Quantification of the plant and soil C02 gas exchange rate as a tool to study the carbon balance.
This project with relation to the carbon cycle or carbon balance primarily focuses on two principal carbon exchange processes, i.e. the photosynthetic C02 gas exchange and related physical and biochemical processes, and the C02 exchange by the soil. A better insight in and quantification of these fluxes (both in situ as under controlled laboratory conditions) will enable us to better define the fluxes between various carbon compartments and carbon storage components in existing carbon circulation models, and this within the framework of the global change issue.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Effect of increasing CO2 on the growth of fast-growing tree species. Ecophysiological study of elements of the carbon balance and of tree growth.
This project involves an exchange programme with the Universite Paris-XI in Orsay, France. The results of the growth of different fast-growing tree species that have been collected over the past years by both research laboratories, will be further analysed and summarized. Furthermore the research efforts with regard to various elements of the carbon balance of relevant tree Species will be coordinated, as a result of the very similar interest at both laboratories in the effects of climatic changes on tree growth and development.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Comparative field psychiology of poplar hybrids for short rotation intensive biomass production.
The overall framework of the project will be a comparative field physiological study of a range of poplar materials at a number of field sites in the UR and Belgium with the following objectives : (1) collecting process based physiological data at some intensive field sites located both in the UK and Belgium; (2) elucidate the biophysical controls of leaf expansion in relation to drought and water supply; (3) integrate the observed information in process based yield models for short rotation coppice culture in combination with the existing experience in this area.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
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Project type(s)
- Research Project
Growth, yield and carbon balance of biomass production systems. A case study on poplar.
The project includes several subthemes, i.e. impact study of CO2 on the growth and development of poplar, quantification of the global carbon balance of a poplar plantation incl. soil CO2 evolution, modelling of the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the structure and process parameters, identification of the most important determinants of yield and production of a biomass-bioenergy plantation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The likely impact of rising CO2 and temperature on European forests.
In the framework of this European research project the likely effects of global climatic changes are studied on European forest and tree species by some ten European research laboratories. The main aim is to study the effects of rising CO2 concentrations and air temperature on the growth, development and gas exchange processes of tree species.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The likely impact of rising CO2 and temperature on European forests.
In the framework of this European research project the likely effects of global climatic changes are studied on European forest and tree species by some ten European research laboratories. The main aim is to study the effects of rising CO2 concentrations and air temperature on the growth, development and gas exchange processes of tree species.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The likely impact of rising CO2 and temperature on European forests.
The likely effects of global climatic changes are studied within the framework of an European research project by some ten European research institutes. The objectives of our Lab of Plant Ecology are mainly the study of rising CO2 and temperature on the growth, development and gas exchange of different poplar clones.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The likely impact op rising CO2 and temperature on European forests.
The likely effects of global climatic changes on a number of European tree species are studied within the framework of this Nato grant as well as within an EC research project. The labo of Plantecologie, UIA studies more in particular, in cooperation with the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on the growth of some tree species.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Study of the stress physiology of plants : identification of the intrinsic indicators of the effects of different environmental factors on gas exchange, growth and development.
Physical causes of stress factors and their physiological consequences for plants will be examined and explained using different techniques such as fluorescence, gas exchange and growth analysis. Various stress factors (drought, temperature, nitorgen shortage) and plant responses will be examined, but also the effects of enriched atmospheric CO2 will be studied.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Structural, physiological and environmental (with special reference to increasing CO2 concentration) growth and yield determinants. A case study on poplar as a biomass-bioenergy production system
Key aspects are the study of the efficiency of phyto-energy conversion systems as producers of renewable (bio)energy, and the question of the impact of elevated CO2 upon growth and production performance of plants and plant systemsResearcher(s)
- Promoter: Ceulemans Reinhart
- Fellow: Ceulemans Reinhart
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project