Who cares about correct spelling? Spelling discourse in social media conversations

11th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC2024) : proceedings, 5-6 September 2024, Nice, France- () p. 84-88

Hoe sgrijf je die dude zn naam? / Hoe schrijfde dieje dude zijne naam? De dynamiek van digi-taal in de online communicatie van jongeren

Neerlandia : algemeen-Nederlands tijdschrift - ISSN 0028-2383-128:1 (2024) p. 29-31

Gender, editorship and gatekeeping in the field of linguistics: an empirical study of academic handbooks from the 1980s to the 2020s

Women in scholarly publishing: a gender perspective / Hultgren, A. K. [edit.]; Habibie, P. [edit.]-p. 154-172

When correct spelling hardly matters : teenagers' production and perception of spelling error corrections in Dutch social media writing

European journal of applied linguistics - ISSN 2192-9521-12:2 (2024) p. 361-405