Research team


The Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Ecology (EUREC-Air) of which I am spokesman, is one of the two laboratories belonging to the Research Group ENdEMIC (Research Group on Environmental Ecology and Applied Microbiology). EUREC-Air focusses on the following research topics, which are of huge scientific and social interest: (i) air quality monitoring and its ecological impacts, (ii) nature-based solutions for sustainable and ecological cities and (iii) air pollution and human health. To cover these topics EUREC- AIR makes use of specific tools, i.e. (i) enviromagnetic monitoring, (ii) citizen science, (iii) low-cost sensors for air quality and meteorological monitoring, (iv) biomonitoring and (v) modelling. The first research line on air quality monitoring and its ecological impacts comprises the biomagnetic monitoring of particulate matter (PM) pollution, or enviromagnetic monitoring. The laboratory aims to optimise the technique, so that the contributions of different PM sources (like traffic and industry) can be distinguished from each other. EUREC-AIR has a strong track record in biomonitoring of air pollution, not only via leaves but also via other plant parts (including stems and branches), and by insects and birds as indicators of urban environmental quality. Moreover, EUREC-Air also includes the study of the soil compartment (as an indicator of historical air pollution) in comparison with vegetation (as indicator of actual air pollution). By combining air pollution measurements with enviromagnetic monitoring of plants, soil, river beds and animals, EUREC-Air wants to gain holistic insight in the fate of metal containing PM in the environment. EUREC-Air has a very broad experience in the use of citizen science as a tool to obtain data, but especially to raise awareness for the problem and danger of air pollution in densely inhabited and highly urbanized areas as Flanders. EUREC-Air complements is integrative biomonitoring and enviromagnetic approach with the use of low-cost and low-tech sensors for air pollution monitoring. The second research line is build on nature-based solutions for sustainable and ecological cities. EUREC-Air investigates the role of green and blue infrastructure (GBI) on the reduction of urban heat stress, the so-called urban-heat-island (UHI), and their air pollution mitigation potential. Besides the potential of GBI, also the role of phyllosphere microorganisms for air pollution mitigation is studied. The role of GBI on urban biodiversity is also an important research topic of the laboratory, thereby considering biodiversity from the level of microorganisms up to ecosystem level over all kind of GBI. Because of their importance in the urban ecosystem, and in relation to the limited space in cities, the study of ecosystem services of urban trees remains an important research topic, to support deliberate species’ choices for those species best fulfilling the city’s needs at the considered place. The third and last research line focusses on the link between air pollution and human health. EUREC-Air investigates the dynamic exposure of different transport modes (e.g. cycling, walking, public transport, cars) and helps assessing the effect of PM pollution on respiratory functioning.

Unraveling the benefits of exposure to urban green areas mediated through bacterial transfer. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026


The rapid urbanization of our planet is linked to a dramatic increase in the prevalence of immune-disorder diseases. The Old Friends and Biodiversity Hypotheses position microbial ecology as a central actor influencing human health, emphasizing the need of contact with biodiverse microbial communities that humans co-evolved with to have a well-functioning immune system. Urban green areas (UGAs) could provide these microbial communities if properly designed and managed, as per the Microbiome Rewilding Hypothesis. Whilst these hypotheses are widely accepted, little is known about specific taxa capable of transferring from the environment to humans and having a positive effect on the immune system. In this project, we aim to investigate how exposure to UGAs mediates the transfer of potentially beneficial bacteria from the environment to human skin and nasal microbiomes, and the possible impact of this transfer on human immune pathways. For this, we will use a highly original and extensive methodology that will cover three key aspects of this transfer by (1) exploring the bacterial ecology of UGAs and gaining insight into optimal UGA design, (2) identifying specific bacterial taxa capable of transferring from UGAs to humans, and (3) experimentally characterizing the immune and other benefits of these bacteria in human cells. With this project we will contribute to sustainable and resilient urban development and pave the way for reduction of public health costs in urban areas.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

High-end comprehensive GCxGC-QTOF-MS research facility for volatile and semivolatile compounds (GALILEO). 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2026


Volatile and semivolatile chemicals are recognised as byproducts of disease, boosting volatile analysis as paramount instrument to monitor health and disease, personalize health care and objectively establish the effect of different treatment strategies. Next to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semivolatile compounds (SVOCS) are present in the environment and in biological matrices, but most of them need to be chemically and structurally identified and their role in health and disease is yet to be explored. In this proposal, we describe the set-up of a highend GCxGC-QTOF-MS facility for analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in biological samples like breath, blood, urine, faeces of humans and animals, and in the headspace of cells. The goal is to set up an infrastructure that allows to assess and investigate multiple biological sample types and their headspace for monitoring health and disease, to identify disease biomarkers, to intensify research on the environmental health issues of modern life, and to tackle the hurdles presently encountered in the metabolomics analysis of steroids and small organic acids. By this means, we intend to team up and complement with international volatomics research groups. In Flanders, such a specialised facility is lacking, and will be unique. It combines high sensitivity, ultralow detection limits for analysis and validation of the molecular composition of biological and headspace samples, with specific sampling devices and advanced data processing.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Early effects of air pollution on respiratory function and neurobehavioral abilities in children, and the influence of lifestyle changes to reduce exposure. 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2026


Particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (BC) exposure pose a major environmental risk factor to our health, since it is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths in 2016. Although a significant amount of research has been invested in determining health effects related to air pollution on adults, still relatively few research exists on the most vulnerable part of the population, namely children. More specifically, research is missing on acute responses on respiratory functioning (RF) and on neurobehavioral abilities (NBA) of children due to PM and BC pollution. Children's exposure to atmospheric pollution is of special concern because their immune system, lungs and neuropsychological abilities are not fully developed yet when exposure begins, raising the possibility of more severe health outcomes than observed in adults. This project aims at determining the acute impacts of (dynamic) air pollution exposure on healthy children's RF and NBA. To do so, this project will conduct a monitoring campaign at the school and home environment of children of age 9-11, to evaluate PM and BC exposure and its short-term effect on RF and NBA. In extend, the project will combine high-resolution air quality monitoring of PM and BC using mobile sensors, with early RF and NBA responses, in order to monitor students on their way to and from school. With changes in behavior and a shift in transport modes, we then aim to observe possible changes in effects on RF and NBA.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Enviromics - Integrated Technologies in EcoSystems 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2026


Enviromics is a multidisciplinary consortium of UAntwerpen researchers across the board of environmental sciences and technologies. Through impactful fundamental advances and interdisciplinary approaches across biology, (bio)chemistry and (bio)engineering, the consortium offers bio based solutions to ecosystem challenges by a strong interaction between three pillars (i) Environmental applications and nature based solutions, (ii) Sensing and analysis of chemicals and environments and (iii) Microbial technology and biomaterials, supported by sustainable product development and technology assessment. Through a renewed and tighter focus the ENVIROMICS consortium now signs for a leaner and more dynamic shape. Through intensified collaborations with different stakeholders, both national and international, the leverage for creating enhanced business and societal impact is reinforced. The consortium is strongly managed by a team of two highly profiled researchers partnered by an IOF manager and a project manager with clearly defined tasks and in close contact with the consortium members and the central Valorisation Unit of the university. The consortium has a strong and growing IP position, mainly on environmental/electrochemical sensing and microbial probiotics, two key points of the research and applications program. One spinoff was created in 2017 and two more will be setup in the coming three years. The direct interaction with product developers ensures delivering high TRL products. Next to a growing portfolio of industrial contracts, we create tangible societal impact, when relevant including citizen science approaches. Through the stronger leverage created by the new structure and partnerships we will develop both intertwined branches significantly.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Assessing health effects of air pollution by non-invasive exhaled breath analysis (ALERT). 01/06/2021 - 31/05/2023


Exposure to air pollution is an important public health issue and has been associated with burden of disease, and increased mortality and morbidity. However, there is no safe threshold under which no health effects occur and only associations have been found so far. The goal of this pilot project is to prove the causal relation by assessing the impact of air pollution exposure on health and respiratory functioning, by combining air pollution monitoring with lung response measurements and exhaled breath analysis in order to minimize morbidity.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Early effects of air pollution on respiratory function and neurobehavioral abilities in children, and the influence of lifestyle changes to reduce exposure. 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2021


Particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (BC) exposure is a major environmental risk factor to our health since it is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths in 2016. Although a significant amount of research has been invested in determining health effects related to air pollution on adults, still relatively few research exists on the most vulnerable part of the population, namely children. More specifically, research is missing on acute responses on respiratory functioning (RF) and on neurobehavioral abilities (NBA) of children due to PM and BC pollution. Children's exposure to atmospheric pollution is of special concern because their immune system, lungs and neuropsychological abilities are not fully developed yet when exposure begins, raising the possibility of more severe health outcomes than observed in adults. This project aims at determining the acute impacts of (dynamic) air pollution exposure on children's RF and NBA. To do so, this project will conduct a monitoring campaign at the school and home environment of children of age 9-11, to evaluate the exposure to PM and BC and its short-term effect on RF and NBA. In extent, the project will combine high-resolution air quality monitoring of PM and BC using mobile sensors, with early RFand NBA responses, in order to monitor students on their way to and from school. With changes in behavior and a shift in transport modes, we then aim to observe possible changes in effects on RF and NBA.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    Citizen 4 Science, Science 4 Citizens. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2022


    In recent years, the number and diversity of citizen science (CS) projects has increased tremendously. With an expansion in studies, the practice of citizen science calls for more support and academic research into the topic. Still many questions exist about the added value of CS to knowledge gathering in the academic world, awareness raising of citizens and about the assumed trade-off between the involvement level of citizens and the quality of the data they collect. To answer these questions, frameworks to measure impact and evaluate campaigns from different viewpoints have started to arise. The development of evaluation tools is asked for by both policy makers, to improve CS funding schemes, and by scientists, to enhance the project management of CS. But, at this point, no commonly accepted evaluation indicators are established that capture the three dimensions of participatory science: scientific impact, learning and empowerment of participants and impact for wider society, leaving a tremendous potential still to uncover.


    Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      Phyllosphere bacteria: a hidde, nature-based solution in our battle against air pollution? 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


      Air pollution is a major environmental and social issue, causing a vast array of negative health effects. Approximately 7 million deaths and an economical cost of 3.28 trillion euros worldwide can be attributed to air pollution. In this research a new, promising method will be tested to fight high urban air pollution levels. More specifically, the potential of leaf-dwelling or phyllosphere bacteria (PB) to degrade urban air pollutants (particulate matter and volatile organic compounds) into less toxic forms, also called bioremediation potential. This will be done with both field and laboratory experiments. The project is divided into four workpackages (WP). In WP1, the different PB present on 70 plant species will be determined and their preferences for leaf characteristics will be tested. WP2 will map which PB typically occur under high levels of urban pollutants and how they change through the growing season. In WP3 the specific bioremediation potential of promising PB will be tested and in WP4 all these results will be brought together. Then the first realistic numbers of what the application of the right plant-PB-combination could mean for the ambient urban pollutant levels will be estimated on the basis of computer models. The ultimate aim of this research is to find the optimal plant-PB-combination to optimize the bioremediation potential of vegetation in the city.


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        • Research Project

        Modelling and experimental validation of deposition on vegetation to facilitate urban particulate matter mitigation. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


        The adverse health effects resulting from exposure to air pollution, such as particulate matter (PM), are becoming more and more prominent. Although emissions are reducing, too high PM concentrations are still expected at locations with high traffic volumes and in so-called street canyons. Urban green has been considered as a potential urban planning solution for improving air quality, especially green walls have a great potential. Vegetation has an influence on air flow patterns and aids in the removal of particulate pollutants from the atmosphere by dry deposition on the leaf surfaces. Both field, wind tunnel and modelling studies (especially CFD) have been complementary used to investigate these effects, however, current deposition models are not able to grasp all mechanisms responsible for deposition and resuspension. This research proposal will address this shortcoming by developing a size-resolved deposition model considering all relevant mechanisms as well as resuspension on plant leaves. The relevant aerodynamic parameters and deposition/resuspension rate of different plant leaf orientations of green wall species will be determined with wind tunnel experiments. These results will serve as input of a model framework at real scale. The model framework will be applied to explore the potential of nature-based systems and eco-technological solutions for urban PM mitigation. This research proposal is very innovative and challenging since it transcends the state of the art.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Exploring the bioremediation ans application potential of phyllosphere bacteria (PHYLOBACT). 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020


          A specific microbial habitat exists where the atmosphere and plant meet. It is called the phyllosphere and is usually dominated by the leaf surfaces. All plant leaves, worldwide, are estimated to cover a surface area that approximates twice the global land surface. The phyllosphere can therefore be considered as a vast microbial habitat, with great potential importance. Recent advances in microbial DNA sequencing approaches have significantly improved our insights in these microbial ecosystems: a few pioneering studies –including from the applying consortium- have now documented that the phyllosphere harbours diverse bacterial communities shaped by both plant physical characteristics and metabolism, and environmental conditions. In turn, decades of physiological research has yet demonstrated that these epiphytic bacteria can affect the host plant by preventing colonization of certain plant pathogens and encouraging plant growth, among other effects. Air pollution and its adverse health effects are still increasing worldwide. Particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), soot, diesel exhaust particles and heavy metals are among the most problematic air pollutants. Adverse health effects include heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases like asthma, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Various technological solutions to remove air pollutants have yet been developed, of which catalytic filters and motor adaptations have probably made the largest impact on the filtration of polluted exhaust gases. Also for indoor application, various air purification systems exist, but they are mostly chemical, physical or photocatalytic oxidation. There is a clear need for more sustainable, bio- and nature-based solutions to combat air pollution. Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms to degrade or transform environmental contaminants into their less toxic forms. In this project, a novel bioremediation approach is explored, i.e. the potential application of plant-associated bacteria of the phyllosphere to degrade or remove specific air pollutants from the ambient air.


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            • Research Project

            Modulating the phyllosphere microbiome to increase crop production and protection. 01/01/2019 - 31/10/2019


            Plant diseases cause major losses in agriculture and are currently being eradicated with conventional or organic pesticides. Agriculture needs to become more productive as well as more sustainable to face the challenges of a growing population, climate change and other environmental problems. Protecting crops from diseases in an environmentally friendly way is a big challenge. The phyllosphere is the surface of the plant exposed to the atmosphere and it is occupied by microorganisms. The microorganims in the phyllosphere are known to interact with the plant they are inhabiting. It has been shown before that a healthy microbial population on the phyllosphere, a.k.a the phyllosphere microbiome, could help prevent or treat plant diseases and promote plant growth. Furthermore, previous research showed that a greater variety of bacteria in the phyllosphere increases plant productivity. This research aims to better understand the phyllosphere microbiome. This understanding will be used to treat and adjust the phyllosphere microbiome and thereby improve crop production and protection. Mixtures of bacteria that could have a positive effect on the plant, "plant probiotics", will be formulated. These plant probiotics will originate from isolated and cultured phyllosphere bacteria as well as from fermented compost extracts. Finally the effect of these plant probiotics on the phyllosphere microbiome and on plants will be studied.


            Research team(s)

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              Nature Smart Cities across the 2 Seas (NSCiti2S). 03/09/2018 - 25/02/2022


              Decision-makers in cities and town lack tools to justify the use of 'city-finance' to fund green infrastructure climate investments for their town or city. In this research, we will co-design a new business model for local authorities, that supports senior managers and finance officers in approving and justifying the use of 'city-finance' to fund green infrastructure climate investments. This approach will be co-designed with the city partners whilst delivering pilot studies. This will incorporate the approval processes, financial and legal systems of local authorities that are used to 'sign-off' on investments. The work will explore how a local authority can use the market and non-market values, cash and non-cash benefits that are attributable to green infrastructure, into an economic case to justify the investment in urban green infrastructure. The project demonstrates how investments in urban green can result in a net positive gain to 'city- finance' or a local authority's triple bottom line (economic, social and ecological values). This process will help identify the cash flow analysis of green infrastructure climate investments and allow the business model to be developed, tested and validated directly with input from the end-user - the local authorities


              Research team(s)

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              AIRbezen@School. 01/06/2018 - 31/05/2020


              Measuring air pollution by using strawberry plants The AIRbezen project is a clever word pun on the Flemish of Antwerp dialect word for strawberries (jarrebezen) and, obviously, the word air. By examining the leaves of strawberry plants, AIRbezen maps the air quality of a city or province. Strawberry plants are distributed among families, schools or associations, who give the plant a place on the windowsill. After 2 months the strawberry-hosts cut off a few leaves and bring them in at the distribution points. The researchers at the University of Antwerp then measure the concentrations of particulate matter on the leaves, thus revealing to what the plant was exposed. AIRbezen is a real citizen science project in the sense that citizens actively participate in a research project. There is a strong interaction between participants and the University of Antwerp, whereby citizens collect data, the university interprets said data and the results flow back to the citizens. The project was successfully applied for the first time in 2014 in Antwerp, but soon expanded to schools, East Flanders and projects abroad. AIRbezen came to be thanks to a number of enthusiastic volunteers, Stadslab 2050 and the Department of Bio-Engineering Sciences of the University of Antwerp. If you have more questions about past projects or want to collaborate with us, you can reach us at


              Research team(s)

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                • Research Project

                Screen printing facilities and high resolution Raman imaging of (printed) surfaces and materials. 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021


                This Hercules proposal concerns screen printing facilities. Screen printing facilities enable UAntwerp to pioneer in the field of electronics, sensors and photocatalysis by (1) developing unique (photo)sensors/detectors (e.g. electrochemical sensors, photovoltaics, photocatalysis) by printing (semi)conducting materials on substrates, (2) designing parts of Internet of Things modules with more flexibility and more dynamically, meanwhile creating a unique valorization potential and IP position.


                Research team(s)

                  Project type(s)

                  • Research Project

                  Green roofs and walls as a source for ecosystem services in future cities (ECOCITIES). 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021


                  EcoCities is an integrated and comparative analysis of different types of green walls and green roofs. Essentially it is investigated: - which is the interaction between different parameters (substrate, plant species etc.) of different types of green walls and green roofs and ecosystem services in an urban environment - an integrated evaluation of the deliverable ecosystem services


                  Research team(s)

                    Project type(s)

                    • Research Project

                    PM removal by urban green: a scientific modelling framework. 01/10/2017 - 31/12/2018


                    In this project a scientific framework for assessing the particulate matter (PM) removal of urban green is developed. We aim at enhancing the insight in the several phenomena that occur at the level of plant surfaces in the presence of PM polluted air, and in the way meteorological, physiological and morphological (plant) parameters affect PM transport, deposition and resuspension. The methodology is based on (1) predictive computational models for air flow, PM transport and PM deposition / resuspension on plant surfaces and (2) experimental analysis of the aerodynamics of urban green and PM deposition on their surfaces. By combining the sophisticated modularity in modeling techniques with experimental procedures, insight will be gained into the relevant underlying dynamic processes involved (PM transport, deposition and resuspension) and the effects of meteorological and physiological / morphological parameters. Based on the framework, we will explore and test the potential of 'eco-technological solutions' for the mitigation of urban air pollution, in particular of PM pollution. Conventional "passive" application of urban green does not fully use its deposition potential. In this project, innovative ways of using urban green in the smart planning of urban adaptation are suggested and studied. Additional benefits might be found in such engineered green systems for both the building and green industry and the environment, but a great deal of knowledge is still lacking to optimally develop and implement them. The knowledge build up in this research project will be very useful in the global framework of designing healthy, sustainable cities. Furthermore, the results will be very helpful to develop and tailor innovative eco-technological solutions, based on a solid scientific background, which adheres to all requirements and regulations.


                    Research team(s)

                      Project type(s)

                      • Research Project

                      Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities (BIOVEINS-BE). 01/03/2017 - 30/11/2020


                      The main objective of our BIOVEINS project is to use functional diversity (FD) to highlight the mechanisms underpinning the link between GBI, taxonomic diversity (TD) and ecosystem services (ESs) provisioning, and to provide, together with local stakeholders, the ecological and interdisciplinary knowledge to identify the critica/ features of GBI, to guide the establishment; management and restoration of GBI, and to mitigate the effects of major urban global challenges, like habitat fragmentation, air pollution, and urban heat island.


                      Research team(s)

                        Project website

                        Project type(s)

                        • Research Project

                        Interception, retention and translocation of radionuclides in agricultural crops under greenhouse conditions, following sprinkling irrigation. 01/11/2016 - 30/04/2021


                        The production and application of nuclear energy has led to enhanced radioactivity in the environment, resulting in an increased exposure of humans to ionising radiation. Among the various pathways by which humans can get exposed to ionising radiation, the uptake of radionuclides by agricultural plants is one of the most important routes. Agricultural plants can get contaminated by direct contamination of the surfaces of aerial parts of plants or by indirect contamination when radionuclides deposited on the soil are taken up by the root systems together with water and nutrients. Past experiences have shown that for most radionuclides, the contamination of the crops by interception is much higher than the indirect contamination via root uptake during the first year of a nuclear accident or if contamination occurs via yearly irrigation with contaminated water. A good estimate of the foliar uptake by plants is therefore necessary to reliably assess the exposure dose from the consumption of contaminated agricultural foodstuffs. Although foliar deposition is an important route by which plants become contaminated, the data base for modelling foliar uptake is poor. As a result, large uncertainties are associated with the contamination of food crops via the foliar pathway, yet simple approaches are used to estimate the contamination of plants via foliar uptake. It is well known that four main processes relate to the contamination of vegetation by foliar uptake. These processes are the interception by the plant surface, the retention after weathering processes have occurred, the absorption into the plant and the translocation or movement within the plant to other plant parts such as roots, fruit, etc. To overcome the large uncertainties associated with the foliar pathway, more experiments are needed to investigate these four processes as function of the element, the plant species, the stage of plant development at which the deposition occurs and the time after the contamination. Air humidity and temperature can also be important as shown by the research done on foliar fertilisation by mineral nutrients. The aim of this PhD proposal is to provide data on the interception, retention and translocation of radionuclides at different stages of plant development for wet deposition simulating sprinkling irrigation and as such contribute to a better quantification of the foliar uptake. The main research question is: Is the internal contamination of the plant ruled mainly by the leaf area index and the amount intercepted on the leaves? Other research questions are: Is it possible to make a distinction between the amount retained on the plant surface and the amount absorbed internally and available for translocation? Is the chemical form of the radionuclide more or less important than the differences between the plants?


                        Research team(s)

                          Project type(s)

                          • Research Project

                          Green-air: Exchange of green knowledge for healthier indoor and outdoor air 01/10/2016 - 30/09/2018


                          This project has the aim to make an up to date literature overview of the role of vegetation on the indoor and outdoor air quality. An overview will be given on differences between species in their role for cleaning the air, as well as of the plant characteristics driving this air pollution mitigation potential.


                          Research team(s)

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            City of Things (CoT). 01/05/2016 - 30/04/2020


                            As everyday devices are being connected to the Internet, research on large-scale wireless sensors networks specifically and Internet of Things (IoT) generally are becoming more and more important. There is a considerable research and innovation effort related to the deployment of smart cities using this IoT technology. However, there are still plenty of hurdles to move from R&D to implementation and real mass-scale deployment of wireless sensors networks. Moreover, the city itself is a treasure of data to be explored if the right sensors can be installed. Testbeds are the preferred tools for academic and industrial researchers to evaluate their research but a large-scale multi-technology smart city research infrastructure is currently the missing link. The City of Things research infrastructure will build a multi-technology and multi-level testbed in the city of Antwerp. As a result, 100 locations around the city of Antwerp and its harbour will be equipped with gateways supporting multiple wireless IoT protocols. These gateways will connect with hundreds of wireless sensors and actuators, measuring smart city parameters such as traffic flows, noise, air pollution, etc.


                            Research team(s)

                            Project website

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            Fingerprinting particulate matter for urban monitoring and source apportionment techniques. 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019


                            Among air pollutants, particulate matter (PM) poses the greatest risk to public health. Atmospheric PM is currently monitored by a network of air monitoring stations, but its limited spatial resolution impedes to properly monitor the high spatial variability in PM local exposure. On the other hand, urban vegetation works as a reliable passive PM collector, as it provides a natural surface for deposition and immobilization of pollutants. In this research project, urban green is thus used as a bio-indicator for atmospheric PM (biomonitoring), where each leaf plant can work as a monitoring station per se. Within airborne PM, iron and other metals are of particular interest. Therefore, magnetic biomonitoring of leaves has been extensively used as a rapid and cost-effective tool to assess urban PM exposure, however, the discrimination of PM sources based on magnetic analyses remains yet a less explored topic. PM source attribution mainly depends on the chemical characteristics (composition and structure of the particles), size distribution and even shape properties, therefore, a component of particle analysis is also necessary to understand the different sources of PM. The strategy of this project is based on PM fingerprinting the major urban PM sources (e.g. roadside and train traffic) in terms of its magnetic signatures, composition and microscopic form, and on how the different magnetic parameters can be used to identify them in the mixed-source urban environment. The main goal is then to investigate the applicability of using magnetic biomonitoring of urban leaves as an effective source apportionment methodology/tool for PM exposure. The application of such a methodology would help on delineating high-polluted PM areas while understanding their major PM emission sources, which can be of great use for e.g. impact assessment studies and policy implementation of targeted PM mitigation strategies.


                            Research team(s)

                              Project type(s)

                              • Research Project

                              Implication of biomagnetic monitoring in urban air quality assessments: composition and health relevance of the magnetisable particulate matter fraction. 01/10/2015 - 30/09/2018


                              Air pollution is now the world's largest single environmental health risk. Nevertheless, current air quality networks obtain poor spatial monitoring resolution due to high investment and maintenance costs. Especially in heterogeneous urban environments, spatial monitoring resolution is generally too limited. Biomagnetic monitoring of roadside plant leaves presents a promising monitoring approach to capture spatio-temporal variation of air pollution. Throughout my PhD, I evaluated biomagnetic monitoring (SIRM) of leaf-deposited particles for both air quality monitoring and modelling purposes, on both spatial and temporal resolutions. Nevertheless, lack of information on magnetisable composition and health-relevancy of magnetic minerals in atmospheric particles impedes the general application of biomagnetic monitoring in environmental air quality assessments. Our research project aims to address this knowledge gap by evaluating the magnetisable composition of urban atmospheric particles, its potential for source attribution in urban areas, and the health-relevancy of biomagnetic properties. While the magnetic mineralogy, grain size and concentration will reflect PM source-contributions, associations with heavy metals and/or elemental carbon might emphasize biomagnetic monitoring as a novel health-related PM proxy. The acquired knowledge will be implemented in two largescale and parallel biomagnetic monitoring campaigns in Antwerp (Belgium) and London (UK).


                              Research team(s)

                                Project type(s)

                                • Research Project

                                Green Building - Green walls for sustainable buildings and cities 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2019


                                in this project the direct effects of green walls on local air quality and hydrothermal effects of green walls are studied. The global aim is to gain better insight in the interactions plant - (urban) environment, and finaly to optimize existing systems towards air purifying effects.


                                Research team(s)

                                  Project type(s)

                                  • Research Project

                                  ENVIROMICS, environment toxicology and technology for a durable world. Development and application of diagnostic instruments for industry and policy. 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2020


                                  Environmental toxicology (named ecotoxicology further on) is by name a multidisciplinary field involving a wide span of scientifical domains These domains cover areas as biology (and several sub-disciplines thereof), ecology, biochemistry, toxicology, molecular genetics, industrial and process chemistry etc On top of that it touches the sociological field in terms of human and environmental hazard and risk, and even economy by setting environmental standards, thereby directly influencing industrial processes Water treatment technology and risk assessment are both important answers and tools offered to problems put forward by ecotoxicology Both offer and raise questions and problems to be answered It is my believe that ecotoxicology, in its broadest sense, holds the mother key in the solution but has yet to fully gain it.


                                  Research team(s)

                                    Project type(s)

                                    • Research Project

                                    Hyperspectral biomonitoring: air quality and the city (HYPERCITY). 01/12/2014 - 30/11/2019


                                    The overall objective of this research project is to develop, test and validate a plant-based passive biomonitoring methodology based on hyperspectral observations. To reach this objective an experimental set-up integrating different spatial (tree structural) scales will be used. In this project we will make use of a dual approach, i.e.: (1) large solitary trees growing in various contrasting urban environments in terms of air quality used for sealing up exercises, and (2) trees spatially distributed over the entire urban area for mapping purposes.


                                    Research team(s)

                                      Project type(s)

                                      • Research Project

                                      Ecophysiological characterization of Coccoloba uvifera L.: the case of a salt and drought stress tolerant plant species for sand dune reclamation in Cuba. 01/12/2014 - 30/11/2016


                                      Specific Academic Objective: strengthen research and training on ecophysiological, nutritional and phytochemical characterization and fruit production under salt and drought stress of C. uvifera in saline coastal soils of Cuba.


                                      Research team(s)

                                        Project type(s)

                                        • Research Project

                                        Potentials of leaf Saturation Isothennal Remanent Magnetisation and physiological leaf parameters as indicators of local air quality in tropical urban environments: a case study for Abidjan (Ivory Coast). (Postdoc. fellowship Y. BARIMA, Ivory Coast). 01/01/2014 - 30/06/2014


                                        It has recently been shown that in a temperate area it is possible to determine the spatial distribution of particulate matter in an urban environment by Saturation lsothennal Remanent Magnetization (SlRM) of plants leaves (Kardel et al. 201 l and 2012). But no such study has already been conducted in tropical (urban) environments. The first aim of this study is, therefore, to evaluate the potential of leaf magnetic and biochemical characteristics as bio-indicators of particulate matter of urban pollution in a tropical urban environment, as a cheap and easy way to monitor air pollution, i.e. particulate matter.


                                        Research team(s)

                                          Project type(s)

                                          • Research Project

                                          Modeling of the plant-atmosphere interactions in the context of air pollution. 01/12/2012 - 31/03/2013


                                          This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.


                                          Research team(s)

                                            Project type(s)

                                            • Research Project

                                            Urban vegetation biomonitoring: exploring the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing 01/07/2012 - 30/06/2016


                                            Vegetation and in particular green and full grown trees are extremely important in urban environments, amongst others for their beneficial effects on the reduction of air pollution. CIties are however not ideal environments for these trees and their health condition should be monitored carefully. A large scale biomonitoring of urban vegetation cannot be done manually, and remote sensing, and hyperspectral imaging in particular, announces themselves as a perfect candidate for an automated procedure. The aim of this project is to develop a framework for biomonitoring of urban vegetation from canopy spectral reflectance as this is the information that can be obtained from hyperspectral remote sensing. A data-driven approach is developed by constructing a hyperspectral reflectance library of leaf and canopy reflectance spectra. From this library, we will (i) study the relation between leaf-level and canopy-level reflectance; (ii) study the spectral distinction between healthy and unhealthy trees, and (iii) study the spectral distinction between trees growing at sites with different loads of air pollution.


                                            Research team(s)

                                            Project type(s)

                                            • Research Project

                                            Optimization of the cultivation technique of baobab trees (Adansonia digitata L.) in Mali. 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2013


                                            Baobab is a majestic tree, indigenous to tropical Africa and widespread throughout its drier regions. Local rural communities rely on this tree its resources for their livelihood, as it is a multipurpose tree species with products (leaves, fruit pulp, seeds, bark,...) having various applications (e.g. food uses, rope-making, traditional medicine, trading and marketing). This study focuses on the screening of superior planting material with respect to growth, biomass production, drought resistance and nutritional value. This information will be very valuable for future baobab plantings.


                                            Research team(s)

                                              Project type(s)

                                              • Research Project

                                              Avoided deforestation and climate change mitigation: a sustainability assessment of an international mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2013


                                              Tropical deforestation contribute each year for approximately 20% of recent greenhouse gas emissions. A climate agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is expected to include a mechanism that provides positive incentives for non-Annex-I countries to reduce the emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ('REDD'). To ensure that REDD will be effective, environmentally sound, equitable and politically feasible, this project aim to make a quantitative sustainability assessment of the country-specific impacts of different REDD-scenario's, now on the negotiation table.


                                              Research team(s)

                                                Project type(s)

                                                • Research Project

                                                Biomonitoring of air quality on the basis of plant characteristics. 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2012


                                                This project represents a research agreement between the UA and on the onther hand IWT. UA provides IWT research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


                                                Research team(s)

                                                  Project type(s)

                                                  • Research Project

                                                  Influence of environmental factors on leaf spectral characteristics. 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2011


                                                  The objective of this research is to examine how external stress, influence the spectral characteristics of leaves in order to make a correct interpretation of the spectral signal. For this purpose soil-related stress factors, drought, nutrient status and presence of heavy metals as well as the influence of individual atmospheric pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2, NH3 and particulate matter) were examined in laboratory conditions. Finally, the influence of atmospheric pollutants in field conditions will be studied.


                                                  Research team(s)

                                                    Project type(s)

                                                    • Research Project

                                                    Optimization of the cultivation technique of baobab trees (Adansonia digitata L.) in Mali. 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011


                                                    Baobab is a majestic tree, indigenous to tropical Africa and widespread throughout its drier regions. Local rural communities rely on this tree its resources for their livelihood, as it is a multipurpose tree species with products (leaves, fruit pulp, seeds, bark,¿) having various applications (e.g. food uses, rope-making, traditional medicine, trading and marketing). This study focuses on the screening of superior planting material with respect to growth, biomass production, drought resistance and nutritional value. This information will be very valuable for future baobab plantings.


                                                    Research team(s)

                                                      Project type(s)

                                                      • Research Project

                                                      Characterization of the morphological, ecophysiological, cell physiological and molecular response of Baobab (Adansonia digi L.) to drought stress. 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011


                                                      The African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) is a multipurpose, widely-used tree species with medicinal properties, numerous food uses, and bark fibres used for a variety of applications. In this way, the tree is playing an essential role in the rural communities of Western Africa as a supplement of the local diet, a buffer against crop failures and a support of the local economy. Although baobab is being used by millions of people on a daily basis, the species has not yet been given the right attention and is being underutilized at this moment. Baobab is usually not cultivated for example, and rural people are dependent on variable weather conditions and wild, unimproved and generally 'unknown' plant material to supply them with the vital products. The general aim of this project is to give an overall picture of the different mechanisms of baobab to anticipate on drought conditions. In a first part, the morphological adaptations of the tree to different environments are being studied by a field survey in Mali. At the same time, seed material is collected from different provenances. The seed material is being used to set up different field- and environmental-controlled experiments, which are used for the characterization of the ecophysiological, cell physiological and molecular response of baobab to drought conditions.


                                                      Research team(s)

                                                        Project type(s)

                                                        • Research Project

                                                        Avoided deforestation and climate change mitigation: a sustainability assessment of an international mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011


                                                        Tropical deforestation contribute each year for approximately 20% of recent greenhouse gas emissions. A climate agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is expected to include a mechanism that provides positive incentives for non-Annex-I countries to reduce the emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ('REDD'). To ensure that REDD will be effective, environmentally sound, equitable and politically feasible, this project aim to make a quantitative sustainability assessment of the country-specific impacts of different REDD-scenario's, now on the negotiation table.


                                                        Research team(s)

                                                          Project type(s)

                                                          • Research Project

                                                          Biomonitoring of the urban habitat quality using hyperspectral aircraft observations (BIOHYPE). 01/12/2009 - 31/12/2013


                                                          The overall objective of this research proposal is to develop, test and validate a passive biomonitoring methodology based on airborne h yperspectral observations based on an experimental set-up integrating over several spatial (tree structural) and temporal (dependent on the considered parameter) levels.


                                                          Research team(s)

                                                            Project type(s)

                                                            • Research Project

                                                            Phytotechnical use of bamboo for biomass production and soil sanitation. 01/07/2009 - 30/06/2011


                                                            The aim of this project is to evaluate the use of bamboo plants in biomass production and soil sanitation. Plants will be grown on three different fields and will thus exposed to different levels of pollution. Assessment of biomass production and tolerance towards the pollutant includes growth analysis, carbon assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence. Based upon these data, an existing growth model (FORUG) will be parametrised for bamboo.


                                                            Research team(s)

                                                              Project type(s)

                                                              • Research Project

                                                              Fusion of atmospheric simulation results with in-situ data. 01/06/2009 - 31/07/2011


                                                              The aim is to investigate, develop, and apply methods to merge simulated regional atmospheric pollutant concentration fields with observed values, in order to generate an improved estimate of the "true" spatial and temporal distribution of air pollution.


                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                • Research Project

                                                                Avoided deforestation as a mitigation of climate change. 01/05/2009 - 30/04/2013


                                                                Tropical deforestation contribute each year for approximately 20% of recent greenhouse gas emissions. A climate agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is expected to include a mechanism that provides positive incentives for non-Annex-I countries to reduce the emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ('REDD'). To ensure that REDD will be effective, environmentally sound, equitable and politically feasible, this project aim to make a quantitative sustainability assessment of the country-specific impacts of different REDD-scenario's, now on the negotiation table.


                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                  Climate Impact and Air Quality Modelling for Policy Support. (CLIMAQS) 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012


                                                                  The Flemish Region in northern Belgium suffers from air pollution levels that rank among the highest in Europe. At the same time, the effects of global climate change are increasingly being experienced in Flanders. In view of climate and air quality policy support, atmospheric models are crucial tools as they are able to provide prognoses and scenarios, and to date, particularly 3-D prognostic computer models are the best available instruments. However, these models are often limited to academic research purposes and are rarely run for sufficiently long periods to be of relevance for policy makers due to their complexity and computation intensive character. The objective of the CLIMAQS research project is to substantially improve and verify existing 3-D regional prognostic atmospheric grid models and to develop strategies for their effective implementation as policy support tools in the areas of climate change impacts and urban/regional air pollution in Flanders. Therefore, a very broad and generic knowledge platform in advanced atmospheric modelling will be developed, building on available expertise in Flanders. The project is a co-operation of VITO, the Dept. of Geography and the Dept. of Applied Science of the K.U.Leuven and the Dept. of Bioscience Engineering of the UA. In the first phase of the project, models for the regional and local scale secondary aerosol formation, the hydrologic cycle, and the biosphere-atmosphere-interaction processes will be improved. Moreover, data assimilation techniques will be implemented for certain hydrologic parameters and atmospheric trace gas and particle concentrations. Therefore, a dynamic biosphere scheme will be integrated in a regional climate model, allowing vegetation to interactively grow and decay following atmospheric conditions representative for future climates. The resulting improved regional climate modelling capacities are not only valuable in their own right, they will also benefit significantly to improved air quality modelling. At the local scale, i.e., that of a city quarter, a building and vegetation resolving modelling approach will be applied at a spatial resolution of metres. The 3-D terrain features will be reconstructed from high-resolution stereo-mode satellite imagery and will be employed to initialise model runs. The work will concentrate on implementing and testing a numerical representation of mainly traffic related pollutants like PM10, PM2.5 and NO2. In addition, special attention will be given to the harmful ultrafine fraction of particles, the dynamics affecting their size distribution and their interaction with plants. In the second phase, the focus will be on enhancing the applicability of the considered models for policy support purposes and on demonstrating their potential through case studies. So, following model coupling, code optimisation and parallelising, the final phase will be committed to performing policy relevant demonstration activities. These will consider specific case studies with local scale modelling in support of pollution mitigation strategies. At the same time, long term (~ 10 years) regional climate impact and air quality simulations will be carried out at resolutions down to a few kilometres covering the Flemish Region, both for current and future climate. The Dept. of Bioscience Engineering of the UA will develop numerical modules in the existing FORUG model to simulate (i) the impact of ambient atmospheric conditions and ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) on physiological vegetation dynamics and (ii) the emissions of BVOC's (biogenic volatile organic compounds) in terms of meteorological conditions and phenology, for trees, grassland and crops. Next, an existing deterministic plant model in ENVI-Met will be expanded to simulate the exchange of pollutants (deposition, uptake and leaching by leaves) and the physiological consequences of air pollutants. Therefore, intensive measuring campaigns are currently being set up in capital cities in Flanders to assess plant-pollutant interactions, for different tree species and in high spatio-temporal resolution. Finally, by means of case studies in the cities of Ghent and Hasselt, the benefits of realistic scenarios of urban green design will be assessed for local air quality and climate, with the extended ENVI-Met model. Urban green scenarios such as the creation of additional public park, the planting of hedges along busy streets, the creation of green roofs and a change in urban tree species, will be selected in collaboration with the cities involved.


                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                    Biomonitoring of air quality on the basis of plant characteristics. 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2010



                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                      Analysis of genetic and phenotypic diversity of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Mali and their ecophysiological response to drought and salinity stress. 01/01/2009 - 15/10/2009


                                                                      Tamarind, as a food, fodder and wood producing tree species, plays a very important socio-economical part in many of the rural communities of Western Africa. Nearly all components of the tree (leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, wood, bark) are being traded on the local market and mean a source of food and income security for producers and their families. Despite the importance of the species, only very little and mostly poorly coordinated research has been carried out on the African continent. Wild and uncultivated trees are now continuously being exploited to meet the growing demands. In this way, the intraspecific diversity is put at risk, thereby threatening food production and ecosystem stability. This research is complementary to the European project 'Domestication And Development Of Baobab And Tamarind' (DADOBAT), which aims to achieve a better and more complete exploitation of the possibilities of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and tamarind in Western Africa, by combining the results of different analyses in various scientific disciplines. The purpose of our study is to contribute to the DADOBAT-project, mainly by characterization of the current genetic and phenotypic diversity of tamarind and by facilitating the selection of the most suitable varieties for domestication and cultivation. Mali was selected as the study area. During a first project phase, observational research was carried out on ten tamarind populations, distributed over different climatic zones in Mali. Some morphological and chemical tree, leaf and fruit variables were measured and analyzed to determine the phenotypic diversity of the species, within and between populations and climatic zones. For the genetic analyses, STR (Simple Tandem Repeat) markers are being developed. By means of these markers, the genetic relationships between trees and populations will be elucidated. In that way identification of the possible landraces and characterization of the current genetic diversity of the species in Mali will be obtained. The results of both the phenotypic and the genetic part of the study will serve as a reference for the development of conservation strategies and as a starting point for the selection of useful traits for domestication programs. In a second phase the ecophysiological, chemical and growth response to drought stress will be determined for the landraces or ecotypes, identified in the former research phase. The resulting knowledge can facilitate the selection of the most drought resistant ecotypes for domestication in dry regions, where food provision and ecosystem stability are threatened the most.


                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                        Saline Crops for overcoming soil salinity in Eastern Cuba: institutional strengthening and capacity building for research and development 01/12/2008 - 30/11/2013


                                                                        The project deals with the major problem of salinity in the Cauto VaIIey located in eastern Cuba, where it considerably diminishes food production. This area is of great importance for Cuban agriculture as it produces most of the country's sugar cane, nee, root crops and vegetables. The aim of this project is: (i) to improve food security and livelihood in eastern Cuba (Granma Province) through selection of the most salt-tolerant species and genotypes of three food plants (wheat, tomato and bean), and (ii) to strengthen ecophysiological and biochemical research on salt stress at Granma University (GU) and improving the training capacity on the former subject.


                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                          • Research Project

                                                                          Refinement of a canopy budget model by analysing nutrient transfer processes in tree canopies at different spatio-temporal scales. 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2011


                                                                          The main objective of the research is to adapt and further develop a canopy budget model, which will allow to use throughfall measurements for accurately quantifying internal and external nutrient sources in forest ecosystems. To this aim, the nutrient interactions between the atmosphere and the vegetation will be compared on several spatial and temporal scales between three important tree species with varying ecophysiological and biogeochemical characteristics. The nutrient transfer processes of dry deposition and canopy exchange will be studied at the spatial levels of leaves and branches, individual tree canopies as well as the forest stand, and during different periods of physiological activity. At the leaf and branch level, in-situ and ex-situ experiments will be carried out for determining physical and physiological vegetation characteristics that affect canopy exchange processes. At the canopy level, canopy architecture and its influence on within-canopy turbulence and dry deposition will be studied. Finally, the results of these two lower spatial levels will be integrated and scaled up in a process-oriented nutrient transfer model that will be validated at the stand level.


                                                                          Research team(s)

                                                                            Project type(s)

                                                                            • Research Project

                                                                            Characterization of the morphological, ecophysiological, cell physiological and molecular response of Baobab (Adansonia digi L.) to drought stress. 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009


                                                                            The African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) is a multipurpose, widely-used tree species with medicinal properties, numerous food uses, and bark fibres used for a variety of applications. In this way, the tree is playing an essential role in the rural communities of Western Africa as a supplement of the local diet, a buffer against crop failures and a support of the local economy. Although baobab is being used by millions of people on a daily basis, the species has not yet been given the right attention and is being underutilized at this moment. Baobab is usually not cultivated for example, and rural people are dependent on variable weather conditions and wild, unimproved and generally 'unknown' plant material to supply them with the vital products. The general aim of this project is to give an overall picture of the different mechanisms of baobab to anticipate on drought conditions. In a first part, the morphological adaptations of the tree to different environments are being studied by a field survey in Mali. At the same time, seed material is collected from different provenances. The seed material is being used to set up different field- and environmental-controlled experiments, which are used for the characterization of the ecophysiological, cell physiological and molecular response of baobab to drought conditions.


                                                                            Research team(s)

                                                                              Project type(s)

                                                                              • Research Project

                                                                              Characterisation of the natural phenotypes of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in West-Africa and their ecophysiological response to drought and salinity stress. 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2008



                                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                                • Research Project

                                                                                Ecophysiological characterisation of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in response to drought and salinity 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007


                                                                                Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) has an essential socio-economical role in the rural communities of West-Africa. Despite the daily usage of baobab products by millions of people, research about this species is scarce, and its potential is not fully used. Therefore, this project aims at characterising, on an ecophysiological basis, baobab-types growing along a precipitation gradient in Mali, in their response to drought and salinity.


                                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                                  • Research Project