Research team


My current expertise and research interests are around localization techniques utilizing wireless communications and satellite technologies, then integrated communication and sensing systems, smart mobility solutions, vehicle localization, and radio wave propagation techniques. Specifically, my expertise and interest are mainly focused on 4G, IEEE 802.11p, 5G/6G, and GNSS technologies, possessing a deep understanding of their principles, radio frequency (RF) propagation characteristics, and the challenges associated with wireless channel environments. I leverage this knowledge to facilitate effective communication, accurate/reliable/secure localization and sensing, as well as to monitor electromagnetic radiation exposure. Over the years, I have been actively involved in various research activities, including investigation and literature review, experimental design, simulations, modeling, data acquisition through measurements, data analysis, algorithm design and development, algorithm optimization and performance evaluation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. Through these endeavors, I have worked on addressing and solving unique challenges encountered in wireless communications and localization. In addition to my research contributions, I have also gained extensive experience in teaching. I possess a comprehensive understanding of the academic discipline, work to generate new knowledge through my research, and effectively transfer it to students. Furthermore, I have developed new academic curricula and programs, served on faculty committees, supported the development of academic policies, and provided guidance and support to undergraduate and graduate students during their bachelor and master thesis projects.

6G Perceptive Radio Lab for Integrated Sensing and Communications. 01/05/2024 - 30/04/2028


The 6th generation of mobile network technology (6G) will be at the centre of a human-centric hyper-connected world. To enable this, 6G will not only have to offer unprecedented throughput, latency, and reliability but also accurate sensing of people and environments. This will enable novel spatially aware applications, such as extended reality, human-robot collaboration, and autonomous transportation. Achieving this vision requires the design of new perceptive radios, that can perform integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). Moreover, the required 6G performance and sensing accuracy can only be achieved by employing mmWave frequencies (i.e., 24-300 GHz). However, commercial-off-the-shelf mmWave devices do not offer the needed flexibility. As such, to go beyond simulation, and enable research into and prototyping of 6G mmWave perceptive radio systems, more flexible hardware, based on software-defined radios and programmable beamformers, is required. The goal of this project is to develop an indoor perceptive radio lab that offers such equipment, to enable the design of novel 6G ISAC solutions for future spatially aware cyber-physical applications. The lab will be equipped with a motion-capture system to collect ground truth data, which can be used to validate sensing accuracy and as input data for training AI algorithms. XR devices will be integrated to enable human-centric experimentation with realistic 6G applications. 1450 / 1500


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Exploring the Physical Layer Aspects of 5G NR and LEO PNT for Positioning. 01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025


Integration of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space satellites and 5G New Radio (NR) terrestrial communications networks is expected to provide ubiquitous coverage that was never perceived before. This integration will be used to deploy the required communications networks in areas that are very difficult to reach today, thus resulting in new developments in many industries in different countries. In addition, this integration can be a key impact factor to empower a unique Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) solution required for many services and applications. Given the fact that this research topic is largely unexplored, we aim to conduct a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the physical layer attributes and properties of 5G NR and LEO PNT signals, with an emphasis on their applicability to PNT services. Our analysis will encompass crucial aspects, including received signal strength, channel state information, signal propagation time, and other physical layer characteristics derived from IQ samples of signals received from both LEO PNT satellites and 5G NR base stations at the targeted receiver location. Our objective is to analyze the physical layer features and characteristics of the involved signals and the potential benefits of merging these two technologies to determine whether this fusion can mitigate the limitations associated with each, such as non-line-of-sight propagation when utilizing LEO space segments and 5G NR base stations, high signal losses, and the limited availability of 5G NR base stations in all required areas. The analyses will be performed using Software Defined Radios (SDRs) with the RF front ends able to receive signals from open satellite LEO constellations and open source 5G NR software modules. Further, a processing unit will be used for postprocessing and analyses.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project