Follicle-like and other novel structures found in ovaries of aged white rhinoceroses and their potential impact on oocyte recovery rate

Theriogenology Wild - ISSN 2773-093X-5 (2024) p. 1-12
    Ruth Appeltant, R. Hermes, S. Holtze, T.B. Hildebrandt, S.A. Williams

Advancing stem cell technologies for conservation of wildlife biodiversity

Development - ISSN 0950-1991-151:20 (2024) p. 1-9
    Ashlee M. Hutchinson, Ruth Appeltant, Tom Burdon, Qiuye Bao, Rhishikesh Bargaje, Andrea Bodnar, Stuart Chambers, Pierre Comizzoli, Laura Cook, Yoshinori Endo, Bob Harman, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Thomas Hildebrandt, Marisa L. Korody, Uma Lakshmipathy, Jeanne F. Loring, Clara Munger, Alex H.M. Ng, Ben Novak, Manabu Onuma, Sara Ord, Monique Paris, Andrew J. Pask, Francisco Pelegri, Martin Pera, Ryan Phelan, Benyamin Rosental, Oliver A. Ryder, Woranop Sukparangsi, Gareth Sullivan, Nicole Liling Tay, Nikki Traylor-Knowles, Shawn Walker, Antonia Weberling, Deanne J. Whitworth, Suzannah A. Williams, Jessye Wojtusik, Jun Wu, Qi-Long Ying, Thomas P. Zwaka, Timo N. Kohler

Cloning for the twenty-first century and its place in endangered species conservation

Annual Review of Animal Biosciences - ISSN 2165-8102-12:1 (2024) p. 91-112
    Veronica B. Cowl, Pierre Comizzoli, Ruth Appeltant, Rhiannon L. Bolton, Robert K. Browne, William V. Holt, Linda M. Penfold, Aleona Swegen, Susan L. Walker, Suzannah A Williams

The neonatal southern white rhinoceros ovary contains oogonia in germ cell nests

Communications Biology - ISSN 2399-3642-6:1 (2023) p. 1-12
    Ruth Appeltant, Robert Hermes, Susanne Holtze, Silvia Clotilde Modina, Cesare Galli, Briet. D. Bjarkadottir, Babatomisin V. Adeniran, Xi Wei, Aleona Swegen, Thomas Bernd Hildebrandt, Suzannah A. Williams

Cloning in action : can embryo splitting, induced pluripotency and somatic cell nuclear transfer contribute to endangered species conservation?

Biological reviews - ISSN 1464-7931-98:4 (2023) p. 1225-1249