Sarah Lambrecht

Sarah Lambrecht is a magistrate (law clerk/referendaris) at the Belgian Constitutional Court and a PhD Candidate at the Research Group Government and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp. Prior to joining the Constitutional Court, she was PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). Sarah Lambrecht has undertaken a Council of Europe traineeship at the European Court of Human Rights and a research stay at the University of Cambridge. Her doctoral research under the supervision of Prof. dr. Patricia Popelier is titled: 'The dynamics between national and supranational fundamental rights protection: a practice of convergence?'. The research conducted by Sarah Lambrecht focuses on fundamental rights law, the ECHR system, the EU Charter and (comparative) constitutional law.
She is a member of the editorial board of European Human Rights Cases (EHRC) and editor at the Belgian journal NjW for the section on human rights. In addition, she is a member of the scientific comittee of the bilingual Moot Court Constitutional Law which is organised yearly for all Belgian universities.
She co-edited the book 'Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights' (Intersentia 2016, 571p.), a comparative study on the criticism voiced in Europe of the European Court of Human Rights, together with prof. dr. Patricia Popelier and prof. dr. Koen Lemmens (available on Cambridge Core). The findings were presented by the editors at the European Court of Human Rights on 24 November 2016.
Several of her publications can be downloaded via Academia.