Research team


High performance computing (HPC), supercomputing

High-level specialised application support service in High-Performance Computing (HPC) (EPICURE). 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2028


EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is deploying a European-wide High-performance Computing infrastructure, comprising a number of supercomputers, that range from small petascale, to large high-end pre-exascale and exascale systems, topping the relevant global rankings. To date, part of the responsibilities of the Hosting Entities is the provision of support services to users that are selected by EuroHPC to access the systems. These services are currently limited primarily to Level 1 support which mostly entails a help desk support for day-by-day operational issues and problems. This proposal aims at ameliorating this offering by establishing and operating a distributed but coordinated European-wide high-performance computing application support service, to encourage the best possible uptake of the systems by European scientists and researchers. Application Support Teams (ASTs), established in current and future EuroHPC Hosting Entities, in collaboration with key support actions funded by the EuroHPC JU, will provide their services aiming primarily at Level 2 and 3 application support encompassing in particular application porting, optimisation and execution of key applications to a selected number of projects which have been allocated time by peer-review process managed by the EuroHPC JU. These services include the organisation of specialized training events and workshops in the context of high-profile international HPC events. Finally, this proposal includes the development of a single point of contact (in the form of a European HPC Application Support portal) that will allow European HPC users from public and private sector including SMEs, to retrieve information on the systems offered by the Joint Undertaking, their architectures, their access mechanisms, and the support services available.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    CalcUA 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026


    CalcUA stimulates the use of scientific and technical computing by providing access to state-of-the art computer hardware infrastructure. It shares knowledge, expertise, and training on the efficient use of this hardware in combination with the best available algorithms. It makes it possible to solve largescale scientific problems in a distributed way. In this way users will take advantage of the latest possibilities of scientific and technical computing in their research and R&D. It creates an environment for the exchange of ideas and expertise on large-scale simulation and the processing of large sets of data and related scientific problems. It is part of the Flemish Supercomputer Centre, which provides part of the funding for the personnel and hardware. Funding as a core facility will create a multiplier effect at UAntwerpen by investing in training, community building and the creation of new applications and externally funded joint projects between research groups, CalcUA, and local industry at the national and international level.


    Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-6IP). 01/05/2019 - 31/12/2022


    This project represents a formal agreement between UAntwerpen and 29 other parties on PRACE – Sixth Implementation Phase Project. UAntwerpen and its third parties are involved in several work packages as stipulated in this contract.


    Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      An efficient and validated implementation of special functions. 01/04/2004 - 31/03/2006


      In this project we want to deliver a performant and validated multiprecision implementation of several classes of special functions (hypergeometric functions, error function, exponetial integral, ...). We will focus on continued fraction approximations. Choosing the appropriate representation, identification of the domain, refining the upper bounds for the truncation error and refining existing techniques to estimate the rounding error are just some of the topics we will consider.


      Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Reliable algortithms for the computation of multivariate rational approximants used in system theory. 01/10/1995 - 30/09/1996


        Reliable algorithms for the computation of multivariate Pade approximants are needed : they are used in CAD-CAM, signal filtering and systems theory. We consider recursive algorithms and continued fractions. We will study the structure of the multivariate table of rational functions in detail and solve questions concerning singularities in the denominator. We believe these problems may be tackled by block bordering methods. Afterwards, we can develop general recursive computation algorithms. The use of continued fractions implices working with a qd-like algorithm. We will try to understand all possible information contained in the qd-table. As a result, an algorithm will be developed which deduces from a series expansion, information about the function itself.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project