Short bio
Prof. dr. Steven Van Passel is vice-rector Valorisation and Development. At the university of Antwerp we support future-oriented valorisation of knowledge with sustainable solutions for people and the world.
Prof. dr. Steven Van Passel is professor Environmental Economics and coordinates the research team EnvEcon at the departement Engineering Management of the University of Antwerp. His research concentrates on the economic and sustainability assessment of clean technology and agricultural systems and on the interaction between economy, technology and ecology. As an environmental economist, he is interested in conceptual and methodological aspects of assessing sustainability, the valuation of environmental and energy technologies and the economic impact of climate change.
Recent papers
Vasilakou, K., Nimmegeers, P., Thomassen, G., Billen, P., Van Passel, S. 2023. Assessing the future of second-generation bioethanol by 2030 - A techno-economic assessment integrating technology learning curves. Applied Energy (accepted) (IF: 11.45)
Borms, L., Van Opstal, W., Brusselaers, J., Van Passel, S. 2023. The working future: an analysis of skills needed by circular startups. Journal of Cleaner Production 409: 137261 (IF: 11.07)
Van Oijstaeijen, W., Finizola e Silva, M., Back, P., Collins, A., Verheyen, K., De Beelde, R., Cools, J., Van Passel, S. 2023. The Nature Smart Cities business model: a rapid decision-support and scenario analysis tool to reveal the multi-benefits of green infrastructure investments. 84: 127923 (IF: 5.77)
Bjornavold, A., David, M., Mermet-Bijon, V., Beuamais, O., Crastes dit Sourd, R., Van Passel, S., Martinet, V. 2023.To tax or to ban? A Discrete Choice Experiment to elicit public preferences for phasing out glyphosate use in agriculture. PLOS ONE 18(3): e0283131 (IF: 3.75)
Buyle, M., Audenaert, A., Brusselaers, J., Van Passel, S. 2023. Rebound effects following technological advancement? The case of a global shock in ferrochrome supply. Journal of Cleaner Production 391: 136264 (IF: 11.07)
EnvEcon Research day 2022

The EnvEcon Research day took place on October 24, 2022 at the University of Antwerp.
Environmental Economics meetings VUAmsterdam and UAntwerp 2022

The environmental economics research groups from the University of Antwerp and the VU Amsterdam jointly organised meeting days on May 18 (Amsterdam) and August 30 (Antwerp), 2022.