Research team


(i) Techno-economic assessments (TEA) of emerging green/clean environmental & energy technologies; prospective assessments towards a sustainable and/or circular economy (ii) Sustainability assessments; integration of environmental aspects with techno-economic assessments; sustainable value approach; sustainability indicators (iii) Environmental valuation of climate change (adaptation): Ricardian method to assess the economic impact of climate change on agriculture (iv) Environmental valuation of resource use and ecosystem services: stated preferences (discrete choice experiments; contingent valuation) and revealed preferences (hedonic pricing) I developed and applied the sustainable value approach to assess farm performance. I also developed systemic techno-economic assessments (TEA) of several clean technologies and I realized the integration of environmental aspects with techno-economic assessments. Furthermore, I applied and developed both revealed (hedonic pricing method) and stated preferences methods (discrete choice modeling). I measured the economic impact of climate change on agriculture using a continental scale Ricardian method and I study the economic benefits of climate change adaptation in agriculture.

BioNECSUS – Biobased nitrogen efficiency and sustainability systems. 01/12/2024 - 30/11/2026


A shift towards sustainable nitrogen (N) management is crucial to reduce the environmental impact of livestock production. Circular solutions can furthermore reduce Europe's reliance on energy-intensive conventional N fertilisers produced via the Haber-Bosch process, and lower the environmental impact of agriculture. Recovering N from waste streams from the agri-food chain helps to minimize the risk of nitrogen leaching into the environment. BioNECSUS aims to explore an innovative N-recovery technology that converts gaseous or liquid nitrogenous waste streams such as manure digestates into refined and concentrated liquid ammonium nitrate solutions. The development of this technology will be guided by evaluations of its technical performance, as well as its ecological and economic impact.


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  • Research Project

Socio-economic implications of marine protected areas (MPAs) for local fishing communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025


In 2022, United Nations Member States have committed to conserving and protecting 30 percent of marine and coastal waters by 2030, meaning a three-fold increase in the extent of marine protected areas (MPAs). Given the challenge this represents and the dependence of nearly 40 million people on fisheries, it is crucial to understand the socio-economic implications of MPAs for local fishing communities. This project has three objectives. First, it will quantitatively assess local fishers' willingness to accept MPAs and preferences regarding their design ex-ante, based on a survey and discrete choice experiment. Second, it will estimate the impact of MPAs on fishing communities' income, employment, food security and nutrition, and happiness, based on a survey and analysis using propensity score matching and structural equation models. This way, it will be possible to investigate causal impact pathways and influencing factors. Third, this project will develop a novel methodology to estimate illegal fishing practices on a local scale using a participatory mixed methods strategy, which will then be used to investigate the extent and dynamics of illegal fishing within and around MPAs. To reach these objectives, a multiple case study approach will be taken with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, including foreseen and established MPAs in Senegal and Cabo Verde. Overall, the project will lead to several academic breakthroughs and empirical evidence on MPAs, guiding sound policy-making.


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Sustainable Proteins from Seaweed. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028


Because of the generally high standard of living in Europe, protein shortage is imminent. Today, protein-rich crops such as soy are imported to meet the high demand, leading to unsustainable practices. Europe, including Flanders, is committed to growing protein seeds, legumes, etc. but is far from self-sufficient in protein. SUPROSEA is framed within the Flemish Protein Strategy which sets the 40%-60% animal versus plant protein target and takes into account the limited availability of agricultural land in Flanders. Therefore, SUPROSEA focusses on aquatic protein rich biomass, i.e. different species of seaweed (green, brown and red) as they are economically and ecologically interesting organisms for the extraction of proteins, and other high-value compounts such as pigments for the food and feed industry. The main objective of the project is to identify the most promising biorefinery in terms of sustainability. The culture conditions of local seaweed will be optimized to improve the quality and quantity of the components to be extracted. Moreover, efficient ways to valorize the remaining biomass in a cascade biorefinery approach will be investigated (zerowaste approach). Different mild extraction techniques will be tested, and the residual seaweed biomass iwill be fermented to produce microbial proteins. The seaweed proteins, microbial ones and high value seaweed compounds are then characterized and tested in food and feed trials. Biorefinery process modelling will be done to obtain scaled-up data for different seaweed value chain scenarios, which will be evaluated on the basis of an integrated sustainability methodology, including life cycle analysis, biodiversity mdoelling, ecosystem services assessment, and techno-economic and market analysis. A comparison with alternative protein sources is foreseen. SUPROSEA wants to support sustainable, blue economy activities.


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REFORM: balancing sustainability and costs: innovative agribusiness models to account for environmental and social impacts. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028


The agri-food sector plays a pivotal role in sustaining life on our planet by providing essential resources such as food, fiber, and fuel. However, the sector's impacts have extended beyond the production of food, emphasizing the need to incorporate the concept of externalities. These externalities encompass a spectrum of social and environmental impacts, both positive and negative, ranging from soil erosion and pollution to deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional agri-food systems often fail to account for them, which not only affects the industry itself, but also the broader ecosystem. To tackle these challenges, the agri-food sector must embrace a paradigm shift and transition to more sustainable business models. Agribusiness models represent various approaches, strategies and structures to engage in agricultural activities. These models are designed to generate income, create value, and contribute to the overall productivity of the agri-food sector. This project aims to establish an equilibrium between the true cost of agribusiness models and the creation of additional value. The path to this equilibrium not only entails acknowledging the costs but also recognizing the untapped potential for value creation in agribusiness models. Therefore, the first step is to develop a methodological framework tailored to agri-food systems that identifies their values and establishes robust evaluation pathways. This framework can then be applied to existing agribusiness models to assess the values associated with them. Another critical aspect is analyzing whether the cost of incorporating these values exceeds their added value. Lastly, the novel agribusiness models will be tested with stakeholders and their upscaling and outscaling possibilities will be investigated. In conclusion, the project aims to cultivate innovative agribusiness models that strike a balance between economic, social, and environmental costs and value.


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  • Research Project

DEER: Demand-side measures to Enhance well-being and foster Environmental footprint Reduction. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028


This project builds further on the work done for the CE Center (Circular Economy Policy Research Center) regarding the downscaling of the material footprint target for Flanders to specific products, processes and needs. This work is currently elaborated by the STEN group in Ghent University (led by Professor Dewulf) in collaboration with the EnvEcon group of University of Antwerp (led by Professor Van Passel). The project will also keep close ties with the E4BE project (Brain-Belspo) on a just and acceptable climate tax shift for Belgium, for which professor Bachus is one of the co-promoters. In addition, the project has linkages to parts of two Horizon Europe projects that Prof. Bleys and Dr. Silvi work on, namely: ToBe (Towards a sustainable wellbeing economy: integrated policies and transformative indicators) and MERGE (Measuring what matters: Improving usability and accessibility of policy frameworks and indicators for multidimensional well-being through collaboration). To mitigate climate change, a fast reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is required. Although currently changes in the supply side have attracted most attention, these measures are insufficient to deliver on the Paris agreement goals. Recent research featured in the latest IPCC report highlights the potential of demand-side measures. Such measures target changes in consumption patterns and can complement current supply side measures, reducing emissions up to 40 to 70% by 2050. The link between our consumption and well-being is not straightforward. Consumption corridors provide a floor level given by a sufficient level of human need fulfilment, and a ceiling level, above which consumption is unsustainable. Some consumption corridors have already been calculated, but most of these are examples of one product fulfilling only one human need. In addition, which demand-side measures would be required to move within these consumption corridors and how they could be implemented has not been assessed yet. In the DEER project, the effects of demand-side measures on human well-being will be analysed from an environmental, social, economic and policy perspectives. For this, the literature on human needs will be reviewed linking the different human needs to their required products. Products/ services related to thermal comfort and mobility in the region of Flanders will be selected. Sufficiency levels for the human needs will be defined and quantified. Applicable demand-side measures will be identified and their impact on carbon and material footprints of the selected needs will be assessed. In parallel, for the selected demand-side measures, economic and social assessments will be performed, including the analysis of consumers' willingness to adapt. Lastly, the demand-side measures will be fit in policy instruments and mixes that can achieve optimal environmental effectiveness while minimising undesirable side effects will be assessed and presented as policy recommendations.


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Nanoparticles in the spotlight: light-driven nanoscience from lab to society (Nano-Light). 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2030


Nanomaterials already have become indispensable in numerous modern technologies that impact our society. It recently became clear that their coupling with light holds significant promise for innovative developments that may open the route to novel light-driven applications in energy storage, photoelectrochemical sensing, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, drug delivery, and more. Incorporation in actual applications will, however, strongly depend on a deep understanding of the factors that influence the structure-property connection, an improved stability as well as on their technoeconomic and environmental performance. To tackle these crucial challenges, the Nano-Light consortium emerges as a unique and multidisciplinary platform. The consortium brings together extensive expertise in nanoscience covering the synthesis of photoactive nanostructures, advanced electron microscopy and X-ray characterisation, computational materials science, applied nanoengineering and techno-sustainability assessments. By combining cutting-edge (3D) transmission electron microscopy with advanced light sources and environmental holders, the consortium aims to optimize the interaction between nanomaterials and light under working conditions. Such experiments are extremely challenging, but if successful, they will yield unprecedented insights into the fundamental mechanisms governing light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. By exploiting a synergistic approach, one of the primary objectives of the consortium is to obtain comprehensive understanding on how nanomaterials absorb, scatter, emit, or manipulate light, thereby providing crucial knowledge for the design and optimization of next-generation technologies. Such understanding will be crucial for applications in which light plays a beneficial enabling role or, conversely, in scenarios where light accelerates the degradation of the behaviour of the nanomaterials. These areas include the plasmonic chiroptic nanoparticles for early disease detection, overcoming light degradation of pigments in art conservation or (perovskite) photovoltaic nanomaterials for solar cells or X-ray detectors, plasmon-enabled biosensing and light–driven drug delivery in nano-medicine applications, photo(-electro)catalytic hydrogen production or CO2 conversion. Furthermore, the consortium will develop techno-economic and environmental assessments at early technology readiness levels for the envisioned nanotechnological applications to promote safe and sustainable technological solutions. These goals of Nano-Light are in excellent agreement with the sustainable research and innovation goals put forward by the EU. As such, the research conducted under the Nano-Light consortium will strengthen the position of UAntwerp on the European map as an established nanoscience centre leading to further collaborations in the field of nanotechnology and related technologies.


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Scientific pilot plan for the introduction of sustainable production and management in Flemish wine growing. 10/06/2024 - 15/12/2026


Climate warming means Flemish quality wine without sustainable solutions. Viticulture and vinification lead to resource depletion, inefficient use of materials, high energy and water consumption. Sectoral-regional environmental impact research will improve polluting processes in Flanders, such as in traditional wine regions. The University of Antwerp and Vicky Corbeels offer region- and sector-specific circular solutions to Flemish wine production, which is becoming a pioneer in cool-climate wines.


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Sustainable subsurface management in the European transition towards a climate neutral society. 01/06/2024 - 31/05/2026


Historically, the subsurface was mainly regarded as a resource base for groundwater, minerals, ores and hydrocarbons. In Europe the more impactful exploitations, such as mining, were gradually pushed outside of its borders, apparently decreasing the dependence of European citizens on their own subsurface. In recent decades, concerns regarding global environment and supply-chains have brought the subsurface under renewed attention. The range of subsurface activities is being broadened and has become central in European policy debates as the urgency of transitioning into a climate neutral and supply secure economy is being put on the political agenda of all EU Member States. Also in countries such as Poland coal mines are now being closed, in the Netherlands natural gas extraction is being phased out, in Portugal lithium mines are (re)opened, in various EU Member States, like Belgium and the Netherlands where available geothermal reservoirs are average at best, the demand for (deep) geothermal energy extraction and storage is increasing, and there is ongoing research and development to transform natural gas storage sites to accommodate green hydrogen storage as well as to implement CCUS networks that include the permanent storage of CO2. Given this renewed attention to subsurface use, the need to plan and manage subsurface utilization carefully and the need to use the subsurface in a sustainable way is increasingly being acknowledged by both authorities and scientists in the field of Earth Sciences and Natural Resource Economics. 3 Based on a literature review and semi-structured interviews, different European case studies will be discussed showing how different European countries are currently managing subsurface use given the need for a just transition towards a climate neutral society and to what extent aspects of sustainability are taken into consideration.


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  • Research Project

Low-cost Hydrogen through Photoelectrolysis. 01/06/2024 - 31/05/2026


Novel electrolyser technologies that improve cost-efficiency through reductions in electricity and component costs will be needed for delivering hydrogen from renewables at scale. In this project we aim to develop a breakthrough photoelectrolysis device that will (a) reduce the electricity demand of clean hydrogen production; (b) eliminate use of critical raw materials (CRM) in electrodes/electrocatalysts; and (c) couple hydrogen generation to valorization of a biomass- derived stream, thus improving technoeconomic performance and circularity. The aim is to deliver plasmon-enhanced, hybrid photoelectrolysis under alkaline conditions for hydrogen generation. Cell voltages will be lowered, first, via replacement of oxygen evolution at the anode with an organic oxidation reaction (OOR) that will offer thermodynamic advantages, benefits associated with component and operational costs and added-value chemicals from bio-waste via selective anodic processes. Second, photoelectrolysis enhanced by plasmon-ENZ (Epsilon Near- Zero) systems will be adopted to reduce cell overpotential and enhance energy efficiency. Third, computationally guided design of CRM-free plasmon-enhanced electrocatalysts will enable delivery of activity and selectivity without reliance on precious and/or scarce metals. We will demonstrate breakthrough improvements relative to state-of-the-art using three key performance indicators defined to accurately reflect trade-offs in energy efficiency and cost arising from the OOR and from materials choices that depart from state-of-the-art, while weighting the benefits of a transition to CRM-free strategies and consequent improvements in criticality. The mainstreaming of technoeconomic and life cycle analysis will guide materials choices to deliver a prototype CRM-free photoelectrolyser at lab scale, and will chart a path to cost-competitive application scenarios for exploitation beyond proof-of-concept. Within this project, the UAntwerp partner will particularly focus on the synthesis of noble metal- free plasmonic nanostructures based on ZrN, and explore new types of photoelectrochemical cell design. In close interaction with the EnvEcon research group, a detailed techno-economic assessment will be performed, which will reveal the best opportunities towards valorization. Unique in the setting of the valorization roadmap is that not only cost reductions in device construction or sales volumes of produced hydrogen will be accounted for, but also profits made by up-conversion of bio-waste streams used a the feed, and environmental and related cost impacts by avoiding the use of critical raw materials.


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Developing research tracks and cooperation in Climate Change Economics. 01/06/2024 - 31/05/2026


EnvEcon studies the interaction between economy, technology and the environment. The researchers of EnvEcon are part of the department of Engineering Management (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Antwerp). EnvEcon performs excellent solution-oriented research to address sustainability challenges and problems in their economic context. EnvEcon has four research lines: i) the Economics of Climate Change and Adaptation, ii) the Circular and Biobased Economy, iii) Sustainable Development of Socio-Ecological Systems, iv) Energy Transition and Green Chemistry. A broad range of expertise is developed: conceptual and methodological aspects of assessing sustainability, techno-economic assessment, valuation of environmental impacts and the economic impact of climate change. This project proposal will focus on our research line of the economics of climate change and adaptation. The ambition is to strengthen the position of EnvEcon of being a leading European group with the following focus: 1) Develop and submit European project (Horizon Europe) proposals on climate change adaptation; 2) Participate in European and African networks to develop research tracks and new collaborations.


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  • Research Project

Centre for R&D Monitoring 2024-2028 (ECOOM). 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2028


The mission of the Centre for Research and Development Monitoring (ECOOM) is to support the Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (including Entrepreneurship) policy of the Flemish government (STIE). ECOOM pays special attention to the economic and social impact of the STIE policy, bundled in overarching themes such as the human capital on which Flanders can rely for the development and implementation of this policy, the industrial and technology policy that underpins Flemish prosperity and well-being, and the productivity and international competitiveness realized with the deployed STIE resources. ECOOM UAntwerpen is the coordinator of the work program for the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social and Human Sciences (VABB-SHW), is responsible for the (data) deliveries to the Flemish government and the Authoritative Panel (GP), and carries out assignments and research activities on student entrepreneurship.


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    Integrating environmental sustainability systematically in product development processes (SusSy). 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025


    The SusSy project will focus on the development of a framework for the identification of environmental KPIs and how to embed these in the different stages of the Product Development Process (PDP). SusSy focuses on the PDP stages that cover product requirements and the system, module & part design. Such a framework will indicate whether it is necessary to frontload design decisions that have a smaller impact on economic and technical KPIs, but that have a major impact on environmental KPIs. The approach is summarized in three steps, (i) identifying the environmental KPIs to (ii) embed in a PDP and to (iii) decide on acceptable trade-offs between cost, performance and environmental sustainability.


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    Inspection and measurement of complex 3D printed objects. 01/06/2023 - 31/05/2025


    3D printing, and additive manufacturing in particular, has in the last couple of years transformed from a prototyping to a more mature manufacturing technology. The driving force for this transformation was the need for custom built, lightweight parts and a more efficient use of raw materials in order to reduce waste. The current trend is towards increasingly complex parts, consisting of multiple materials to enhance their physical and/or mechanical properties. The complexity of the parts brings with it a need for specialized inspection and quality control methods. In this project, the complementarity between different imaging technologies such as 3D x-ray imaging, thermal imaging and terahertz imaging will be explored within the application field of 3D inspection and metrology of 3D printed parts.


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    Cross-cutting research on techno-sustainability assessments and environmental valuation. 01/06/2023 - 31/05/2025


    EnvEcon studies the interaction between economy, technology and the environment. The researchers of EnvEcon are part of the department of Engineering Management (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Antwerp). EnvEcon performs excellent solution-oriented research to address sustainability challenges and problems in their economic context. The research team, led by Steven Van Passels, is a mix of senior researchers (10 postdocs) and junior researchers (30 PhD students) with support of about 40 ongoing projects (Horizon Europe, Belspo, FWO, VLAIO, FOD, …) EnvEcon has four research lines: i) the Economics of Climate Change and Adaptation, ii) the Circular and Biobased Economy, iii) Sustainable Development of Socio-Ecological Systems, iv) Energy Transition and Green Chemistry. A broad range of expertise is developed: conceptual and methodological aspects of assessing sustainability, techno-economic assessment, valuation of environmental impacts and the economic impact of climate change. This project proposal will focus on cross-cutting research and knowledge valorization of techno-sustainability assessments and environmental valuation. The ambition is to strengthen the position of EnvEcon of being a leading European group with the following focus: 1) Develop and submit European project (Horizon Europe) proposals on environmental valuation and sustainability assessment with EnvEcon in a leading position. 2) Participate in European project proposals as work package leader to extend the techno-sustainability assessment framework and increase the visibility of our research track 3) Explore the potential of the EnvEcon expertise of the "greener cities business model" as starting point of a service platform.


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    Identifying and meeting stakeholder needs in the market for techno sustainability assessment. 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2025


    The chemical industry is facing a revolutionary transition to stabilise the environmental carbon cycle. To accomplish this daunting objective, fossil-fuel dependent technologies have to be progressively phased out and replaced by sustainable alternatives. However, these alternative technologies are still under development. Yet, their sustainability has to be assessed ex-ante. The sustainability assessment (SA) methods available in literature are primarily ex-post, and thus not suitable for assessing developing technologies. The integrated techno-sustainability assessment (TSA) jointly developed by VITO, UAntwerp and UHasselt is a state-of-the art integrated SA framework. Whereas this method accounts for uncertainty, it does not address the challenge of upscaling and learning. This research project will integrate upscaling and learning to the SA framework.


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    Socioeconomics, sustainable livelihood and environmental management in Northwest Ethiopia. 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2027


    Despite the presence of major water bodies in north western Ethiopia, the region's key concerns include a poor livelihood condition, lack of diversified livelihood alternatives and food insecurity. Furthermore, smallholder farmers have faced dwindling land holdings as a result of rapidly growing population and urbanization, which has exacerbated the roles of livelihood strategies and climate change adaptation options, resulting in food insecurity. The majority of the country's urban areas have been rapidly expanding by consuming urban peripheral lands. Hence, this subproject aims to improve the research competence of Bahir Dar University's academic staff and disseminate the first phase's research findings, with collaboration with VLIR. The subproject has identified 3 research problems: tourism governance, economics of climate change adaptation options and the nexus between urbanisation and food security.


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    Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs (BLUE4ALL) 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026


    BLUE4ALL will align top-down regulatory demands about European (networks of) MPAs with bottom-up societal expectations as a guarantee for achieving effective, efficient and resilient MPAs and networks of MPAs which meet EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 objectives. By mobilizing stakeholders from BLUE4ALL's 25 information sites and Living Labs, i.e. locations across the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea and the North-East Atlantic regions where (networks of) MPAs have been established and from which lessons learned can be drawn about success and failure relative to how challenges were tackled, we will co-create robust and replicable social, governance, ecological and environmental tools to meet conservation and/or restoration objectives in socially sustainable and acceptable ways. These science-based tools will be tested in Living Labs, i.e. locations where (networks of) MPAs are in the process of establishment and where these tools can be fed into the ongoing MPA process. The operationalized and tested frameworks will ultimately be generalized into a Blueprint Platform for the co-creation of effective, efficient and resilient (networks of) MPAs. This scheme will separate generically encountered challenges and applied solutions from MPA (network)-specific challenges and solutions and develop guidance in a user friendly manner to end-users (i.e. MPA (network) managers and authorities). This guidance will take the shape of an interactive web based Blueprint Platform directing the end-users to those challenges and solutions most applicable to their site(s). User-friendliness and applicability will be maximized by cross-checking the Blueprint Platform development with the actors and stakeholders of the Living Labs throughout the whole process of its development. Knowledge transfer and interaction with stakeholders and society-at-large at local to regional scales will lead to the development of a platform for MPA networking to interact with communities of practice boosting the BLUE4ALL legacy to its ultimate goal to restore our oceans and waters


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    Connecting techno-sustainability assessment and environmental valuation to tackle climate and environmental challenges. 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2027


    There is irrefutable evidence that climate change is influencing our world. Human activities are estimated to already have caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels and global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 [1]. While the emissions dropped with 5.8% in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the carbon emissions already rebound to near prepandemic levels as demand for coal, oil and gas are increasing [2]. Potential impacts are numerous, e.g., hot extremes in most inhabited regions, heavy precipitation, drought and precipitation deficits, impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems including species loss and extinction. We observe associated climate risks to health, food security, water supply and mitigation and climate adaptation needs [1]. In addition, waste generation is growing and poor air quality remains a problem. In Europe, 21% of citizens were exposed to O3 and 10% to PM10 levels above EU standards and radical changes to energy, food systems and industry are needed [3]. An environmental challenge is the nitrogen loss to the environment with serious impacts on water quality and biodiversity. The environmental and climatic challenges are global, local and systemic. Achieving sustainability requires fundamental, transformative, and cross-cutting changes, especially for systems related to food, energy, and construction.


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    GOPRESUSE – Towards generic optimizations and prospective evaluations for the design of sustainable disruptive process technologies and resource management systems by connecting statistical entropy, economic and environmental aspects. 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026


    The continuously rising demand for resources is pushing us to exceed the planetary boundaries. At present, methods as life cycle assessment and techno-economic assessment have been proposed to develop sustainable systems and processes. However, these traditional methods do not allow us to predict the sustainability of disruptive technologies starting from a blank canvas, as these rely on very specific information that only becomes available at higher technology readiness levels (TRL) and a background system. Hence, methods are needed that solely rely on generic information available at any TRL. This is exactly what I aim to achieve in this research project: I will create an innovative design-for-sustainability paradigm that can deliver forecasts and can optimize the development of novel processes and systems in view of economic and environmental sustainability at any TRL. To this end, I will connect statistical entropy to generic energy calculations and generic capital cost estimates and I will define multi-objective optimization problem formulations and solution strategies. As validation, three applications will be studied: (i) the design of lignocellulosic biorefineries, (ii) polyolefin plastic waste management and (iii) phosphorous management. The proposed groundbreaking research will open avenues towards my future career as an independent academic principal investigator working on process-based modeling, control and optimization for the development of sustainable systems.


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    Climate neutral agriculture through sustainable carbon farming (C-Farms). 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026


    Coupled environmental, techno-economic and social impact assessment of the different Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) used in C-Farms. Large-scale NETs implementation will only happen if techno-economic, energetic, environmental and social barriers are overcome. We will assess economic and energy viability, environmental and social impacts in an integrated way by a multi-criteria assessment.


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    • Research Project

    Aligning Life Cycle Assessment methods and bio-based sectors for improved environmental performance (ALIGNED). 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2025


    The ALIGNED project will deliver a modelling framework to assess and optimise the environmental and socio-economic performance of bio-based industries. ALIGNED will advance the scientific field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (moving from TRL2-3 to TRL5) and collaborate with industries and representatives from five bio-based sectors: construction, woodworking, textile, pulp and paper, and bio-chemicals. The transition towards a sustainable economy is dependent on consistent and comparable environmental assessments of bio-based products. However, in practice today the methods to assess the impact of bio-based products give incomparable results, thus confusing decision-making. The models and tools developed in ALIGNED will allow to perform high-quality assessment studies across the bio-based sectors, with industrial relevance and interoperability. This is possible by the iterative application and improvement of the new and harmonised models and tools in five specific cases of bio-based industrial technologies (TRL 2-6), one for each sector. The ALIGNED framework will allow accurately to model key aspects not covered in current practice: the competition for biomass and for land, dynamic and time-specific carbon accounting, and biodiversity and socio-economic impacts. ALIGNED will also develop future energy and resource scenarios derived from integrated assessment models, and a consistent approach to uncertainty assessment. Key stakeholders in the five sectors will be continuously involved, by providing feedback in the early framework development and by sharing the learnings from its practical application. The professional engagement of stakeholders will secure industry relevance and acceptance delivering real impact.


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    Strengthening Climate Change Resilience among Communities and Ecosystems in the Lake Victoria Basin. 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2027


    The Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) is highly vulnerable to climate change and climate variability and is already experiencing increased intensities and frequencies of severe, climate change-related weather events, causing significant interruptions of economic activities, destruction and losses. Climate change is also expected to increase the rate of environmental degradation, spread of disease vectors, increase the frequency and severity of floods and droughts and increase food insecurity. Poverty and low adaptive capacity are expected to aggravate the likely impacts. Substantial efforts are needed to progress towards more resilient communities and ecosystems in the LVB. In project 5, the resilience of the LVB communities and ecosystems is strengthened from an interdisciplinary point of view, ranging from a better understanding of climate change impacts and the adoption of solutions to become more resilient at household, farm and landscape scale.


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    Core lab - Value, Cost & Circularity in Manufacturing (VCCM). 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2032


    The Flanders Make core lab VCCM bundles expertise from departments in Business & Economics and Engineering Sciences & Technology at three Universities with a focus on: • The economic (cost and value) aspect throughout the supply chain and over the entire lifecycle; • The circularity and sustainability assessment and optimization; • The modeling and optimization algorithms for multi-criteria decision support.


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    • Research Project

    Providing operational economic appraisal methods and practices for informed decision-making in climate and environmental policies (PATTERN). 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2025


    The PATTERN project's general objective is to improve practitioners' capacity for decision making on climate and environmental policies, by developing an interactive online platform for the economic appraisal of policies and measures. To reach this general objective, the project will develop an operational integrated economic appraisal approach (WP3 and 4), deliver guidelines to bridge ex-post and exante analyses (WP1), build and demonstrate an effective participatory process to create 5 Theories of Change (WP2), build a European Community of Practice for climate and environmental policymaking (WP6), and create a One-Stop-Shop for all policy and decision makers to access and use the project results easily. PATTERN will thus provide decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public with more realistic and operational ability to systematically assess their policies and their consequences. It will provide a basis for improving (i) methodologies, techniques and models for conducting economic appraisal of climate and environmental policies (ii) the broader policy evaluation framework and practices currently used in European countries and their regions and (iii) tailored analysis and engagement strategies structures for the participation and co-creation with relevant stakeholders and key actors to enhance operational capacities and improve the impact of European policies on climate and environment. Overall, results obtained from in-depth ex-post and ex-ante analysis of the PATTERN's 5 case studies will bring new evidence on the effectiveness of various types of regulatory strategies, instruments and approaches for climate and environmental policies and insights for the design and evaluation of the implementation of major European policies.


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    Center for Proteomics (CfP). 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026


    The Center for Proteomics was founded about a decade ago as a UAntwerpen/VITO state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platform as a continuation of the former UAntwerpen CeProMa Core facility. Since 2017, the main focus of the UAntwerpen/VITO team was the use of proteomic approaches to identify biomarkers for early diagnosis of disease. Over the years, we have built up a multi-disciplinary team of lab technicians, mass spectrometry experts, biologists, biochemists, (bio)medical experts, mathematicians and (bio)-informaticians to set up good experimental designs, develop quality control tools, develop additional data analysis software, … Moreover, the close interactions we now have with clinical and academic partners (with complementary expertise and biobanks) give us access to high quality clinical samples and medical expertise. Today, we have the team's expertise, the network and the infrastructure that will help us bridge the gap between discovery, translation and clinical applications. Mass spectrometry based proteomics of biofluids and tissues is complementary to other techniques that are currently available at UAntwerpen. It has the advantage that it can detect modifications and discern various proteoforms. This is not possible with PCR based techniques and even new and promising techniques like single molecule protein sequencing have limitations compared to MS based techniques. Therefore, we make a combination of these techniques in our aim to create an as complete and accurate proteome profile as possible for (bio)medical applications. Besides proteomics, we also specialize in peptidomics, covering the analysis of naturally occurring small peptides which play important regulatory roles in all multicellular organisms and is especially relevant to study cellular interactions of the immune system. This type of analysis requires specialized technological skills, especially in terms of sample preparation, analytical techniques and data analysis. Some team members are worldwide pioneers in this field. This is the reason why several companies (J&J, MyNeo, …) collaborate with the CfP for exactly this type of expert scientific support. Thanks to investments from VITO and UAntwerpen (Hercules) we are equipped with state-of-the art mass spectrometers and hyphenated equipment that rival the best proteomics centers in Europe. Ours Tims-Tof mass spectrometer and Rapiflex maldi imager are unique in Flanders. With this proteomics and peptidomics platform, we focus on application driven research making it possible to work closer with the market than typical academic research groups do. This is a clear added value for both our University, VITO and the industrial partners.


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    'ProChain': The next Protein value Chain - Development of novel methods to quantify environmental impacts, integrate choice behaviours and bottom-up exploration of food system transition pathways 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025


    In the EU, about 60% of the human protein demand is satisfied by animal-based protein sources. The livestock farming necessary to satisfy this demand is responsible for more than 80% of the NH3 and GHG emissions as well as nearly 70% of the biodiversity loss. Therefore, the EU has declared a need to reinvent the farm-to-fork value chain and to initiate a protein transition that entails reduced per capita protein consumption, the increased use of non-animal based protein sources and technological advances. Current assessments of the protein farm-to-fork value chain lack the integration of environmental systems analyses, socio-economics and engineering to adequately understand and quantify the environmental impacts of transition pathways. The aim of the ProChain project is to address these shortcoming by merging the strengths from these different disciplines and to develop novel methods and insights in three areas: i) the effective combination of life cycle assessment and material flow analysis to provide a farm-to-fork perspective on environmental impacts, while including the valorization of by-products and identification of marginal suppliers; ii) the elicitation of choice behaviors of actors along the value chain, to quantify the choice variables that shape transition pathways and; iii) to develop a prospective approach to LCA/MFA using technology assessment and socio-economic methods to quantify the environmental impacts of plausible future protein transition pathways. The pork meat production system in Flanders is used as a case from which prospective development pathways will be generated and evaluated using consequential LCA, the structural analysis approach, causal loop diagrams, technology learning & diffusion, innovation adaption concepts, bottom-up scenarios, change propagation & input-output modelling. By integrating these different methods from environmental sciences, engineering and socio-economics novel insights into the options for the manipulation the protein value chain at its environmental consequences will be generated.


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    NUTRICHOICE: Assessment of choice behaviors and technological development shaping the circular economy for N and P. 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2025


    Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are essential for all forms of life. The demand for these nutrients is constantly growing as a result of a rising population. Since the primary production of fertilizers leads to serious environmental impacts, the EU has declared an urgent need to reinvent the farm-to-fork value chain. Flanders is a nutrient-intensive region with a large potential for N and P recycling, especially in concentrated waste streams from livestock production, food processing, and wastewater treatment. The possible recycling technologies that can be used to achieve a more circular economy in this region are manifold. In order to allow decision-makers to plan this transition, the NutriChoice project is going to apply an interdisciplinary approach from the fields of environmental system analyses, socio-economics, and engineering. Novel methods and insights are going to be developed in three areas: i) the elicitation of choice behaviours of actors along the value chain, to quantify the choice variables that shape transition pathways; ii) the development of a prospective technology assessment for N and P recovery; and iii) the development of scenarios (MFA) for N and P in 2050. Conceptual maps, multiple-criteria decision analysis, technology development, technological learning & diffusion, and ex-ante consequential MFA will be used to propose intervention strategies that can effectively reduce the impact of the agro-food system in Flanders.


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    Accelerating low voltage flexibility participation in a grid safe manner (ALEXANDER). 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2025


    The transition towards a system with high levels of renewable energy sources requires fundamental innovations to guarantee security of supply and system stability. To accelerate the participation of low voltage flexibility as an important provider of long- and short-term system services, the project will propose solutions to remove technical, operational, social and market barriers. An in-depth understanding of consumer behaviour will form the basis of new concepts for adequacy modelling and flexibility provision. The Belgian energy system is transitioning to higher levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as decentralised non-synchronous generation plants (e.g. wind and solar energy) substitute traditional large centralised synchronous electricity generation plants (e.g. gas and coal power plants). This transition challenges the grid with respect to securing supply and balancing due to increased volatility and lower predictability of RES. Moreover, the changing energy mix leads to a higher proportion of flexibility connected to the distribution grid. However, this is not the only change in flexibility expected. A sharp increase of available demand flexibility is also expected in the coming years, especially connected to the Low Voltage (LV) grid, driven by the uptake of (1) smart meters, (2) roof top photovoltaic systems, (3) home batteries, (4) electric mobility and (5) heat pumps. The radical shift in the role of consumers from passive to active participants in the energy system facilitates the advent of LV flexibility. In particular, the Clean Energy Package introduces a framework for community energy ownership, by defining two concepts for collective flexibility: the Renewable Energy Community (REC) and the Citizen Energy Community (CEC). Consequently, LV flexibility will gain importance in the coming years and has the potential to play an important role, supporting an adequate and operationally stable Belgian energy system. To accelerate the inclusion of low voltage flexibility, the project will address several key research questions to unlock the true value of low voltage flexibility. It will explore the diversity of consumer behaviour, including consumer preferences and non-rational behaviour. An in-depth understanding of consumer behaviour in the context of flexibility provision, both at an individual level or within a collective setting, will lead to a better assessment of the role that low voltage flexibility has with respect to security of supply. Moreover, this improved insight will ensure that solutions developed to remove technical and operational barriers for low voltage flexibility provision are consumer-centric, supporting maximally the uptake of low voltage flexibility.


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    InnoFiNS. Implementing innovative financing for nature-based solutions in Flemish cities 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


    Flemish cities are expected to take a leading role in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. At the core of these strategies are nature based solutions (NBS) by green, blue and hybrid urban infrastructures. NBS address multiple problems related to climate change in an integrated, sustainable way. Although investments in NBS infrastructures are considered a cost effective way to achieve future societal and environmental benefits, current public budgets in Flanders are insufficient. As a result, the gap between investments in and societal need for NBS is growing. In contrast to limited public budgets, there is an abundance of private capital seeking for investments. Yet, the potential to invest private capital in NBS is not fully exploited. NBS projects typically have sizeable upfront costs and diffuse and long-term societal benefits that are not easily captured in steady cash flows, making privately financed schemes often inappropriate. In order to attract private investments to NBS, new business models and alternative financing mechanisms are needed. In this project, we study the utilisation potential of innovative financing models in the Flemish context by developing real life business cases of NBS, using new instruments such as impact financing, value capturing and ICO-crowd funding. In order to develop a realistic and holistic interdisciplinary approach, this strategic research will study how new financial instruments impact planning and design, governance arrangements, valuation methods, legal institutions and instruments as well as social justice. The urban living lab approach will ensure continuous integrated assessment of the spatial, juridical, institutional, economic feasibility and social impact of the new financing business models, optimising the utilisation potential for the societal users.


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    Blue-Green strategies for climate change adaptation (TURQUOISE). 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


    TURQUOISE therefore aims to co-create and field test a decisionsupport framework to facilitate planning and increase the implementation rate of blue-green adaptation strategies. Specific objectives to achieve the overall objective are: 1. Develop an indicator-based instrument to quantify the water availability and ecohydrological impacts on different scales and under current and future climatic conditions 2. Quantify the hydrological and ecological impact of blue-green measures at 4 pilot sites by combining in-situ monitoring (local scale) and catchment-scale hydro-ecological modelling 3. Quantify the investment needs and cost-effectiveness of combinations of blue-green measures to achieve robustness targets for the 4 pilot cases 4. Co-create and test mechanisms to accelerate the implementation rate of blue-green measures 5. Integrate the developed instruments, knowledge and data into a decision-support framework


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    Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe: demonstration of water-related innovation packages (TransformAr). 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


    Climate change impacts are here and now. The impacts on people, prosperity and planet are already pervasive but unevenly distributed, as stated in the new EU Blueprint strategy (European Commission-EC, 2019). To reduce climate-related risks, the EC and the IPCC agree that transformational adaptation is essential. The TranformAr project aims to develop and demonstrate products and services to launch and accelerate large-scale and disruptive adaptive process for transformational adaptation in vulnerable regions and communities across Europe. The 6 TransformAr lighthouse demonstrators face a common challenge: water-related risks and impacts of climate change. Based on existing successful initiatives, the project will develop, test and demonstrate solutions and pathways, integrated in Innovation Packages, in 6 territories.Transformational pathways, including an integrated risk assessment approach are co-developed by means of 9 Transformational Adaptive Blocks. A set of 22 tested actionable adaptive solutions are tested and demonstrated, ranging from nature-based solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioral change solutions. The project team, led by the University of Antwerp, gathers 22 partners from 11 countries and a well-balanced mix of sectoral and adaptation experts (5 RTOs and 1 SME), paired with 6 territories (4 local authorities and 2 charities), 8 additional solutions providers and 1 EU water-related NPO specialized that will support to structure a European Community of practice. Massive resilience increase and acceleration of transformation adaptation will be fostered by clustering various investors, testing bankable solutions, and defining viable (non-)commercial exploitation strategy for the TransformAr solutions, products and services.


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    Innovative ecosystem for circular use and upgrading of CO2, nitrogen and other components in the air to improve the quality of our living environment. 01/06/2021 - 31/12/2025


    The University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) aspires to connect complementary actors within the Flemish ecosystem for sustainable chemistry and materials. More specifically, UAntwerp aims to support and accelerate the valorization of innovations aimed at improving indoor and outdoor air quality. This is a niche market with enormous potential. To optimally support multidisciplinary collaborations in this domain, there is a need for R&I infrastructure that enables efficient scaling up and demonstration of innovative technologies aimed at the circular use and upgrading of CO2, nitrogen and other components in the air. To achieve this, the university is investing in BlueApp, an open innovation hub for sustainable chemistry and materials where multidisciplinary collaborations between entrepreneurial researchers, companies and startups can take place that aim to scale up innovative technologies from small-scale design prototypes to functional and sophisticated (reliable) prototypes on a pilot scale. Using the Flipped TTO principle, Proof of Concept (POC) projects will be selected that focus on the development of innovative technologies that provide an answer to the needs of companies, the market and/or society in the field of circular use and upgrading of CO2, nitrogen and other components in the air in order to accelerate impactful innovations. In addition, the R&I infrastructure and innovative technologies will be integrated into living lab demonstrators to test the economic and technological viability of these technologies, always aiming to initiate a dialogue between the relevant stakeholders such as companies, entrepreneurial researchers, startups, governments and citizens.


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      InSusChem - Consortium for Integrated Sustainable Chemistry Antwerp. 15/10/2020 - 31/12/2026


      This IOF consortium connects chemists, engineers, economic and environmental oriented researchers in an integrated team to maximize impact in key enabling sustainable chemical technologies, materials and reactors that are able to play a crucial role in a sustainable chemistry and economic transition to a circular, resource efficient and carbon neutral economy (part of the 2030 and 2050 goals in which Europe aims to lead). Innovative materials, renewable chemical feedstocks, new/alternative reactors, technologies and production methods are essential and central elements to achieve this goal. Due to their mutual interplay, a multidisciplinary, concerted effort is crucial to be successful. Furthermore, early on prediction and identification of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in life cycles, techno-economics and sustainability are key to allow sustainability by design and create effective knowledge-based decision-making and focus. The consortium focuses on sustainable chemical production through efficient and alternative energy use connected to circularity, new chemical pathways, technologies, reactors and materials, that allow the use of alternative feedstock and energy supply. These core technical aspects are supported by expertise in simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty identification to accelerate technological development via knowledge-based design and early stage identified key research, needed for accelerated growth and maximum impact on sustainability. To achieve these goals, the consortium members are grouped in 4 interconnected valorisation programs focusing on key performance elements that thrive the chemical industry and technology: 1) renewable building blocks; 2) sustainable materials and materials for sustainable processes; 3) sustainable processes, efficiently using alternative renewable energy sources and/or circular chemical building blocks; 4) innovative reactors for sustainable processes. In addition, cross-cutting integrated enablers are present, providing expertise and essential support to the 4 valorisation programs through simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty analysis.


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      ADV_BIO: Technological innovation in the production of advanced biofuels applicable to the Belgian territory for road and air transport and technical, economic and environmental analyses 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2025


      The ADV_BIO project aims to develop, through innovative and competitive approaches, advanced (bio)fuels from renewable non-food resources that do not generate waste. This project focuses on the development of innovative and competitive technological production schemes in order to position Belgium as a strategic and differentiated partner and actor for the eco-efficient production of second and third generation alternative advanced (bio)fuels. Biofuels from renewable resources for non-food use that do not cause indirect land use changes are envisioned as established by the Renewable Energy Directive Directive 2018/2001 adopted in December 2018 by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the European Union. The ADV_BIO project therefore aims to study the removal of technological barriers related to these alternative fuels by offering a decision-making grid through innovative research actions, differentiated, adapted to the requirements of the national territory. The new products, whether they are adapted to road or air transport, will have a chemical composition that will enable them to meet the specifications of the fuel industry. The project focuses on biomass as a feedstock for the production of alternative fuels (biofuels and synthetic fuels) as defined in Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22/10/2014 on the deployment of an infrastructure for alternative fuels, paragraphs 4 and 6, and on the Commission Communication of 24/01/2013 "Clean energy and transport: the European strategy for strategy for alternative fuels". To carry out this ADV_BIO project, the project will focus on non-food biomasses, namely microalgae and lignocellulosic materials, which have a risk of have a low risk of Indirect Land Use Change as foreseen in the Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion the use of energy from renewable sources and its recast of 13 March 2019 describing the specification of sustainability criteria for biofuels. To carry out this research, four universities are involved: the University of Liège (ULiege), the Catholic University of Leuven (UCLouvain), Ghent University (UGent) and the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) through 6 distinct research groups covering aspects of physiology, genetical modification, chemical engineering, energy and environmental economics and quantitative sustainability assessments.


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      Towards sustainable and dynamic management of subsurface activities (GEOLOGICAL ECONOMICS). 15/09/2020 - 14/09/2030


      Societal Challenge The subsurface is a valuable but vulnerable resource that needs careful management. However, at present the subsurface is allocated ad-hoc and current studies on subsurface activities (e.g. CCS, geothermal energy) merely focus on the technology and do not consider the subsurface as a geological resource that requires a sustainable and dynamic management given geotechnical and economic uncertainties. Challenges relate to i) the pressures that geological resource use exerts on the geological and biophysical environment, ii) unfair distribution of geological resources, iii) failing policy instruments, and iv) uncertainties. Objective An inter-institutional team of PhDs and contractual researchers led by the FED-tWIN researcher will be established, which addresses the challenges associated with the sustainable and dynamic management of geological resources. The lead time of 10 years is used to specialise in i) defining a geological and sustainable scale of subsurface use taking into account the interference of subsurface activities, ii) the development of geological economic decision support models to evaluate the conservation, prioritization, and equitable allocation of geological resources, iii) the assessment of collective governance structures to deal with environmental impacts, iv) the development of real options models and adaptive co-management frameworks to take into account the irreversible consequences of subsurface activities, different types of uncertainty, and the flexibility options that firms and policy makers have. This sound knowledge base will be internationally advanced and guarantees successful, long-term research in the field of geological and ecological economics under the auspices of the RBINS and the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp).


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      Bridging environmental economics and sustainability assessment. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2025


      The research team Environmental Economics (EnvEcon) works as part of the department of Engineering management of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp and as part of the Institute of Environment and sustainable development (IMDO). EnvEcon works on (i) environmental valuation methods, (ii) systemic techno-economic assessments; (iii) sustainability assessment methods. The majority of the PhD students of the EnvEvcon group (about 20 researchers in total) work on projects assessing techno-economic and sustainability performance of emerging environmental and energy technologies (enhanced landfill mining, plastic recycling, biowood valorization, biorefineries, carbon capture and utilization, encapsulation, etc…) with funding of FWO-SBO, Catalisti, VITO and EU H2020 MSCA-ETN. We developed a systemic techno-economic assessment approach integrating environmental aspects with techno-economic analysis. Research on environmental valuation methods focuses on the economic value of climate change adaptation and the valuation of ecosystem services. Steven Van Passel developed the first European Ricardian model, measuring the economic impact of climate change on agriculture. In addition, EnvEcon develops sustainability metrics (e.g. sustainable value approach). The environmental valuation This project proposal will bridge environmental economics and sustainability assessment. The ambition is to strengthen the position of EnvEcon of being a leading European group with the following focus: 1) Develop and submit European project (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, JPI Climate, JPI FACCE,…) proposals on environmental valuation and sustainability assessment with EnvEcon in a leading position. 2) Participate in European project proposals as partner/work package leader to further develop the systemic techno-economic assessments and increase the visibility of our research track. 3) Further expand the research network and the working area including also developing countries. 4) Stimulate EnvEcon researchers to participate in project writing of European project and individual scholarships. This project will be used as leverage to increase the participation of the EnvEcon research team in European projects. Researchers (postdoc(s), scientific team member(s)) will be (part-time) hired to write together on proposals with the ambition to (part-time) work on approved projects, and as such this project can support the development of several European project proposals. methods and sustainability assessments are applied on cases in both developed and developing countries (mainly Africa).


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      Bringing nanoscience from the lab to society (NANOLAB). 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2025


      Nanomaterials play a key role in modern technology and society, because of their unique physical and chemical characteristics. The synthesis of nanomaterials is maturing but surprisingly little is known about the exact roles that different experimental parameters have in tuning their final properties. It is hereby of crucial importance to understand the connection between these properties and the (three-dimensional) structure or composition of nanomaterials. The proposed consortium will focus on the design and use of nanomaterials in fields as diverse as plasmonics, electrosensing, nanomagnetism and in applications such as art conservation, environment and sustainable energy. In all of these studies, the consortium will integrate (3D) quantitative transmission electron microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy with density functional calculations of the structural stability and optoelectronic properties as well as with accelerated molecular dynamics for chemical reactivity. The major challenge will be to link the different time and length scales of the complementary techniques in order to arrive at a complete understanding of the structure-functionality correlation. Through such knowledge, the design of nanostructures with desired functionalities and the incorporation of such structures in actual applications, such as e.g. highly selective sensing and air purification will become feasible. In addition, the techno-economic and environmental performance will be assessed to support the further development of those applications. Since the ultimate aim of this interdisciplinary consortium is to contribute to the societal impact of nanotechnology, the NanoLab will go beyond the study of simplified test materials and will focus on nanostructures for real-life, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly applications.


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      Francqui Chair 2023-2024 Prof. W. Verbeke (UGent). 01/10/2023 - 30/09/2024


      Wim Verbeke is full professor of agro-food marketing and consumer behavior (Ghent University). He is involved in academic education and scientific research in the areas of economics, food marketing, market research and consumer behavior. His research focuses on food consumption, decision-making by stakeholders and consumers, perception and acceptance of agricultural and food production technologies, and food products or product concepts. Specific research interests are in the area of ​​the impact of information and communication on food quality, safety, health and sustainability, and the influence of marketing activities and individual difference variables on people's perceptions, attitudes and behavior as citizens and consumers towards of food and food production and processing methods.


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      Assessing the optimal economic and environmental timing to invest in emerging technologies – Towards a dynamic and prospective assessment framework by bridging economics, environmental sustainability assessments and engineering. 01/10/2023 - 30/09/2024


      Climate change is accelerating and our society is running out of time to stop this devasting trend. Emerging technologies are currently under development to counteract this trend. The urgency to have sustainable solutions makes it equally important for technologies to be profitable and environmentally desirable. However, they are often at the early development stage making their commercial success uncertain. The goal of my research is to develop a groundbreaking innovative interdisciplinary assessment framework – integrating real options (ROA) and consequential life cycle assessment (cLCA) within a techno-economic assessment structure – to dynamically and prospectively assess the commercialization time of emerging technologies based on future economic investment timing and future environmental impacts. I will advance the framework further by incorporating several trends of our society (socio-economic, environmental, and political) and harmonize this data to be utilized in both approaches (ROA and cLCA). Finally, the framework will be validated by a comparison of the emerging technologies with similar existing technologies by ex-ante & ex-post analyses, respectively.


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      The future of the (European) energy system: the role and potential of decentralization. 11/09/2023 - 10/09/2024


      To reach the sustainability goals of the European Commission towards climate-neutrality, decarbonization of energy supply and electrification of most other sectors are set as key objectives on the policy agenda. The pursuit of these objectives introduces novel difficulties due to the emergence of an energy system with divergent properties to those of the traditional, centralized approach to energy production and distribution. First of all, renewable resources are more decentrally located and adopted by the end-user connected to the distribution grid. In addition, they are intermittent by nature and show a growing interaction between various energy carriers resulting from the electrification of sectors such as heat, electricity, and gas. This can impact grid operability, leading to challenges in balancing and forecasting energy supply, as well as grid congestion. To tackle this, the system is in need of increased levels of flexibility. All these facts present barriers to the efficient use of renewable sources and cause challenges to achieve a 100%-renewable energy system in a timely way.


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      Climate scientific advisory board to support the Flemish Government 20/12/2022 - 31/12/2024


      The Flemish Government is advised on the elaboration of energy and climate policy in Flanders by a VEKP Follow-up Panel specifically established for this purpose. The expertise available in the various universities and research institutions must be valorized and included in the monitoring and adjustment of energy and climate policy and the VEKP. The experts can also provide guidance on further concretizing the policy lines included in the VEKP and the Flemish Climate Strategy 2050, as well as make proposals for appropriate measures to achieve these desired objectives. In March 2019, the Flemish Government established a VEKP Follow-up Panel, which consists of a core group of experts in the areas of transport, buildings, agriculture and renewable energy.


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      Exploitation: deep sea mining 18/11/2022 - 01/02/2023


      The availability of critical metals plays a crucial role for the further development of several strategic sectors, including the renewable energy and electric mobility sectors. Since the deep sea and specifically the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) is rich in critical metals, interest in deep sea mining is therefore growing. Minerals from the deep sea are considered a common heritage of humanity (art. 136 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea). That is why it is important to develop a fair financial payment regime within the International Seabed Authority (ISA).


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      The future of the (European) energy system: the role and potential of decentralization. 01/11/2022 - 31/05/2023


      This research aims to critically assess the rationale and the different implementation possibilities of energy consumer centric concepts (CCC) by providing quantitative evidence (1) of costs and value considering all facets (economic, social, and environmental) from the perspective of all stakeholders. This PhD will aim to determine how different trade-offs between CCCs, and the viability of CCCs might evolve in the future within this transforming energy system (RO1). In addition (2), this PhD will focus on the development and implementation of a market design for CCCs. The market design consists of a value proposition of the different concepts (RO2), economic incentive mechanisms and a role model division of the stakeholders in the value chain (RO3). Particular attention will be given to a selection of concepts assessed in trade-off case studies. Due to differences in international markets and even the differences within Belgian markets and regulations, the scope will initially be set on Flanders.


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      • Research Project

      Arbitration between environmental objectives through the study of economic policy instruments in alternative agriculture production systems; 15/07/2022 - 14/07/2023


      The new common agricultural policy highlights its commitment to orienting stakeholders in agriculture towards more environment friendly measures through its green payment for actions specifically in favor of the environment. This vision aligns with the commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Paris Agreements. A study about greenhouse gas emissions by Pellerin et al. (2017) identified around ten mitigation practices, the implementation of which could be relevant in France and Belgium. Numerous articles study the policies encouraging the adoption of these practices (Antle et al, 2003, Dessart et al, 2019, Doole et al, 2019) or more broadly encouraging the reduction of emissions (De Cara et al, 2005). However, the implementation of these mitigation policies could impact the quality of ecosystem services and vice versa. For example, Bareille and Gohin (2020) show that a tax on pesticides increases nitrogen pollution and GHG emissions due to changes in land use on a global scale. To reduce these antagonisms between mitigation practices and practices protecting ecosystems, it is interesting to shed light upon the adoption of alternative systems rather than encourage the adoption of one category of practices or the other. This PhD thesis will therefore revolve around instruments of economic policies that allow the arbitration between environmental objectives. This work intends to employ the supply side economic model AROPAj which represents the economic behavior of European agricultural systems and uses microeconomic data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network to propose policies arbitrating between environmental objectives through the integration of modules modeling environment friendly practices.


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      Circular transition in offshore wind (CTO). 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024


      The research project focuses on the end-of-life phase of offshore wind farms. At the end of this decade, a number of these wind farms will be 'retired', as they are at the end of their concession. How the removal of these wind farms will take place and how the materials will be further processed is still unclear. In this research project, various scenarios for this end-of-life phase will be drawn up and calculated in terms of their economic feasibility. We will also look at alternative designs of these wind farms and how this will affect the end-of-life phase. In addition to the economic feasibility of these scenarios, the critical parameters that most influence this economic feasibility will also be determined. It will be investigated how the different materials are processed and whether they can be reused in new applications.


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      • Research Project

      Development of a methodological framework for sustainability assessment 26/11/2021 - 26/05/2023


      We all face a climate and energy challenge that cannot be solved with incremental innovations alone, but where radical innovations are also needed to make the transition to a low-carbon economy and society a reality. The MOONSHOT innovation program therefore provides means to realize technological breakthroughs by 2050 in order to contribute to the achievement of the Flemish climate objectives. Given the objective and timeline of the innovation program, it is crucial to use the resources in a targeted and efficient way. There is a need for a harmonized framework that allows projects proposed and implemented within the MOONSHOT innovation program to be evaluated on their sustainability impact. This framework should allow to estimate the environmental and economic impacts at low TRL and from the project application onwards, in order to adjust the projects and project proposals in time. Despite the availability of LCA, TEA and IA methods, there is no harmonized framework that can be directly applied to the MOONSHOT innovation program. Clear agreements on system boundaries, methodological choices and default values are necessary in order to evaluate the projects in an independent, objective, transparent and overarching manner. Thanks to the development of a new methodological framework, support can be offered for the allocation of (follow-up) projects and the allocation of budgets, but also for improved communication with external stakeholders, industry, and researchers. In addition, it allows technology developers to be supported from a low TRL onwards in setting research goals, and to test these during development and adjust them where necessary. In addition to evaluating 'strong' KPIs where more attention is paid to environmental aspects such as energy consumption and CO2 emissions, sufficient attention must also be paid to the technical and economic feasibility of future developments.


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      • Research Project

      An institutional analysis of the Cashew Value Chain in Bénin. 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021


      The general objective of the study is to strengthen the knowledge base for policy dialogue and financing decisions for cashew in Benin, by analyzing the institutional context of the different components of the cashew value chain. To do this, the research team will proceed to the identification of the flows and of the agents at work in the existing productive system, analysis of the locations for decisions, and collaboration among agents with specific attention on governance and based on DFID institutional methodology tool.


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      • Research Project

      Support for economic aspects of measures and policy options regarding biodiversity 01/12/2020 - 01/12/2023


      This project support the Federal Government of Belgium with economic aspects, policy measures, policy instruments and policy options regarding biodiversity. In this contest, the economic valuation of ecosystem services can be of importance.


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      • Research Project

      Climate change adaptation in agriculture: an economic study. 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2024


      Climate change is impacting agriculture, making it more difficult to grow crops and raise animals. Adaptation is necessary to maintain our agricultural production. To correctly estimate the economic impact of climate change on agriculture, adaptation of farmers should be considered. This is done by the Ricardian method, measuring long run impacts from climate change and capturing the adaptation that farmers have already demonstrated they can do. To support decision making by policy makers and farmers, it is needed to open the black box of adaptation and explicitly model the adaptation choices of farmers. Therefore, this project will simultaneously estimate choices (e.g. farm type, crop type, irrigation or rainfed) and income, conditional on the explicit adaptation choices. Next, a new climate-change-adaptation valuation approach will be developed by including future adaptation choices. The current Ricardian approach only takes existing adaptation options into account (revealed by 'real' farm data). Future adaptation options can be captured by providing hypothetical market scenarios to farmers (and as such measure their stated preferences). The joint estimation of existing and future adaptation options will provide the first reliable measure of the economic benefit of climate-change adaptation.


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      • Research Project

      Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications (DESIGNATE). 15/12/2019 - 15/12/2024


      In order to meet climate goals and provide energy security, geothermal energy can play an important part in the energy production portfolio. The current implementation of geothermal energy in Belgium is very limited and making accurate predictions about its economic potential is difficult clue to large uncertainties. The DESIGNATE project will develop tools and workflows for investigating the potential of deep geothermal energy and geothermal applications in abandoned mines in Belgium, while considering uncertainty at reservoir, technology and economic level. The classical approach of using a limited number of numerical reservoir simulations as input into economic models often falls short in the fields of uncertainties, investment risk and regional energy and environmental simulations. Analytical models can provide fast and continuous results with an accurate representation of uncertainty into techno-economic and environmental models. The DESIGNATE project will develop analytical models for different geological settings and technological applications. This becomes challenging when stepping away from simple well designs and homogenous reservoirs, and including uncertainty. These analytical models will provide direct input for a geological techno-economic assessment (G-TEA) and a territorial life cycle assessment (LCA). The G-TEA wi ll include decision tree analysis and Real Options analysis for allowing flexible adjustment to uncertainty. The territorial LCA approach will include determining impacts on the surface and subsurface, with a time and spatial aspect. Both G-TEA and LCA results will be coupled to provide a full overview of impacts of geothermal projects. In parallel, the current version of the Policy Support System (PSS) for geological C02 storage will be converted to make integrated forecasts under uncertainty on the deployment of geothermal projects in a regional context. PSS Geothermal will simulate making investment decisions on geotherma l projects by using optionality and nested Monte Carlo calculations for limited foresight. Project development is simulated considering the analytical reservoir models as resource, the technical and economic aspects of project development, heat transport,energy demand, energy market and the policy framework. A highly multi-disciplinary approach is necessary to successfully complete this integration.


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      Making small cities less dependent of subsidies: an integrated assessment of urban green infrastructure to support the development of functional business models. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023


      We live in a world where the impacts of climate change become more recognizable every year. Cities are the most vulnerable areas to these impacts while harboring 80% of all people in Europe. Through the high rate of urbanization, cities get denser and wider, which has the opposite effect on green space and nature. Nevertheless, humans depend for their survival on the services nature provides us. Paradoxically, the areas where 80% of us live, produce close to zero of these ecosystem services. In a response to climate change, human health needs and diminishing biodiversity, the concept of urban green infrastructure was introduced. Investing in permeable surfaces, green roofs, public parks, green walls, urban forests, green alleys and streets, community gardens, urban wetlands, etc. cities will lead to the necessary resilience, improved human wellbeing and at the same time enhanced biodiversity. Nevertheless, we see that cities (small cities in particular) are not inclined to invest in such projects, unless provided subsidies. Since the actual economic value and precise environmental benefit of green infrastructure is not measured, 'grey' infrastructure projects with a clear return-on-investment are still preferred. To overcome this barrier to green infrastructure implementation, we will generate an integrated framework that supports cities to city-fund such investments, without subsidies. Comprising clear multidisciplinary valuation methods, financing schemes and policy advice.


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      • Research Project

      Integrating the future in life cycle assessment? An ex-ante case study of emerging innovative slag treatment technologies. 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2023


      The integration of a life cycle assessment (LCA) of emerging circular technologies at an early stage of their technological development is crucial to identify the most promising pathways for further development efforts. However, the final goal is not to assess the environmental performance of emerging technologies at lab or pilot scale, but of the estimated future scaled-up technology. Such a study can be defined as an ex-ante LCA. In this context, the general objective of this project is to assess the environmental consequences that might occur when new circular technologies to treat metallurgic by-products are introduced, by incorporating an ex-ante approach in LCA. In ex-ante LCAs, both the expected future developments of an emerging technology (foreground system) and the consequences of introducing such a technology to the market (background system) should be taken into account. A novel and structured approach for both systems will be developed by integrating technological learning, scale effects and non-linear and market based relationships in LCA. The proposed approach will be applied, tested and validated with a case study on emerging technologies aiming to recover the residual metals (Cr, V, Nb and Mo) entrapped in stainless steel and FeCr slags, under the constraint of a zero-waste approach.


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      • Research Project

      Geïntegreerde beoordeling van innovatieve ontginning van stortplaatsen. 15/07/2019 - 14/07/2020


      Assessing societal impacts is a challenging task. Social conditions vastly differ throughout the world and depending on the involved stakeholders, distinct emphasis is set. In the context of enhanced landfill mining (ELFM), i.e. resource recovery from landfills through the use of innovative technology, some of the major stakeholders involved include landfill owners, governmental institutions, technology providers, local communities as well as energy and material companies. While environmental and private economic factors in the field of ELFM have gotten some scientific attention, societal impacts have generally not been assessed. To fill this research gap, we propose an anticipatory approach, integrating stakeholder values and including uncertainty through the use of prospective modelling tools and multiple social perspectives. To identify the different perspectives taken on ELFM and elicit specific stakeholder needs, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results show that the perspectives lead to different and sometimes contradicting implications for ELFM implementation. Five stakeholder archetypes for ELFM have been developed and 23 stakeholder needs identified. In a consequential step, the derived societal impacts will be quantified through prospective modelling. The basis for this step is provided societal life cycle costing (sLCC) and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) methods and will be adapted to fit the processes of ELFM. To accomplish the PhD research four publications are planned, of which two have been submitted to peer reviewed journals. The fourth year of the PhD research will comprise the integration of societal, economic and environmental assessment models into a holistic approach. This is planned in close cooperation with two other PhD researchers from UAntwerp and KU Leuven. The developed model will be tested on the Remo landfill, located in Houthalen-Helchteren, in Flanders, Belgium.


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      P2PC: Plasics to Precious Chemicals. 01/05/2019 - 31/10/2022


      The P2PC project aspires to cope with the urgent issue of plastics waste management. The project targets the challenge of increasing plastic waste volumes and diversity on the one hand, as well as the establishment of circular material schemes instead of value destruction. The most important premise of P2PC is that by pyrolysis, plastic waste that is currently being burned or landfilled can be a source of diverse chemical building blocks, the so-called "precious chemicals". Its target, in other words, is to turn plastic waste into value. This way, P2PC can be considered as the next step in Flanders' efforts to lead the global effort in tackling the challenge of waste plastics.


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      • Research Project

      Support preparation EU- application. 15/01/2019 - 14/01/2020


      Support for the coordination of a 2-stage Horizon 2020 proposal with the topic 'Sustainable Intensification in Africa (SFS-35-2019-2020)': Upscaling SUStainable Intensification for small-scale farm systems in Southern Africa (SUSI).


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      • Research Project

      Designing the packing materials and catalysts for selective and energy efficient plasma-driven conversion (PLASMACATDESIGN). 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


      PlasMaCatDESIGN aims to develop design rules for (catalytically activated) packing materials to enhance plasma-activated gas phase conversion reactions to basic chemicals. By understanding the material - properties – activity correlation we target enhanced conversion, selectivity and energy efficiency of plasma driven chemical production for two selected industrially and environmentally relevant model reactions in which plasma catalysis can have specific advantages: selective CO2 conversion towards C1-C5 (oxygenated) hydrocarbons and inorganic amine synthesis (nitrogen fixation).


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      • Research Project

      Nature Smart Cities across the 2 Seas (NSCiti2S). 03/09/2018 - 25/02/2022


      Decision-makers in cities and town lack tools to justify the use of 'city-finance' to fund green infrastructure climate investments for their town or city. In this research, we will co-design a new business model for local authorities, that supports senior managers and finance officers in approving and justifying the use of 'city-finance' to fund green infrastructure climate investments. This approach will be co-designed with the city partners whilst delivering pilot studies. This will incorporate the approval processes, financial and legal systems of local authorities that are used to 'sign-off' on investments. The work will explore how a local authority can use the market and non-market values, cash and non-cash benefits that are attributable to green infrastructure, into an economic case to justify the investment in urban green infrastructure. The project demonstrates how investments in urban green can result in a net positive gain to 'city- finance' or a local authority's triple bottom line (economic, social and ecological values). This process will help identify the cash flow analysis of green infrastructure climate investments and allow the business model to be developed, tested and validated directly with input from the end-user - the local authorities


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      • Research Project

      MATTER - Mechanical and thermochemical recycling of mixed plastic waste. 01/05/2018 - 31/10/2020


      The MATTER-project, a two-year Catalisti-ICON project (2018-2019), wants to evaluate the recycling of mixed (post-consumer) plastic waste streams and to use the generated data to develop a decision supporting framework. Within the MATTER-project, technical and market-based criteria will be developed to support an optimal plastic waste management system. More specifically, the project will focus on the P+ fraction (all plastics packaging waste) of the extended P+MD collection and recycling scheme. Partners from across the whole value chain are included in the project consortium: separation and pretreatment (Indaver and Bulk.ID), mechanical recycling (Borealis and ECO-oh!) and thermochemical recycling (Indaver and Borealis). Sustainability analyses will enable the development of a decision-supporting framework.


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      • Research Project

      A new value chain for the Flemish bio-economy through inventive wood refining towards highly valuable agro-industrial chemicals (BIOWOOD). 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021


      The BioWood project aims at boosting the economic and environmental performance of the Flemish bio- economy by providing the knowledge base to create a novel wood-based value chain for the chemical and agro-industries. This value chain will be based on inventive conversion technologies, starting from local, inexpensive and available woody biomass resources and targeting highly valuable agro-industrial applications. The main objectives are: (i) detailed inventory of currently available woody biomass feedstock from forests, landscapes, imports and waste flows in Flanders, and determination of their current value to develop a a spatio- temporal optimisation tool for the best allocation of woody biomass and best location of a new biofactory in Flanders using sustainability and cost efficiency criteria; (ii) Design of a flexible refinery process for complex and variable lignocellulose feeds to synthesise novel organic products for agro-industrial applications; (iii) Proof-of-concept of novel products for agro-industrial applications with a performance at least equalling the performance of current agro-industrial products; (iv) techno-economic and real options analysis of the entire value chain of a bio-based production unit, from woody biomass feedstock to agro-industrial products by analysis of uncertainties and flexibility options.


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      • Research Project

      Shaping the market for clean technologies: managing the transition to sustainable automotive cooling systems. 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2021


      Few car owners regularly think of the environmental impact of the refrigerant used in the air conditioning systems of their vehicles. However, the cooling agents most commonly used in these systems, have in the past decades been recognised to be potent greenhouse gases, and therefore direct contributors to climate change. Currently driven by regulation, technological development for climate-friendly cooling agents is occurring rapidly, but we are now seeing an industry wide shift to a synthetic solution in place of a natural alternative. Recent measurements show that the former could pose a threat to ecosystems; potentially toxic for plants, animals and algae. A natural and safe solution exists - but is somewhat more expensive and technically demanding. In this highly uncertain regulatory and scientific environment, the project hypothesises that short-term fixes are being relied upon, in place of long-term economically and environmentally viable options. Research into the dynamics at play is crucial for the prospect of sustainable business to develop, as the project will identify the (potential) impact and future role of different stakeholders on the shaping of the market - from the private sector, to consumers, science and the state, through both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. Based on a conceptual framework, we study how consumers can drive technological change (using discrete choice experiments) and how the supply of technologies available can be clarified (using techno-economic analysis). The state of the art perspective will have significant implications for policymakers and businesses shaping the energy agenda and instigating technological innovation.


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      • Research Project

      Sustainability Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation (SACCA). 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2020


      Dealing with the impact of climate change on agriculture is complex as it involves non-market evaluation, uncertainty, baseline definition and interlinkages with sustainability. First, there is a clear need for original and innovative valuation studies of climate change on farm level. In current climate change impact models, adaptation is lacking, incomplete or incorrect. Human preferences and behavior are barely considered as major drivers to estimate the economic impact of climate change and climate change adaptation. The costs of autonomous adaptation and the residual impacts lead to complications when valuing adaptation options. Second, the sustainability impact of potential climate change adaptation options is yet unknown, while many adaptation options result in external costs and benefits, which influence the sustainability performance of farms. Autonomous adaptation responses should therefore be reconciled with desirable public good outcomes, in order to obtain sustainable adaptive farms. The general objective of this research project is to assess the sustainability performance of climate change adaptation options on farm level.


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      • Research Project

      Development of quantitative indicators to balance supply and demand of ecosystem services and improve the evaluation of ecosystem management 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2018


      Ecosystem losses and degradation is in contrast with the increasing knowledge on the importance of resilient ecosystems to coop with disturbances (e.g. climate change) and to deliver goods and services to society (e.g. food and protection). Managing ecosystems to restore them and deliver particular benefits is challenging because of bio-physical and social complexities. The concept of ecosystem services (ES) offers a framework to make the linkages between ecological and socioeconomic properties and processes. Despite rapid developments in ES research, still no consensus exists on how to measure ES and integrate natural and human sciences. This research project investigates how to calculate the supply and demand of ES as a necessary step for more accurate evaluation of management strategies for the case of estuaries. Five steps are followed: (1) unravel the bio-physical complexity to develop quantitative (and measurable) indicators for the supply of ES, (2) unravel the socio-economic complexity to develop quantitative indicators for the demand and use of ES, (3) develop a qualitative model, based on input from step 1 and 2, as a first step to integrate complex natural and human science aspects, (4) balance supply and demand for ES to identify management needs and opportunities, and (5) develop a tiered method for an ES-based evaluation of management strategies that incorporates complex estuarine ecosystem functioning and stakeholder benefits.


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        • Research Project

        Wisdom at the source of the Blue Nile: BDU spearheads Climate Resilient Green Economy research in northwest Ethiopia. Project n°6: Socioeconomics, sustainable livelihood and environmental management in northwest Ethiopia. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2021


        The socioeconomic project is needed to understand and to find scientific solutions to the food security, environment management and livelihood problems in NWE. The project will also contribute in promoting environmental issues including socioeconomic impact of dams, land deals, animal feeding, geotourism and internal migrations. The project will facilitate the achievements of CRGE goals through PhD and masters training. The project will also develop the research capacity of involved departments of BDU.


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        • Research Project

        Policy research centre sustainable materials management in a circular economy 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2021


        The policy research centre "sustainable materials management in a circular economy" (SuMMa+ as working title) will do policy research to monitor, stimulate and contextualise the progress of the Flemish region towards a circular economy (CE). Indeed, as Flanders wants to lay a solid foundation for a circular economy by 2020, with minimal use of materials, energy and space and minimizing the impact on the environment, 3 major policy-related questions need to be answered, and are at the core of the research of SuMMa+: - How can we measure the progress of our economy towards a circular economy? - What are the economic effects associated with the introduction of a circular economy, and how are these effects affected by policy measures? - Which new technological, economic and societal trends have an impact on the evolution towards a circular economy, and how large is this impact? We could translate this questions in the 3 research directions: CE monitoring, CE economic stimulating, CE contextualising in the societal transitions. The general objectives of the policy research centre therefore are: o To create and gain more in-depth scientific insights in circular economy policies,more specifically on (i)How to measure progress towards circular economy(CE), (ii) How to assess the economic effects of circular economy and of policy measures to stimulate circular economy, (iii) What are the societal implications of CE and vice versa,how will societal transitions affect progress to CE o To implement these insights and the associated methodologies on a variety of cases o To translate these scientific insights and results into clear policy support and recommendations and to transfer the underlying knowledge to policy makers, stakeholders and the broader public o To build a basis for further policy research and evaluations, by setting up a proper database for relevant data necessary for a Circular Economy Index, and by developing sound methodologies for further investigations.


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        • Research Project

        Systemic analysis of dam-driven transitions of downstream alluvial plains in Ethiopia. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2020


        Considering the increasing number of large dams worldwide as well as the lack of integrated studies on hydrology, agricultural systems and socio-economic effects in the downstream alluvial plains, research is required to fill this gap in a holistic framework. Ethiopia is an excellent case, since the country is engaged in an ambitious dam building plan. This project proposal exploits our longstanding expertise and network in the country and is elaborated in the framework of sustainability, focusing on both biophysical and socio-economic post-dam impacts. We will start assessing and mapping the environmental setting of the alluvial plains downstream of selected large dams, and use this as an input for the analysis of hydro(geomorpho)logy. These findings will be combined with measurements of channel incision to study the related water table fluctuations. In parallel to these activities by the physical geographers, the environmental economists will work on the assessment of agrarian changes in relation to migrations and land tenure changes. Combining the environmental knowledge and the understanding of agrarian changes, we will develop a model for post-dam hydrology and agricultural systems. In addition, the socio-economic impacts of dam building will be assessed and modelled. In the end, the agro-hydro and socio-economic models will be integrated into a holistic model allowing sustainability assessments of agricultural systems downstream of large dams in developing countries.


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        • Research Project

        Economic valuation of ecosystem services in Man and Biosphere reserves: testing effective rapid assessment methods in selected African MABs (EVAMAB). 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019


        The general objective of the EVAMAB-project is to assess the economic value of ecosystem services and, more specifically, to test and adapt rapid assessment tools, and formulate pertinent stakeholder engagement and policy advice for biosphere reserve managers and decision-makers. The project will be implemented in four African biosphere reserves: Pendjari in Benin, Lake Tana in Ethiopia, Mount Elgon in Uganda and Lake Manyara in Tanzania. This project is financed within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding between BELSPO and UNESCO to support implementation of the MAB Programme in Africa, including research activities in biosphere reserves


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        • Research Project

        The importance of climate control during ballast tank coating of merchant ships. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2018


        sacrificial anodes or impressed current, and/or by applying a coating. Painting steel is by far the most practical way to protect it. In order to obtain a long term coating, the paint has to be selected and applied in an appropriate manner (De Baere et al., 2014). A good application implicates amongst others appropriate climatological conditions. Neglecting the latter can influence the curing process of the paint, which leads to stress development in the coating and finally can result in cracking of the coating, delamination or blistering. Regulating bodies and cargo owners insist on a "GOOD" coating condition and thus demand attention towards climate conditions (temperature and humidity) during coating application. This involves a very high cost as it is expensive to paint blocks in a controlled manner, implicating the use of paint cells. This BOF project will investigate the importance of temperature and humidity and verify if this high cost is justified. First the importance of climate control is questioned. Next the importance of climate control is economically validated, which will be a continuation of the economic study that compares a ship with a long term ballast tank coating with an average performing coating.


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          • Research Project

          Developing a harmonized sustainability framework for biobased products. 01/12/2016 - 31/12/2020


          The main objective of this PhD is to develop and apply a comprehensive set of indicators to assess the sustainability of green chemicals, integrating economic, social and environmental issues. Moreover, the methodology will contribute to the evolution from existing sustainability framework for biofuels and bioenergy to sustainability frameworks encompassing green chemicals, as well.


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          • Research Project

          Cooperative real options games in environmental economics. 01/10/2016 - 14/09/2020


          By developing real options models that address uncertainty, advances have been made in ecological economics and resource economics. Recently, the real options theory itself has advanced towards real option games. These models also consider the interaction of economic actors within a competitive or cooperative setting. Because the transition towards resource and energy efficient economies requires the involvement of all economic actors, the theory of real option games form an opportunity to further combine research in environmental economics and dynamic decision making. For different environmental challenges, it will be studied when it is optimal to invest and how cooperation can take place. Also advances in the field of real option games will be made: (1) the sequence of the investments and the direction of the cash flows are not predefined, (2) the interdependence between complementary investments will be studied, and (3) focus is on cooperative strategies. The cooperation with various European research groups, will allow me to improve my competences and to create an own research line that combines research in the field of environmental economics and dynamic optimization. My expertise on the development of real options games will extend the existing economic expertise at the Department of economics at Antwerp University and because these economic models address environmental economic issues, cooperation between different research departments will be strengthened.


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          • Research Project

          EU Training Network for Resource Recovery through Enhanced Landfill Mining (NEW-MINE). 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2020


          Europe has somewhere between 150,000 and 500,000 landfill sites, with an estimated 90% of them being "non-sanitary" landfills, predating the EU Landfill Directive of 1999. These older landfills tend to be filled with municipal solid waste and often lack any environmental protection technology. In order to avoid future environmental and health problems, many of these landfills will soon require expensive remediation measures. This situation might appear bleak, but it does present us with an exciting opportunity for a combined resource-recovery and remediation strategy, which will drastically reduce future remediation costs, reclaim valuable land, while at the same time unlocking valuable resources. However, the widespread adoption of Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM) in the EU, as envisaged by NEW-MINE, urgently requires skilled scientists, engineers, economists and policy makers who can develop cost-effective, environmentally friendly ELFM practices and regulatory frameworks. All this demands a European commitment to concerted, inter- and transdisciplinary research and innovation. NEW-MINE trains 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs) in all aspects of landfill mining, in terms of both technological innovation and multi-criteria assessments. The technological innovation follows a value-chain approach, from advanced landfill exploration, mechanical processing, plasma/solar/hybrid thermochemical conversion and upcycling, while the multi-criteria assessment methods allow to compare combined resource-recovery/remediation ELFM methods with the "Do-Nothing", "Classic remediation" and "Classic landfill mining with (co-)incineration" scenarios. By training the ESRs in scientific, technical and soft skills, they become highly sought-after scientists and engineers for the rapidly emerging landfill-mining and broader raw-materials industries of Europe.


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          • Research Project

          Economic Assessment of Demand Response Programs - A behavioural approach. 16/04/2016 - 30/09/2019


          Low carbon energy and energy efficiency is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The use of decentralised (low-carbon) energy systems, with greater participation of consumers in demand management, is a necessary component of the future energy mix. The extent of consumer adoption of Demand Respons (DR) depends primarily on the availability of suitable technologies, the levels and relevance of information, tariff design and the impacts of all these on their expenditure budgets. In this research, the exploration would be on the design of mechanisms that would maximise the demand response of urban residential and commercial consumers to economic incentives, so as to ensure the same reliability and confidence in renewable energy-dominant grids as compared to the conventional grids.


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          • Research Project

          Economic support in the context of the VITO granted research on identification and analysis of available biomass in Antwerp 20/10/2015 - 19/05/2016


          Economic support and related tasks in the context of the investigation of VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) on the inventory and analysis of available biomass in Antwerp for sustainable energy production


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          • Research Project