Nothing really matters : evaluating demand-side moderators of age discrimination in hiring
Socio-economic review - ISSN 1475-1461- (2024) p.
Labour market disadvantages of citizens with a migration background in Belgium : a systematic review
De economist : tijdschrift voor alle standen tot bevordering van volkswelvaart, door verspreiding van eenvoudige beginselen van staathuishoudkunde - ISSN 0013-063X- (2024) p.
Descending the job ladder is fine, except when you were ill : experimental evidence
Occupational Health Science - ISSN 2367-0134- (2024) p.
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano! The hiring premium for physical versus mental exercise in different occupations
Applied economics letters - ISSN 1350-4851- (2024) p.
The subsidy trap : explaining the unsatisfactory effectiveness of hiring subsidies for the senior unemployed
Journal of economic behavior and organization - ISSN 0167-2681-227 (2024) p. 1-17