Macroeconomic policy, household heterogeneity, and the labor market
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen & Economie, 2025,x, 122, XXIX p.
The greedy jobs phenomenon as a driving force behind the gender pay gap : a systematic review
De economist : tijdschrift voor alle standen tot bevordering van volkswelvaart, door verspreiding van eenvoudige beginselen van staathuishoudkunde - ISSN 0013-063X-173 (2025) p. 177-204
Household decisions and the gender gap in job satisfaction
Scottish journal of political economy - ISSN 0036-9292-72:1 (2025) p. 1-28
Characterizing the schooling cycle
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Essays on job satisfaction, minimum wage, and work from home : exploring gender, household, and policy influences on labour market outcomes in Canada
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics, 2024,x, 190 p.