The international protection of adults after Brexit
International journal of law, policy and the family - ISSN 1360-9939-38:1 (2024) p. 1-20
Managing the powers of digital platforms through platform law, contract law and consumer law
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, 2024,ix, 359 p.
The private international law of mediated settlement agreements
From theory to practice in private international law: Gedächtnisschrift for Professor Jonathan Fitchen / Borg-Barthet, J. [edit.]; Trimmings, K. [edit.]; Yüksel Ripley, B. [edit.]; Zivkovic, P. [edit.]-p. 23-34
The European Parliament’s last plenary session & Private International Law
[ []]- (2024.04.29) p.
Internationaal privaatrecht geannoteerd. Verordening (EU) 2019/1111 van de Raad van 25 juni 2019 betreffende de bevoegdheid, de erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van beslissingen in huwelijkszaken en inzake de ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid, en betreffende internationale kinderontvoering (herschikking) (Pb.L. 178, 2.VII.2019, rect. Pb.L. 235, 12.IX.2019en Pb.L. 148, 8.VI.2023)
Internationaal privaatrecht geannoteerd, 2023-2024 / Kruger, Thalia [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 549-597