Lung transplantation in a low-volume center : the Antwerp University Hospital Experience
Journal of Surgery - ISSN 2575-9760-9:11 (2024) p. 1-7
Murine orthotopic lung transplant models : a comprehensive overview of genetic mismatch degrees and histopathological insights into chronic lung allograft dysfunction
American journal of transplantation - ISSN 1600-6135-24:11 (2024) p. 1930-1940
Biomarker defined infective and inflammatory asthma exacerbation phenotypes in hospitalized adults : clinical impact and phenotype stability at recurrent exacerbation
Journal of asthma - ISSN 0277-0903- (2024) p.
Personalized treatment for obstructive sleep apnea : beyond CPAP
Life - ISSN 2075-1729-14:8 (2024) p. 1-11
Imaging three-dimensional airway morphology in congenital pulmonary airway malformation using hierarchical phase contrast tomography
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - ISSN 1073-449X- (2024) p.