Logistics and transport
Logistics and transport
Course code:
Transport businesss economics
Transport businesss economics
Course code:
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor in Social-Economic Sciences
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Preparatory Programme Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
- Preparatory Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
Maritime and Port Economics
Maritime and Port Economics
Course code:
Maritime and port economics
Maritime and port economics
Course code:
- Master of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Master of Maritime and Logistics Management
- Master of Business Economics
- Master of Teaching in Economics: Business Economics
- Master of Business Engineering: Sustainability Engineering
- Master of Digital Business Engineering
- Exchange programme Business and Economics
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Course code:
Port Economics and Business
Port Economics and Business
Course code:
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Course code:
Logistics and transport
Logistics and transport
Course code:
Transport businesss economics
Transport businesss economics
Course code:
- Bachelor in Social-Economic Sciences
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Preparatory Programme Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
- Preparatory Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
Maritime and Port Economics
Maritime and Port Economics
Course code:
Maritime and port economics
Maritime and port economics
Course code:
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Course code:
- Master of Applied Economic Sciences: Economic Policy
- Master of Maritime and Logistics Management
- Master of Applied Economic Sciences: Economic Policy
- Master of Business Engineering: Financial Engineering
- Master of Business Engineering: Sustainability Engineering
- Master of Business Engineering: Supply Chain Engineering
Port Economics and Business
Port Economics and Business
Course code:
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Course code:
Logistics and transport
Logistics and transport
Course code:
Transport businesss economics
Transport businesss economics
Course code:
- Bachelor in Social-Economic Sciences
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Microcredential: Logistics and Transport Management
- Preparatory Programme Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
- Preparatory Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
Maritime and Port Economics
Maritime and Port Economics
Course code:
- Master of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Master of Maritime and Logistics Management
- Master of Business Engineering: Financial Engineering
- Master of Business Engineering: Sustainability Engineering
- Master of Business Engineering: Supply Chain Engineering
- Master of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Master of Teaching in Economics: Business Economics
Antwerp rail school
Antwerp rail school
Course code:
Port Economics and Business
Port Economics and Business
Course code:
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Fundamentals of the Maritime Industry
Course code: