Research team
Dr. Tim Boogaerts works as a post-doctoral researcher in the Toxicological Centre on the monitoring of human metabolites in influent wastewater. He has expertise in the field of analytical chemistry, development and validation of bioanalytical assays, environmental toxicologie and chemistry, and wastewater-based epidemiology.
Dynamic population PROxies and METHodological considerations for Estimating and Unveiling catchment population Sizes for wastewater-based epidemiology (PROMETHEUS)
Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a reliable information source on lifestyle and public health (e.g., illicit drug and pharmaceutical use, pathogen exposure). In WBE, population normalization is crucial for reliable spatio-temporal surveillance and there is a need for dynamic population proxies to account for day-to-day variations in a catchment's population size to increase the reliability of data. However, <5% of WBE studies and monitoring programs have employed these markers, and when they have, validation was lacking. This leads to significant uncertainties in back-estimating per capita consumption/exposure levels of different chemicals and biologicals. Consequently, optimization and validation of novel dynamic population biomarkers (PBs) is highly required for reducing these uncertainties. Recently, endogenous and exogenous biomarkers have been proposed to account population size variations. Due to the low concentration levels of these PBs in influent wastewater (IWW) and the complexity of the matrix, there is a need for innovative analytical extraction, separation and detection methods to accurately and precisely identify and quantify them in IWW. By applying chromatographic and mass spectrometric approaches, the PROMETHEUS project will acquire fundamental knowledge on the occurrence of different PBs in IWW. By correlating the time series of these mass loads of these chemicals with relevant metadata (e.g. mobile phone data) in different locations, we will identify and validate novel population biomarkers for relative trend analysis and absolute population size estimation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Boogaerts Tim
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Fundamental analytical insights into the distribution of chemicals between suspended particulate matter and the liquid phase of influent wastewater and the implication for wastewater-based epidemiology (PARTINSIGHTS).
Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) employs the analysis of influent wastewater (IWW) to assess population-wide exposure to chemicals and xenobiotics. Fundamental knowledge on the partitioning of chemicals between the liquid phase and suspended particulate matter (SPM) present in bulk IWW is highly required. Even though the cornerstone of WBE is the development and validation of accurate and precise analytical workflows, less than 1% of WBE studies have investigated the presence of chemicals in/on SPM. Our project aims to provide unprecedented insights into the behavior of chemicals in IWW, focusing on the distribution between the liquid phase and SPM. To achieve this, innovative analytical workflows will be developed to quantify three model chemicals (THC-COOH, fluoxetine, methadone) and their surrogates in the liquid phase, SPM, and bulk IWW. Additionally, modeling experiments will assess interfacial equilibrium dynamics and partitioning of these compounds between both IWW fractions under different conditions (i.e. SPM content, concentration of chemicals, pH, temperature). The knowledge of these modelling experiments will be transferred to a real-life scenario to determine the relevance of distribution of chemicals between SPM and the liquid phase from a WBE perspective. Therefore, this project will fill existing knowledge gaps in WBE to allow more accurate and reliable spatio-temporal assessment of chemical exposure at the population-scale.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: van Nuijs Alexander
- Co-promoter: Boogaerts Tim
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
From prototype to validation: The first cornea-on-chip for ocular drug discovery and irritation testing.
This study aims to advance the cornea-on-chip (CoC), a microfluidic device designed as a microscopy slide, featuring eight corneal constructs to mimic human corneal barriers and physiology. The objective is to validate this prototype via a comprehensive approach as an in vitro model with pre-clinical value of the human cornea, focusing on drug permeability and corneal toxicity testing. By collaborating with Ghent University's Centre for Microsystems Technology, we combine our respective expertise's in corneal tissue engineering and microfluidics with my background in GMP manufacturing to assess the CoC's performance. The CoC platform's efficacy as a drug absorption model is confirmed by assessing corneal permeation and small molecule permeability. Anticipating potential limitations in mimicking the physiology of the cornea in vivo, we will explore biocompatible materials to improve cell behavior and drug permeation, laying the foundation for the model's second and improved version. Furthermore, through multi-omics analysis, I will investigate the interactions between cells and biomaterials to gain valuable insights. Finally, as a proof of concept regarding the application of the model, the cornea-on-chip is used to identify strategies to bypass the corneal barrier via the use of penetration enhancers, to boost drug delivery effectiveness.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Koppen Carina
- Co-promoter: Boogaerts Tim
- Co-promoter: Van den Bogerd Bert
- Fellow: De Vos Evelyne
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Suspect screening and Target workflows using multi-dimensional chromatography and mass spectrometrY to investigate human eXposure to emerging contaminants by wastewater analysis (STYX).
Extensive knowledge of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) which humans are exposed to is highly required. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) consists of the analysis of chemical markers for internal and external exposure in influent wastewater (IWW) and can be employed as a complementary approach to map the exposome in the general population. Due to the low concentration levels of CECs in IWW and the complexity of the matrix, there is a need for novel multidimensional chromatographic and high resolution mass-spectrometric approaches to accurately and precisely identify and quantify CECs in IWW. By applying novel analytical techniques (e.g., two-dimensional chromatography, ion-mobility mass spectrometry and high resolution mass spectrometry), the STYX project will acquire fundamental knowledge on various aspects related to human exposure to novel CECs using a WBE approach. Additionally, this project will unify and harmonize suspect screening and target analytical workflows for detection and identification of CECs and their metabolites in IWW to assess internal and external exposure to CECs in different communities. To achieve this, innovative sample preparation methods will be developed and validated to extract the CECs and metabolites from IWW and suspended particulate matter. Furthermore, systematic and comprehensive investigation of spatio-temporal trends will elucidate patterns of exposure to CECs and prioritize locations with a high burden of CEC exposure.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: van Nuijs Alexander
- Co-promoter: Covaci Adrian
- Fellow: Boogaerts Tim
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Community-wide assessment of the opioid burden through combined use of wastewater-based analytics and prescription drug monitoring data.
In recent times, the use of opioids has escalated drastically and resulted in a crisis of epidemic proportions in North America. In Europe, the use of opioids has also increased, but in smaller proportions compared to North America. However, the extent to which opioids are (mis)used in Europe needs to be further explored. In this project, we will optimise and develop a highthroughput bioanalytical assay based on μSPE-LC-MS/MS capable of measuring a broad range of biomarkers of opioids use in the ng/L range in wastewater. We aim at obtaining near real-time, objective and complementary information on the use of opioids at high spatio-temporal resolution through a wastewater sampling campaign in different locations in Belgium. By generating highly relevant data on the consumption of opioids together with triangulation of this data with other existing datasets (e.g. Farmanet, Health Interview Survey,...), this project can aid in obtaining a better picture on the opioid use in Belgium which is of importance for policy makers in optimizing and evaluating prevention, treatment and harm-reduction strategies on the subject of pain management. Furthermore, by combining multiple datasets, information on the illegal use of opioids can be obtained. In a last step, the obtained data will be correlated with existing socioeconomicco-variates of the investigated communities to obtain a better insight on the relationship between socio-demographic features, and prevalence of use of opioids.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: van Nuijs Alexander
- Co-promoter: Covaci Adrian
- Co-promoter: De Loof Hans
- Fellow: Boogaerts Tim
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project