Path integral treatment of systems with general memory : application to the Bose polaron problem
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Fysica, 2022,220 p.
General memory kernels and further corrections to the variational path integral approach for the Bogoliubov-Frohlich Hamiltonian
Physical review B - ISSN 2469-9950-105:10 (2022) p.
Path-integral approach to the thermodynamics of bosons with memory : density and correlation functions
Physical review A - ISSN 2469-9926-104:6 (2021) p.
Path-integral approach to the thermodynamics of bosons with memory : partition function and specific heat
Physical review A - ISSN 2469-9926-104:2 (2021) p.
Vortices in Fermi gases with spin-dependent rotation potentials
PHYSICAL REVIEW A - ISSN 2469-9926-101:5 (2020) p. 1-9