IOC consensus statement : interpersonal violence and safeguarding in sport
British journal of sports medicine - ISSN 0306-3674-58:22 (2024) p. 1322-1344
Ethical club climate and coaching style : unveiling their role in coach-perpetrated psychological abuse of gymnasts
Journal of sport management - ISSN 0888-4773- (2024) p.
#WhatWouldYouDo? A cross-sectional study of sports medicine physicians assessing their competency in managing harassment and abuse in sports
British journal of sports medicine - ISSN 0306-3674-58:22 (2024) p. 1353-1359
'First, do no harm' : conducting research on interpersonal violence in sport
British journal of sports medicine - ISSN 0306-3674-58:12 (2024) p. 1315-1318
Are some sports riskier than others? An investigation into child athlete experiences of interpersonal violence in relation to sport type and gender
International review for the sociology of sport - ISSN 1012-6902- (2024) p.