Research team
I. Educational Sciences (1) German and English Teaching Methodology: German and English as a Foreign Language (DaF, TEFL) (2) Multilingual education: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (3) General pedagogy: urban education, multiple perspective learning, differentiated instruction II. Linguistics (1) Applied linguistics (cf I.) (2) Variational linguistics of German
Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics (ProTEEM).
ProTEEM provides Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics for students' academic equity and success through quality literacy and numeracy education. More than 30 senior or junior teacher educators from four universities in the DR Congo (UNIKIN, UNILU, UCB) and Zambia (KNU), will profit from the expertise in scarce resource education from Antwerp University (B), Kaunas University of Technology (LT), Stellenbosch University (SA) and Rhodes University (SA): ProTEEM focuses on continuous professional development (CPD) in inclusive, autonomy-enhancing and blended learning environments for English and Maths to increase gender equality and reduce poverty through quality education. Next to teacher training, the Inspectorate and teacher associations are also involved in the dissemination of project outputs: lesson plans and materials for flipped classrooms, blended learning, gender-responsive tasks, low-tech digital tools, etc. Research into the project outcomes has added capacity building value that all our HEIs as education and research institutions with a community service mission benefit from: the partners collaborate in PhD projects on the effectiveness of the project's hybrid CPD approach in the specific context of low-income countries. Four female PhD students, affiliated to each DRC HEI and to UNZA (Zambia), will collect and analyse CPD (transfer) data from the CPD participants and their students. ProTEEM efficiently (1) focuses on CPD of teacher educators, capitalising on their multiplier effect (train the trainer & trickle-down effects), (2) improves both literacy and numeracy, because quality English and Maths education is crucial for educational equity and socioeconomic emancipation, and (3) adopts a sustainable hybrid on-site/online training approach, with evidence-informed modular blended learning. It attains a combination of Sustainable Development Goals, the main one being SDG 4.6: ensure that all youth (…), both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
- Research Project
The effect of Translanguaging in Reading on learning engagement in multilingual Content-Based Instruction classrooms.
Given Western society's demographic hybridity and multiculturalism, monolingual classroom interaction is becoming increasingly rare. Learners from different linguistic and other related backgrounds constitute a target group to be addressed by adopting optimal methods that fulfill the needs but also use the strengths of multilingual classrooms. For multilingual language practices in such contexts as second/foreign language learning, the generic term 'translanguaging' (TL) has come into use. With the rapid expansion of CBI (Content-Based Instruction), known in the institutionalised setting of secondary education as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and EAL/AAL (English as an Additional Language/Afrikaans as an Additional Language), multilingualism is entering education with a great heterogeneity of idiosyncratic TL practices. This proliferation makes critical TL research necessary and urgent, especially since recent studies indicate that teachers lack confidence in how to deal with (the role of) language and students' reading competences are in steady decline (PIRLS 2021). Given the long history of research into language alternation in South African multilingual classrooms, the latter provide a productive research context to contrastively and complementarily combine with an empirical study in Flemish CLIL and South African EAL/AAL classrooms to address the question 'How do TL pedagogical practices in multilingual CBI classrooms impact on reading education?'Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Effective CLIL education in Flanders. Profiles of schools and students, perceived effects and preconditions.
What does an effective methodology for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) look like? To what extent does CLIL in Flemish secondary education meet these characteristics? And what can stakeholders do to support effective CLIL education? This study aspires to provide answers to these questions based on a mixed-methods approach and does so in three lines of inquiry: (1) a literature review (umbrella review) that identifies the characteristics of effective CLIL education; (2) a quantitative study in which a Flanders-wide survey on the one hand identifies profiles of schools that offer CLIL and students following CLIL (latent profile analysis), and on the other hand identifies perceived effects and determinant variables (structural equation modeling); and (3) an in-depth qualitative study that uses a delphi study to identify those characteristics of effective CLIL education as well as the preconditions for successful implementation in Flanders among a selection of schools (on the one hand schools that offer 'effective' CLIL education; on the other hand schools that have recently stopped offering CLIL). This study can provide valuable input to the actors involved in CLIL in Flanders. First, they gain an evidence-informed insight into the core elements that influence the effectiveness of CLIL education. Secondly, the results clarify to what extent Flemish CLIL education meets these characteristics of effectiveness, how these effects are experienced at different levels (pupils, teachers and school teams), and in this way policy makers can make data-based decisions. Thirdly, schools starting CLIL education can be supported by identifying essential prerequisites for successful implementation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Fulbright Scholarship Postdoctoral Researcher 2022
Globalized communication increasingly takes on a written form. A positive relationship between reading and writing has been empirically substantiated, although more research on L2 writing is needed. Reading being the best-researched language skill, evidence-based writing pedagogy is essential. Our objective is to present in TEXT EDITING IN GERMAN breakthrough insights in written text production and editing by adopting a Cognitive Grammar perspective to German L2 writing products of (young) adult writers, which calls for a collaboration with Prof. C. Arnett. The project included giving lectures on German variational linguistics at UC Davis.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The Lio-platform as a means to flexible, differentiated and self-regulated learning of in-service teacher-students: strenghtening teacher education!
This project strenghtnens teacher education by developing, implementing and evaluation an online platform that supports the learning, evaluatiing, and knowledg-sharing of in-service teacher-students, and their teacher-educators from the school they work in, and the college or university they study at. The oevrall aim of the project is to support and foster self-regulated learning of in-service teacher-students, as well as to optimize the guidance the in-service teacher-students receive from the school they work is and the university or college they study at.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Cuyvers Katrien
- Co-promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: De Schrijver Jelle
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Lessons in Reading. Effective Reading Instruction in Primary and Secondary Education in Flanders.
This project aims at a scientific analysis (vertical and horizontal) of the Reading at School projects. In a first step, we conduct a systematic meta-review of effective reading education, covering all phases of the process of learning to read as well as other important actors outside education (insofar as they have a direct link with education). At the same time, we describe in detail the projects related to reading at school. The extent to which these projects contain these insights is determined on the basis of the conclusions from the meta-review. Finally, we engage teachers who develop a practice-relevant inspiration guide through a professionalization process.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
This VVOB-supported project between the Antwerp School of Education and the Kwame Nkrumah University (Kabwe, Zambia) allows to effectuate a jointly drafted action plan to strengthen the partnership. Educational exchange is a central component of the plan, that, moreover, contributes to a sustainable interinstitutional link, involving students and staff who contribute equally to achieve the necessary growth in quality achievement (in view of a subsequent VVOB grant). Within the project the partners work on intercultural competences and diversity, which is a very important VVOB goal (SchoolLinks). To this end and on the level of the students, the project set itself four goals concerning global citizenship education (GE), which it will reach through four GE activities: (1) students will be prepared for the intercultural exchange and skills transfer; (2) students participate in an exchange trip to Belgium / participate in an internship in a secondary school in Belgium monitored by the partners' staff / participate in hosting Belgian students and staff in their classes as a process of internationalisation, cultural interaction and integration; (3) students perform a group task to make a report (video, photo and written) on the exchange activity; (4) on-line meetings and presentations (due to COVID-19) between students and staff from both partner universities. On the level of staff, the project set itself three goals concerning capacity building (CB), which it will reach through three CB activities: (1) staff from both institutions will discuss paper presentations at conferences on research findings; (2) KNU staff can invite a Belgian lecturer to follow and/or give courses/guest lectures and lecturers and participate in the evaluation of lessons; (3) online lesson presentation and conference participation.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
Learning scenarios to support inclusive language and culture education for heterogeneous school classes (E-Learnscene).
Through numerous language policy initiatives on the one hand and new findings from language teaching research on the other, existing input-oriented language acquisition and learning models have been replaced by an output- and competence-oriented language acquisition and learning perspective, at the same time demonstrating the complexity and dynamics of language acquisition by multilingual individuals. Above all, however, the introduction of the Common European Framework of Reference (CFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) has led to national curricula changing the progression of learning towards a process-based perspective on language learning, and to the addition of pedagogical aspects such as intercultural learning, media competence and other personality-related competences (ability to work in a team, critical competence). In spite of all these substantial changes, most textbooks and teaching materials for German are still backward-looking, which proves to be most explicit in countries with German as an official language (or minority language) coexisting with other speech communities (Italy, Belgium, Poland, etc.) and those with an increased demand for German as a foreign language in many fields (Sweden). In these countries, the promotion of German is generally falling short, which most prominently emerges in teaching wanting in innovation and pedagogical measures that are modestly successful. Against this background, the project aims to use the expertise of an international consortium in the field of German as a foreign and official language to develop, implement and evaluate learning scenarios that provide in-service and pre-service teachers with pedagogical support for collaborative and learner-centered teaching in present-day heterogeneous classes. Joining expertise in a transnational consortium of this kind will make an essential contribution to the national curricula involved (in particular to the systematic improvement of their teaching quality) and will thus meet the special needs of German in the different countries. The project sets for itself the following objectives: • Promoting and supporting a comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning, capitalizing on the diversity of today's increasingly multilingual classrooms. • Supporting synergies with research and innovation activities and promoting new technologies as incubators and drivers of improvements in language and culture pedagogy. The project combines both the expertise of academic partners with proven experience in language teaching research, teaching materials design and development, and in- and pre-service teacher training (Universities of Bozen, Antwerp, Louvain, Poznan and Gothenburg), as well as the practice-oriented profile of the Belgian German Teachers' Association and school partners representing the different teaching contexts targeted in the project, that will contribute to support the development, evaluation and dissemination of the learning scenarios through integration into the relevant professional networks and the numerous associated schools and institutions, safeguarding the transfer between theory/research and practice. The project will impact on the level of the students, the (trainee) teachers, and the subject-specific school teams and learning communities for German.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
- Education Project
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Zambia
This mobility project enables Antwerp University (UAntwerp) and Kwame Nkrumah University, Kabwe (Zambia) to improve the quality of teacher education as to 21st-century opportunities of diversity, migration and multiculturalism. The project partners will ally with Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, experienced in internships in Kabwe schools. Zambia's imminent teacher (salary) shortage and dependence from China make this project all the more pressing. Moreover, it concretises the partners' internationalisation strategies and their cooperation agreement (MoU). UAntwerp and the Antwerp School of Education in particular can develop its internationalized curriculum through the course module 'Profileringsstage Wereldleraarschap'.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Education Project
Research Language Integration Projects.
How can schools develop effective pathways for learners who have an insufficient command of the language of instruction? Schools need concrete tools and feasible practical examples that match the needs and context of primary and secondary education in Flanders. In this project, we develop a nuanced, systematic meta-review of the scientific literature, resulting in a scientific report on the one hand and a practice-oriented, paper and digitally accessible guide for the educational field on the other hand. For this practice guide, we work with a selection menu that meets the various contexts. Schools are urged to first fill in the process factors that are important for the effectiveness of the language pathways before determining structural choices. We also present a varied range of inspiring practical examples for nursery, primary and secondary education, each with sufficient detail to build on. We also visit and analyze a number of practical examples that meet the criteria resulting from the meta-review. To guarantee that the presented practical examples fit in well with the Flemish educational context, the preconditions are screened by means of a Delphi study together with actors from the professional field.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Towards a stronger and appealing academic teacher education.
This project is aimed at strengthening and supporting the university teacher education programmes in the transition to the new teacher training courses, as described in the draft memorandum "Strengthening teacher education courses: recruiting and qualitative teacher training courses as a basic pillar for high-quality education" of 25 March 2016 and the draft decree on the development of graduate courses within colleges and transfer measures for teacher training, as first approved in principle by the Flemish Government on 14 July 2017. Based on the above-mentioned documents and the objectives of the Coalition Agreement of the Flemish Government 2014-2019 and its objective of high-quality, flexible and attractive teacher training courses, three actions are proposed. These actions fit in with the following thematic lines: 'strengthening and innovation' (theme 1) and 'recruitment' (theme 2). 1. 'Strengthening and innovating teacher education programmes': a. Action 1: Project 'Towards a new university teacher education at masters level'. b. Action 2: Project 'How can this new master-level university teacher education programme best serve the target group of lateral entry teachers'? 2. Recruitment': Action 3: 'Towards recruiting university teacher education programmes': Communication and publication of the new programme with candidate teachers and the professional field, with a specific focus on student diversity.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Projet Transversal DRC - Anglais Académique - phase 4.
The project ('English for Academic Purposes - Quality, Extension, Sustainability') aims to further deepen teaching processes proper by exploring and developing Blended Learning (BL) solutions for the local context of the seven Congolese universities involved, already introduced in phases 2 and 3. As BL (and in particular its flexible character) allows to cater for different learner groups (level and orientation) and to create a productive virtual English context, it is necessary to concentrate more on this educational approach which is not yet explored in this specific context (where resources and Internet support are very limited). The project also envisages to extend beyond the current target groups, inside and outside the 7 academic institutions involved: i.e. administrative staff, undergraduate students, and paying clients and NGOs. Finally, in view of its dynamics and its sustainability, this project on learning English for academic purposes pursues a much tighter organization per university involved, including a business plan with a financial plan, a timetable and a durable local system of accountability. This represents a major challenge, for which the project needs to benefit from the support of the academic partners ('points focaux').Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Teaching for divercity. A steppingstone to team-oriented perspectives on educating teachers and catering for student diversity.
The project aims at modelling the transition to a renewed teacher education by means of intercollege teams fostering cooperation, expertise sharing and collaborative learning. The project takes its departure from a shared focus on preparing novice teachers for urban education and wants to impact upon class practice in schools and in teacher education itself. The project comprises three subsections ('communities of practice') that concern the central tenet of 'teaching for divercity': (1) Linguistic diversity (co-supervisors: Jordi Casteleyn, Mathea Simons & Rianne Pinxten) (2) Urban education (co-supervisors: Paul Janssenswillen & Wouter Schelfhout) (3) Inclusive education (co-supervisors: Elke Struyf & Ellen Vandervieren). Partner institutions are: CVO Crescendo, CVO Horito, CVO Provincie Antwerpen, CVO HBO 5 Antwerpen, Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, Karel de Grote Hogeschool and Universiteit Antwerpen. The communities of practice are composed of staff from these partner institutions, constituting genuine learning communities managed by a process coach (Carlijne Ceulemans until 30.09.2017). This approach allows for design-based research into the functioning and effectivity of learning teams.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Identification and analysis of practices of effective use and development of teachers' skills in the last years of primary education
This research project will record good practices of teacher deployment - both in and outside class in upper primary education - that aim at capitalizing on staff competencies, reinforcing differentiated instruction and safeguarding successful transition to secondary education. We will provide in-depth descriptions of selected practices, while at the same time shedding light on accompanying conditions and experiences from the viewpoint of school management, teachers as well as students. Data will be collected through case studies and Delphi methodology.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Struyf Elke
- Co-promoter: Casteleyn Jordi
- Co-promoter: Simons Mathea
- Co-promoter: Smits Tom
- Co-promoter: Vandervieren Ellen
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Classroom differentiation.
The 'Differentiation' Project is a research and development project that represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand ELAnt. UA provides ELAnt research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Publication monography "Strukturwandel in Grenzdialekten. Die Konsolidierung der niederländisch-deutschen Staatsgrenze als Dialektgrenze."
The Research Council of the University of Antwerp and the Commission for Publications and Grants of the University Foundation favoured the grant application for the publication of the manuscript 'Strukturwandel in Grenzdialekten. Die Konsolidierung der niederländisch-deutsche Staatsgrenze als Dialektgrenze' .Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Systematization and transcription of dialect recordings.
For my PhD "Structural change in border dialects" speech data were recorded in NL and GDR. They contain a.o. language material for 27 examined linguistic variables. The entire corpus has largely not yet been opened up and contains valuable information for pioneering research on language change. For transcription and systematical storage a student will be recruited who will be working under supervision of the project manager.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Smits Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project