Forest edge landscape context affects mosquito community composition and risk of pathogen emergence

iScience - ISSN 2589-0042-28:1 (2025) p. 1-18
    Adam Hendy, Nelson Ferreira Fe, Igor Pedrosa, Andre Girao, Taly Nayandra Figueira dos Santos, Claudia Reis Mendonca, Jose Tenacol Andes Junior, Flamarion Prado Assuncao, Edson Rodrigues Costa, Vincent Sluydts, Marcelo Gordo, Vera Margarete Scarpassa, Michaela Buenemann, Marcus Vinicius Guimaraes de Lacerda, Maria Paula Gomes Mourao, Nikos Vasilakis, Kathryn A. Hanley

Achieving inter- and transdisciplinarity in Ecohealth : insights from a rodent-borne disease project in a polycrisis era

Frontiers in Veterinary Science - ISSN 2297-1769-11 (2024) p. 1-9
    Isabelle Arpin, Clemence Massart, Vincent Bourret, Guillaume Castel, Valeria Carolina Colombo, Jana Eccard, Jasmin Firozpoor, Maciej Grzybek, Heikki A. Henttonen, Herwig Leirs, Andrew Mcmanus, Ben Roche, Tarja Sironen, Vincent Sluydts, Peter Stuart, Annetta Zintl, Nathalie Charbonnel

Serologic surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 infection among wild rodents, Europe

Emerging infectious diseases - ISSN 1080-6040-28:12 (2022) p. 2577-2580
    Vincent Bourret, Lara Dutra, Hussein Alburkat, Sanna Maki, Ella Lintunen, Marine Wasniewski, Ravi Kant, Maciej Grzybek, Vinaya Venkat, Hayder Asad, Julien Pradel, Marie Bouilloud, Herwig Leirs, Valeria Carolina Colombo, Vincent Sluydts, Peter Stuart, Andrew McManus, Jana A. Eccard, Jasmin Firozpoor, Christian Imholt, Joanna Nowicka, Aleksander Goll, Nathan Ranc, Guillaume Castel, Nathalie Charbonnel, Tarja Sironen

Ecology and distribution of Leptospira spp., reservoir hosts and environmental interaction in Sri Lanka, with identification of a new strain

PLoS neglected tropical diseases - ISSN 1935-2735-16:9 (2022) p. 1-17