Knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : perspectives from IEA TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016 data
Cham, Springer, 2025,178 p.
Knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : perspectives from IEA TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016 data: an introduction
Knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : perspectives from IEA TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016 data / Isac, M.M. [edit.]; et al.-p. 1-10
Theoretical approaches : operationalizing action competence as a learning outcome of education for sustainable development using international large-scale assessments
Knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : perspectives from IEA TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016 data / Isac, M.M. [edit.]; et al.-p. 11-20
Environmental knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : final remarks
Knowledge and willingness to act pro-environmentally : perspectives from IEA TIMSS 2019 and ICCS 2016 data / Isac, M.M. [edit.]; et al.-p. 167-178
Measurement invariance of the action competence in sustainable development questionnaire : can we compare between groups?
Environmental education research - ISSN 1350-4622-31:3 (2025) p. 498-511