Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2022-23

The next seminar is on Thursday 17th of November (12h15 in D 0.39):

Jana Tesikova (EVECO) Virus hunting: the diversity of selected rodent-borne viruses.

Valentina Burskaya (EVECO) Does hybridization facilitate explosive speciation of Lake Baikal amphipods?

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2021-22

18/11 Jamie McLaren (FunMorph) Measuring the Monsters of the Maas: Quantifying the 3D functional morphology of mosasaurs

02/12 Luci Kirkpatrick (EVECO) Disentangeling social and spatial drivers of disease transmission

16/12 Valeria Colombo (EVECO) The Bioroddis project: Preliminary results

13/01 Simon Baeckens (FunMorph) Convergent evolution of functional skin surfaces in lizards

27/01 Nicky Staes (BECO) Evolution of the primate social brain: A hologenomics approach

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2020-21 part 2

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2020-21 part 1

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2019-20


Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2018-2019

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2017-18

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2016-17

D.042, 4/11

Nina Dehnhard (BECO) Foraging behaviour of sympatrically breeding Antarctic fulmarine petrels

Tess Driessens (FM) The Anolis dewlap from a functional and evolutionary perspective

B.015, 18/11

Glenn Borgmans (FM) Assessment of welfare for reptiles and amphibians in captivity

Thomas Raap (BECO) Early life exposure to artificial light at night affects the physiological condition

B.015, 2/12

Bert Thys (BECO) The female perspective of personality variation in the great tit (Parus major)

Sandra Geiger (Leipzig University) It’s (not) all about feet – investigating equine and bovine distal limb biomechanics with XROMM


16/12: Zoology Conference

13/1: Research Day Faculty of Sciences


D.039, 27/1

Omid Ekrami (EVECO) Using high density meshes acquired from 3D scanners in the study of the adaptive value of masculinity and fluctuating asymmetry in human bodies and faces

Maaike Griffioen (BECO) Turn taking/conditional cooperation in Blue tits

D.039, 10/2

Amélie Chastagner (EVECO) The structuration of rat populations on the Faroe Islands

Sarah Brosnan (Georgia State University, USA) The evolution of (un)fairness

D.021, 24/2

Jiachen Sun (BECO) Retrospective examination of environmental stressors in European predatory birds

Joachim Marien (EVECO) Movement patterns and abundance of rodents in Lassa fever endemic villages in Guinea

D.039, 10/3

Menelia Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi (FM) Morphological and kinematical analysis of balance in lacertid lizards

Reinaldo  Marfull (GELIFES, RUG/NL) Begging signals in blue tits

B.008, 24/3

Jamie McLaren (FM) There and back again - examining the locomotor morphology of extinct perissodactyls

Bram vanden Broecke (EVECO) Can personality affect virus transmission?

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2015-16

6/nov (CDE) B.032          

Ana Antia Lopez (BECO) Identification and quantification of the effects of agricultural pesticides in the red legged partridge in Spain

Emina Šunje (FunMorph) Comparative biology of continuous Alpine populations of Salamandra atra atra with isolated, fragmented Dinaric populations of Salamandra atra prenjensis

20/nov (CGB) U.025      

Marielle Kaashoek (FunMorph) Zebrafinch orientation strategies & Seahorse: From fin to flow

Raïssa de Boer (BECO) 'Out of tune': The effects of inbreeding on bird song

4/dec (CDE) R.109          

David Costantini (BECO) Digging at oxidative stress’ roots: how early life experiences fine-tune the oxidative phenotype

David Lee (University of Nevada) Bipedal Walking Dynamics of Humans, Birds, and Machines

18/dec (CDE) B.032         Christmas Special

15/jan (CGB) U.025       

Nolwenn Fresneau (BECO) Parental food allocation and between sibling communication according to size hierarchy and hunger in blue tit broods

Alejandro Sotillo (TEREC UGhent) Modelling foraging distribution of Larus fuscus in a changing landscape

29/jan (CDE) B.032         

Anneleen Rutten (EVECO) Agricultural damage by wild boars in Flanders

Rui Diogo (Howard University) Evolutionary Developmental Pathological Anthropology: bringing together anatomy, human evolution, development, genetics, birth defects and medicine, with notes on external/environmental vs internal evolutionary forces

12/feb (CGB) U.025       

Marwa Kavelaars (BECO) Equality in investment: female and male nest attendance during incubation

Lisa Furu Baardsen (EVECO) Exploring nest arthropod communities and the effect of urbanization

26/feb (CDE) B.032        

Frederik Van de Perre (EVECO) The relationship between species diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific

Charlotte Van Moorleghem (FunMorph) The evolution and ecological role of chemical senses in lizards

11/mar (CGB) U.025      

Dries Van de Lock (EVECO/TEREC UGhent) On short term post-fledging survival in a tropical passerine

Simon Baeckens (FunMorph) Do environmental conditions shape the chemical signalling signature of lizards?


Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2014-15

7/nov (D.023 CDE)

Anke Vermeulen (ETHO) On the trade-off between immune activation and reproduction in female great tits

Diana Samuel (FM) The 'stick-ability' of tree- and torrent frogs

21/nov (U.025 CGB)

Thomas Raap (ETHO) Disruption of sleep behaviour by artificial light at night: an experimental study in free-living birds

Lieven Therry (KULeuven) Evolutionary ecology of a range expanding damselfly

5/dec (D.004 CDE)

Jana Goyens (FM) Extreme stag beetle weapons: an interaction between fight and locomotion performance

Benny Borremans (EvoEco) Scaling of contact rates with population density

19/dec (D.-105 CDE)

Christmas special

16/jan (CGB U.025)

Jamie Maclaren (FM) Locomotor morphology of a living fossil - using 3D morphometrics to investigate tapir limb osteology

Manrico Sebastiano (ETHO) Stress and herpes infections in the frigatebird (Fregata magnificens): an experimental evolutionary physiological approach

30/jan (CDE D.023)

Nicky Staes (ETHO/ZOO) The role of vasopressin receptor gene variation as a proximate mechanism for differences in sociability between bonobos and chimpanzees.

Dominic Cram (Cambridge University) Oxidative load-lightening: the costs of reproduction in a cooperatively breeding bird

6/feb CGB

Glenn Borgmans (FM) Assessing animal welfare for reptiles and amphibians in captivity. An in depth study on Green anoles

Raoul van Oosten (EvoEco) Host specificity in ticks

20/feb (CDE D.023)

Arne Iserbyt (ETHO) Sexually antagonistic selection in canaries not generated by testosterone-related intra-locus sexual conflict

Lisa Arvidsson (EvoEco) Individual variation in information sampling and information use

6/mar CGB



3/apr CDE D.004

Julia Myatt (University of Birmingham) Linking studies of behaviour, habitat and morphology: What can we learn?

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2013-14

The Seminars in Ecology and Evolution are a joined initiative of the research groups Functional Morphology, Evolutionary Ecology and Ethology. They primarily function as a platform for our PhD students to present their research, combined with invited speakers that work on topics related to their reserach projects. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Katleen Huyghe, Dieter Heylen, Diederik Strubbe, Raoul van Damme, or me.

CGB (U.025) 8  November    

Nina Dehnhard (ETHO) Potential consequences of climate change for  rockhopper penguins

Sophie Gryseels (EVO – ECO) Comparative phylogeography arenaviruses and their hosts  

CDE (D.023) 22 November         

Simon Baeckens (FunMorph) The Role of the Physical Environment in the Evolution of a Chemical Communication System - A Family-Wide Comparison of Femoral Pore Numbers in Lacertid Lizards

David Costantini (ETHO) Oxidative stress in evolutionary ecology

CGB (U.025) 6  December     

Carsten Lucass (ETHO) Co-adaptation of parental provisioning and offspring begging in a wild bird species, the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Luc  De Bruyn (Evo-Eco) The difficulties of vegetarians to find decent food

CDE (D-115) 20 December          

Christmas Special Lecture

CGB       10  January        

Frank Cezilly (France) Population biology and behavioural ecology of a tropical monogamous bird species, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita : phenotypic and genetic effects.

Nolwenn Fresneau (ETHO) Genetic and phenotypic mechanisms of begging in birds

CDE  (D.007)  24 January         

Morgan David (ETHO) Reproduction-related activities in the light of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis in wild great tits

Arvidsson Elisabeth (Evo-Eco)  Exploration in different contexts: Individual variation in spatial movement

CGB (U0.24) 7 February         

Tess Driessens (FunMorph)  Is the dewlap a signal for individual performance in Anolis sagrei?

Philippe Helsen (EVO-ECO) The power of genetics in conservation              

CDE (D.007)  21 February      

Raissa de Boer (ETHO) Condition-dependent expression of sexually selected traits in the canary

Strubbe Diederik (EVO-ECO)   Within-taxon niche structure and the conservation of phylogeographic lineages during biological invasions.

CGB (V.009) 7  March             

Maud Poisbleau (ETHO) Direct and indirect effects of temperatures on egg mass in rockhopper penguins

Raoul Van Oosten (Evo-Eco) Determinants of population structure and host specificity in the endophilic tick Ixodes arboricola

CDE (A0.36) 21 March            

Amandine Delory (ETHO) Study of the personality of captive stalings, Sturnus vulgaris

Michalis Vardakis (Evo-Eco) - Discrete choice modeling of natal dispersal: “Choosing” where to breed from a finite set of fragmented areas

CDE (D.007) 4 April

Susannah Thorpe (University of Birmingham) The Orangutan Enigma: ‘King of the Swingers’ or Morphologically and Ecologically Defunct?


Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2012-13

CDE         26 october          

Bart Adriaansen (Functional Morphology/UA)

Personality and life-history in the wild: exploring behavioural variation in brown trout

Raoul van Oosten (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

Population genetic structure of the tree-hole tick Ixodes arboricola

CGB       9  november 

Shelley Edwards (Functional Morphology/UA)

Adaptations of lacertid lizards to the southern African landscape                                         

Jonas Reijniers (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

A curve of thresholds governs plague epizootics in Central Asia

CDE        23 november      

Natalia Estramil (Ethology/UA)

An evolutionary ecological perspective on bird family life

Jana Goyens (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)       

Density thresholds for Mopeia virus invasion and persistence in its host Mastomys natalensis

 CGB       7  december       

Stefanie Lahaye (Ethology/UA)        

Hot or not: testosterone and female attractiveness

Nelika Hughes (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

Dangerous liaisons: the predation risks of receiving social signals

CDE         21 december     

Christmas Lecture

CGB        11  januari           

Jessica Vroonen (Functional Morphology/UA)

Seasonal and sexual effects on colouration and immunity in Podarcis siculus

Liesbeth De Neve (TEREC, UGent)

 Cooperative breeding strategies in a fragmented population of a tropical forest passerine

 CDE        25 januari            

Jonas Vergauwen (Ethology/UA)

Think outside the egg – integrating pre- and postnatal environmental effects

Benny Borremans  (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

Rodent contact rates and virus transmission

 CGB       8 februari 

Christophe Lebigre (Quantitative Conservation Biology Research team, UCL)

Measuring the indirect fitness benefits of male display in lekking species

Catherine Graham (Stony Brook University/USA)

Past processes and current spatial patterns in ecological communities

CDE         22 februari          

Anke Vermeulen (Ethology/UA)

The story of baseline immunity - great tit nestlings living along a pollution gradient

Dieter Heylen  (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

Transmission dynamics of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in a bird tick community

 CGB       8  maart                

Kristijn Swinnen (Evolutionary Ecology/UA)

Beavers (Castor fiber) in Falnders, why and how do we study them?

Stefania Casagrande (Ethology/UA)

Carotenoid based signals: a physiological perspective

CDE         22 maart            

Igor Eulaers (Ethology/UA)

Where to eat, and what to eat: implications for pollutant exposure

Lorenzo Perez Rodriguez

On feathers and fractals: a novel approach to complex colour traits

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2011-12


CDE         18  november

 Tess Driessens (UA Functional Morphology Group)

Do bats recognize predators?

Sophie Gryseels ( UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Landscape genetics of Mopeia virus and its host Mastomys natalensis

CGB        2  december       

Lina Moreno Azócar (University of Comahue ‹ARG›/UA Functional Morphology Group)

Trying to catch the sun: A comparative study of thermal biology and morphological adaptations in Liolaemus goetschi lizards from Patagonia

Thijs Van Overveld (UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Personality and natal dispersal in the great tit

CGB         16 december    

Robby Stoks (K.U. Leuven)

Evolution along latitudinal gradients in damselflies

CGB        6  januari          

Jonas Meheretu (UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Infection dynamics of Bartonella species in sympatric rodent population

Samantha Farrell (UA Ethology Group)

Sibling interaction and the evolution of body size: the role of indirect genetic effects

CDE         20 januari        

Egon Heiss (University of Vienna ‹AU›/UA Functional Morphology Group)

Fast and furious: Prey capture mechanisms in the Chinese giant salamander

Stuart Baird (CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources ‹P›)

Spatial genetics

CGB        3 februari          

Anna Dubiec (University of Warsaw ‹PL›)                  

Blood parasites and reproductive decisions in the blue tit

Joëlle Gouy de Bellocq  (UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Parasitism in the European house mouse hybrid zone

CDE         17 februari         


Alex Kobler (UA Ethology Group)

Habitat use, movement and growth rate of a small stream fish in relation to temperament traits and heterozygosity

Clara ten Broek (UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Fluctuating Asymmetry in Deceased Human Foetuses

CGB        2  maart             

Katleen Huyghe (UA Functional Morphology Group)

The lizard’s tail: size matters! Determinants of mating success in the common lizard

Raphael DeCock (INBO, Research Institute for Nature and Forest)

All about fireflies (Lampyridae)                     

CDE         16 maart           

 Hector Gutierrez (UA Ethology Group)

The Best of Great tits

Diederik Strubbe (UA Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Non-native birds in Europe: evidence for widespread climatic niche shifts during invasion 

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2010-11

CGB        5   november      

 Jonas Vergauwen (UA, Ethology Group)

Female canaries adjust hatching asynchrony via the deposition of yolk testosterone but not via incubation behaviour            

 Joel White (UA, Evolutionary Ecology group)

Sexually transmitted bacteria affect female cloacal assemblages in kittiwakes

 CDE         19  november     

Alain van Hout (UA, Ethology Group)

Song rate in European starlings: a non-visual sexual signal affected by carotenoids

Pablo Iraeta ( University of Madrid )

Altitudinal variation of life-history traits in two lizard populations: a possible example of countergradient variation

 CGB        3  december        

 Arne Iserbyt (UA, Evolutionary Ecology group)

Frequency-dependence in female polymorphic damselflies                                 

Igor Eulaers (UA, Ethology Group)

Feathers reveal toxicological and ecological properties of predatory birds

 CDE         17 december     

Christmas Glühwein edition           

CGB        21 januari           

Natalia Estramil (UA, Ethology Group)

Parent-offspring conflict in canaries: individual plasticity, genetic basis and co-adaptation                     

Peter Korsten ( University of Edinburgh )

Sexual conflict in Soay Sheep        

 CDE        4 februari            

Jeff VanCamp (UA, Ethology Group)

Signalling function of the dewlap in the green anole, Anolis carolinensis

Claudia Schmitt (UA, ECOBE)

Stimulated embryo production in freshwater snails as a consequence of exposition to xeno estrogens?

Cause – effect relationships and impacts on a field population

 CGB        18 februari         

Katrien Tersago (UA, Evolutionary Ecology group)                                      

Ecological modelling of Puumala hantavirus infection dynamics in reservoir host populations    

Job Aben (UA, Evolutionary Ecology Group)

Quantifying landscape connectivity from movement behaviour of forest birds                        

CDE         4  maart               

Judith Morales ( University of Vigo )                   

Information exchange in family conflicts

Jessica Vroonen (UA, Functional Morphology Group)

Background matching and sexual dichromatism in island populations of Podarcis melisellensis: preliminary results

 CGB        18 maart

Dries Bonte (Ghent University)

Dispersal in spatially structured landscapes: evolutionary mechanisms and consequences for (meta?)population persistence'                

Seminars in Ecology and Evolution 2009-10

20 November    

Diederik Strubbe “Distribution of ring-necked parakeets in Europe: a niche shift?”

Hector Rivera “Re-evaluating song repertoire plasticity in male great tits (Parus major)”

4 December     

Bieke Vanhooydonck "Dewlap diversity in Anolis lizards: a Bahamian  rhapsody"

Greet De Coster “Innate Immunity in the great Tit: Environmental, Age-Related and Temporal Variation”

18 December

Peter Aerts "The FunMorph X-mas recipe: a handful of adaptive puzzles with a pinch of ecology, tarred with a fun(ctional) dressing"


8 January

Alex Kobler “Intra-population heterogeneity in stream fish movement: is there a link to individual temperament?”

Simon Neerinckx  “Why is Plague where it is?”

22 January

Maud Poisbleau  “What about hormones in rockhopper penguin eggs?”

Dieter Heylen "Host specificity and transmission in the tick Ixodes arboricola”

5 February       

Evi van den Steen  

“Effects of a class of flame retardants (PBDEs) in songbirds”

Benny Borremans

“Flower, fly and bee co-evolution in South-African fynbos: the importance of flower visitors not predicted by floral syndromes”

19 February     

Stefi Lahaye

“Sexy fathers and maternal effects: Do female parrots invest more in the eggs of a preferred male?”

Joke Maes

“Selection on dispersion related traits in the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita)"

5 march           

Ann Geens

“Carotenoid supplementation in the great tit: does it influence metal pollution related oxidative stress?”

Jonas Reijniers 

“Modelling echolocation in bats "