Ketamine-induced uropathy : the detrimental effects of chronic ketamine abuse beyond the bladder: a case report with a brief literature review
Journal of Urological Surgery - ISSN 2148-9580-11:4 (2024) p. 235-239
Added value of postmortem mri in sudden unexpected infant death cases
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology - ISSN 1547-769X- (2024) p.
Hoe waarheidsgetrouw zijn verklaringen over middelengebruik in het rijgeschiktheidsonderzoek?
Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde - ISSN 0371-683X-3 (2024) p. 215-223
The complementarity of phosphatidylethanol in whole blood and ethyl glucuronide in hair as biomarkers for the monitoring of alcohol use
Drug testing and analysis - ISSN 1942-7603-16:4 (2024) p. 398-405
Air bubble artifact : why postmortem brain MRI should always be combined with postmortem CT
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology - ISSN 1547-769X-20 (2024) p. 174-177